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Last active October 23, 2020 20:41
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clojure / parallel-let
(defn remote-req [result]
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(defmacro plet [bindings & body]
(let [bents (partition 2 (destructure bindings))
smap (into {} (map (fn [[b _]]
[b `(deref ~b)])
bindings (vec (mapcat (fn [[b v]]
[b `(future ~(postwalk-replace smap v))])
`(let ~bindings
~@(postwalk-replace smap body))))
(let [{:keys [a]} (remote-req {:a 1 :x 2})
b (remote-req 1)
c (+ a b)
d (remote-req 1)
e (remote-req 1)
f (+ d e)]
(+ c f)))
;; "Elapsed time: 4007.60237 msecs"
(plet [{:keys [a]} (remote-req {:a 1 :x 2})
b (remote-req 1)
c (+ a b)
d (remote-req 1)
e (remote-req 1)
f (+ d e)]
(+ c f)))
;; "Elapsed time: 1003.733416 msecs"
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