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Last active October 22, 2019 12:12
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clojure / make-mock
(defmacro with-mock [vr & body]
`(with-redefs [~vr (with-meta
(fn [& ~'args] (swap! (-> ~vr meta :args) conj ~'args))
{:args (atom [])})]
(do ~@body)))
(defmacro make-mock
([m] `(make-mock ~m nil))
([m stub]
(fn [& ~'args]
(swap! (-> ~m meta :args) conj ~'args)
; If stub is a function, execute it
(if (fn? ~stub)
(apply ~stub ~'args)
{:args (atom [])})))
(defn gen-redefs [[m stub & spec]]
[m `(make-mock ~m ~stub)]
(when spec
(gen-redefs spec))))
(defn calls [m] @(-> m meta :args))
(defn last-call [m] (last (calls m)))
(defn called? [m] (not-empty (calls m)))
(defn call-count [m] (-> m calls count))
(defn reset-calls! [m] (reset! (:args (meta m)) []))
(defmacro with-mock [specs & body]
`(with-redefs ~(gen-redefs specs)
(do ~@body)))
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