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Created November 24, 2014 21:03
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replacement code for Playground's ControlSensorsViewController.m
// ControlSensorsViewController.m
// playground
// Created by Kevin Liang on 11/18/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Wonder Workshop. All rights reserved.
// Modified by Martin Bruner 11/24/14
// Added state machine code for sound following
#import "ControlSensorsViewController.h"
@interface ControlSensorsViewController ()
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSTimer *refreshDataTimer;
- (void) refreshSensorData:(NSTimer *)timer;
- (void)ProcessSensorData:(WWSensorSet *)sensorData;
- (void)sendMoveCommandToDash:(double)lin withAngle:(double)angle;
- (void)earColorRed;
- (void)earColorGreen;
- (void)earColorBlue;
#define RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(radians) ((radians) * (180.0 / M_PI))
@implementation ControlSensorsViewController
// used to see frame by frame
// audio data
#define DEBUG_NLOGS false
// Frame interval
float delay = .03;
// I use this to disable moving so I can
// run tests with Dash on my desk
bool enableMove = true;
// The different states for the state machine
enum stateDash { listenForSound, moveToSound, moveAwayFromObstacle};
// We will start out listening for a sound
enum stateDash currentState = listenForSound;
// This is my counter for the number of frames to
// move Dash
int timerInState=0;
// This is my max counter value
const int maxTimeInState = 33;
// I use this for ramping up and
// slowing down, preserving any
// angle.
double endingLinearVelocity;
double savedAngle;
// Method earColorBlue. Turns ears Blue
- (void)earColorBlue{
WWCommandSet *cmd = [WWCommandSet new];
[cmd setLeftEarLight:[[WWCommandLightRGB alloc] initWithRed:WW_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_MIN green:WW_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_MIN blue:WW_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_MAX]];
[cmd setRightEarLight:[[WWCommandLightRGB alloc] initWithRed:WW_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_MIN green:WW_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_MIN blue:WW_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_MAX]];
[self sendCommandSetToRobots:cmd];
// Method earColorRed. Turns ears red
- (void)earColorRed{
WWCommandSet *cmd = [WWCommandSet new];
[cmd setLeftEarLight:[[WWCommandLightRGB alloc] initWithRed:WW_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_MAX green:WW_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_MIN blue:WW_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_MIN]];
[cmd setRightEarLight:[[WWCommandLightRGB alloc] initWithRed:WW_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_MAX green:WW_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_MIN blue:WW_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_MIN]];
[self sendCommandSetToRobots:cmd];
// Method earColorGreen. Turns ears Green
- (void)earColorGreen{
WWCommandSet *cmd = [WWCommandSet new];
[cmd setLeftEarLight:[[WWCommandLightRGB alloc] initWithRed:WW_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_MIN green:WW_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_MAX blue:WW_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_MIN]];
[cmd setRightEarLight:[[WWCommandLightRGB alloc] initWithRed:WW_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_MIN green:WW_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_MAX blue:WW_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_MIN]];
[self sendCommandSetToRobots:cmd];
// This method moves Dash. I wanted to encapsulate this method so
// I could provide disabling and logging.
-(void)sendMoveCommandToDash:(double)lin withAngle:(double)angle{
NSLog( @"Move command lin:'%@' angle:'%@' ", [[NSNumber numberWithFloat:lin] stringValue],[[NSNumber numberWithFloat:angle] stringValue]);
WWCommandSet *cmdToSend = [WWCommandSet new];
WWCommandBodyLinearAngular *linAng = [[WWCommandBodyLinearAngular alloc] initWithLinear:lin
[cmdToSend setBodyLinearAngular:linAng];
[self sendCommandSetToRobots:cmdToSend];
// This method is a state machine that uses the sensorData to move Dash around based upon
// detected sound and obstacles.
- (void)ProcessSensorData:(WWSensorSet *)sensorData{
// Pull out sensor data
WWSensorMicrophone *SMic = (WWSensorMicrophone *)[sensorData sensorForIndex:WW_SENSOR_MICROPHONE];
WWSensorDistance *SDistFLF = (WWSensorDistance *)[sensorData sensorForIndex:WW_SENSOR_DISTANCE_FRONT_RIGHT_FACING];
WWSensorDistance *SDistFRF = (WWSensorDistance *)[sensorData sensorForIndex:WW_SENSOR_DISTANCE_FRONT_LEFT_FACING];
// see if we are being blocked. This preempts any other operation.
// My son might be wrestling with Dash...
if((SDistFLF.reflectance> 15.0)||(SDistFRF.reflectance > 15.0))
// Turn ears blue
[self earColorBlue];
// Get dash to slowly move away.
double lin = -10;
double ang =0;
[self sendMoveCommandToDash:lin withAngle:ang];
currentState = moveAwayFromObstacle;
NSLog(@"Change state moveAwayFromObstacle");
timerInState = 0;
double lin=0;
double ang=0;
// If we get to this case, then we were pulling away from an obstacle, but we are now
// far enough away.
case moveAwayFromObstacle:
NSLog(@"Change state listenForSound");
currentState = listenForSound;
timerInState = 0;
[self sendMoveCommandToDash:0 withAngle:0];
// here we stay until we find a valid sound and direction
case listenForSound:
// Right now Dash reports a triangulationAngle of zero if he can't calculate a good angle.
// So I ensure that I ignore triangulationAngle==0 (hey how often will a real 0 happen?)
if((SMic.triangulationAngle != 0)&&(SMic.amplitude > 0.0002))
// We heard a good sound so color ears green
[self earColorGreen];
// if within the "visual angle" of Dash, move towards sound.
if((SMic.triangulationAngle < M_PI/4 )&&(SMic.triangulationAngle > -M_PI/4)){
lin = 10; // start in a slower speed
// This variable is used for slow ramp ups and down
endingLinearVelocity = lin;
// Right now I have found that detected triangulationAngle/2
// works pretty well for a one second movement
ang = SMic.triangulationAngle*0.75;
// Preserve rotation angle for ramp ups and downs
savedAngle = ang;
timerInState = 0;
// Change state
currentState = moveToSound;
NSLog(@"Change state moveToSound");
// Move Dash (start linear motion slow if exists)
[self sendMoveCommandToDash:lin withAngle:ang];
// We didn't hear a good sound, so color the ears red
[self earColorRed];
// If we are moving, move for only 33 frames (about 1 second).
// I probably should break this state up into smaller states,
// I am attempting to create a smoother start and stop for
// the linear motion....
case moveToSound:
// This keeps track of how far we are into the movement
// This is a situation where we just started.
// if we are also doing linear motion, bump it up to full
// speed
if((timerInState == 1)&&(endingLinearVelocity==10)){
ang = savedAngle;
[self sendMoveCommandToDash:lin withAngle:ang];
// Here we are almost finished with the movment.
// If we are doing linear motion then first slow down
if ((timerInState==maxTimeInState)&&(endingLinearVelocity==10)) {
ang = savedAngle;
[self sendMoveCommandToDash:lin withAngle:ang];
// Fully stop Dash and listen for next sound
if (timerInState>maxTimeInState) {
ang = 0;
[self sendMoveCommandToDash:lin withAngle:ang];
currentState = listenForSound;
NSLog(@"Change state listenForSound");
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
self.dataTableView.rowHeight = 200;
- (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
self.refreshDataTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:delay target:self selector:@selector(refreshSensorData:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
- (void) viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillDisappear:animated];
[self.refreshDataTimer invalidate];
- (void) refreshSensorData:(NSTimer *)timer {
[self.dataTableView reloadData];
# pragma mark - table view
- (NSInteger) numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView {
return 1;
- (NSInteger) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section {
return self.connectedRobots.count;
- (UITableViewCell *) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"DataCell" forIndexPath:indexPath];
WWRobot *robot = (WWRobot *)self.connectedRobots[indexPath.row];
WWSensorSet *sensorData = robot.history.currentState;
NSMutableString *detail = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:2000];
[detail appendFormat:@"Name: %@\n",];
WWSensorButton *SButtonMain = (WWSensorButton *)[sensorData sensorForIndex:WW_SENSOR_BUTTON_MAIN];
WWSensorButton *SButtonOne = (WWSensorButton *)[sensorData sensorForIndex:WW_SENSOR_BUTTON_1];
WWSensorButton *SButtonTwo = (WWSensorButton *)[sensorData sensorForIndex:WW_SENSOR_BUTTON_2];
WWSensorButton *SButtonThree = (WWSensorButton *)[sensorData sensorForIndex:WW_SENSOR_BUTTON_3];
[detail appendFormat:@"Btn Main: %@, ", SButtonMain.isPressed? @"true": @"false"];
[detail appendFormat:@"Btn 1: %@, ", SButtonOne.isPressed? @"true": @"false"];
[detail appendFormat:@"Btn 2: %@, ", SButtonTwo.isPressed? @"true": @"false"];
[detail appendFormat:@"Btn 3: %@", SButtonThree.isPressed? @"true": @"false"];
[detail appendFormat:@"\n"];
WWSensorAccelerometer *SAcc = (WWSensorAccelerometer *)[sensorData sensorForIndex:WW_SENSOR_ACCELEROMETER];
[detail appendString:@"Accel: "];
[detail appendFormat:@"X: %3.2f, ", SAcc ? SAcc.x : NAN];
[detail appendFormat:@"Y: %3.2f, ", SAcc ? SAcc.y : NAN];
[detail appendFormat:@"Z: %3.2f", SAcc ? SAcc.z : NAN];
[detail appendFormat:@"\n"];
// Microphone sensor
WWSensorMicrophone *SMic = (WWSensorMicrophone *)[sensorData sensorForIndex:WW_SENSOR_MICROPHONE];
[detail appendFormat:@"Microphone: "];
[detail appendFormat:@"Amplitude: %03f, ", SMic ? SMic.amplitude : NAN];
[detail appendFormat:@"Angle: %3.2f degrees", RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(SMic ? SMic.triangulationAngle : NAN)];
[detail appendFormat:@"\n"];
#if DEBUG_NLOGS == true
if (SMic) {
NSString *message = [[NSNumber numberWithFloat:SMic.amplitude] stringValue];
NSLog( @"SMic.amplitude: '%@'", message );
message = [[NSNumber numberWithFloat:SMic.triangulationAngle] stringValue];
NSLog( @"SMic.triangulationAngle: '%@'", message );
message = [[NSNumber numberWithFloat:SAcc.x] stringValue];
NSLog( @"SAcc.x: '%@'", message );
NSString *message = @"No Data";
NSLog( @"Sorry: '%@'", message );
if (robot.robotType == WW_ROBOT_DASH) {
//distance sensors
WWSensorDistance *SDistFLF = (WWSensorDistance *)[sensorData sensorForIndex:WW_SENSOR_DISTANCE_FRONT_RIGHT_FACING];
WWSensorDistance *SDistFRF = (WWSensorDistance *)[sensorData sensorForIndex:WW_SENSOR_DISTANCE_FRONT_LEFT_FACING];
WWSensorDistance *SDistRRF = (WWSensorDistance *)[sensorData sensorForIndex:WW_SENSOR_DISTANCE_BACK];
[detail appendFormat:@"Distance: "];
[detail appendFormat:@"Left-Facing: %2.2f, ", SDistFLF ? SDistFLF.reflectance : NAN];
[detail appendFormat:@"Dist Right-Facing: %2.2f, ", SDistFRF ? SDistFRF.reflectance : NAN];
[detail appendFormat:@"Dist Tail: %2.2f", SDistRRF ? SDistRRF.reflectance : NAN];
[detail appendFormat:@"\n"];
WWSensorGyroscope *SGyro = (WWSensorGyroscope *)[sensorData sensorForIndex:WW_SENSOR_GYROSCOPE];
[detail appendString:@"Gyro: "];
[detail appendFormat:@"yaw: %3.2f, ", SGyro ? SGyro.yaw : NAN];
[detail appendFormat:@"pitch: %3.2f, ", SGyro ? SGyro.pitch : NAN];
[detail appendFormat:@"roll: %3.2f", SGyro ? SGyro.roll : NAN];
[detail appendFormat:@"\n"];
WWSensorHeadPosition *SMotorServoHeadPan = (WWSensorHeadPosition *)[sensorData sensorForIndex:WW_SENSOR_HEAD_POSITION_PAN];
WWSensorHeadPosition *SMotorServoHeadTilt = (WWSensorHeadPosition *)[sensorData sensorForIndex:WW_SENSOR_HEAD_POSITION_TILT];
[detail appendString:@"Head: "];
[detail appendFormat:@"Pan: %3.2f degrees, ", RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(SMotorServoHeadPan ? SMotorServoHeadPan.radians : NAN)];
[detail appendFormat:@"Tilt: %3.2f degrees", RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(SMotorServoHeadTilt ? SMotorServoHeadTilt.radians : NAN)];
[detail appendFormat:@"\n"];
WWSensorEncoder *SEncoderLW = (WWSensorEncoder *)[sensorData sensorForIndex:WW_SENSOR_ENCODER_LEFT_WHEEL];
WWSensorEncoder *SEncoderRW = (WWSensorEncoder *)[sensorData sensorForIndex:WW_SENSOR_ENCODER_RIGHT_WHEEL];
[detail appendString:@"Encoder: "];
[detail appendFormat:@"Left: %4.2f cm, ", SEncoderLW? SEncoderLW.distance: NAN];
[detail appendFormat:@"Right: %4.2f cm", SEncoderLW? SEncoderRW.distance: NAN];
[detail appendFormat:@"\n"];
// Here is my hook for the sound following state machine.
[self ProcessSensorData:sensorData];
cell.textLabel.text = detail;
//[cell.textLabel sizeToFit];
return cell;
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
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