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Created July 19, 2017 03:17
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defmodule NumberToWord do
@spec say(integer) :: String.t
def say(n), do: n |> say_io() |> IO.iodata_to_binary()
@spec say_io(integer) :: iodata
def say_io(1), do: "one"
def say_io(2), do: "two"
def say_io(3), do: "three"
def say_io(4), do: "four"
def say_io(5), do: "five"
def say_io(6), do: "six"
def say_io(7), do: "seven"
def say_io(8), do: "eight"
def say_io(9), do: "nine"
def say_io(10), do: "ten"
def say_io(11), do: "eleven"
def say_io(12), do: "twelve"
def say_io(13), do: "thirteen"
def say_io(14), do: "fourteen"
def say_io(15), do: "fifteen"
def say_io(16), do: "sixteen"
def say_io(17), do: "seventeen"
def say_io(18), do: "eighteen"
def say_io(19), do: "nineteen"
def say_io(20), do: "twenty"
def say_io(30), do: "thirty"
def say_io(40), do: "forty"
def say_io(50), do: "fifty"
def say_io(60), do: "sixty"
def say_io(70), do: "seventy"
def say_io(80), do: "eighty"
def say_io(90), do: "ninety"
def say_io(n) when n < 100 do
tens = div(n, 10) * 10
remainder = rem(n, 10)
format(tens, "", " ", remainder)
def say_io(n) when n < 1000 do
hundreds = div(n, 100)
remainder = rem(n, 100)
format(hundreds, " hundred", separator(remainder), remainder)
~w[thousand million billion trillion quadrillion quintillion sextillion septillion octillion nonillion decillion]
|>, fn acc -> {acc, acc * 1000} end))
|> Enum.each(fn {suffix, m} ->
def say_io(n) when n < (unquote(m) * 1000) do
number = div(n, unquote(m))
remainder = rem(n, unquote(m))
format(number, " " <> unquote(suffix), separator(remainder), remainder)
@spec separator(integer) :: String.t
def separator(remainder) when remainder < 100, do: " and "
def separator(_remainder), do: ", "
@spec format(integer, String.t, String.t, integer) :: iodata
def format(number, illion, _separator, 0), do: [say_io(number) | illion]
def format(number, illion, separator, remainder), do: [say_io(number), illion, separator | say_io(remainder)]
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