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Last active February 24, 2019 12:51
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namespace System {
// Little-Endian based approaches most likely do not work on big-endian hardware.
// Code based on examples found in
// Bit Twiddling hacks:
// Chess programming wiki:
public static class Bits
public static int PopCount(ulong value)
// Use a SWAR technique to count the population in parrallel.
// I have no idea about naming these constants.
const ulong k1 = ~0ul / 3;
const ulong k2 = ~0ul / 5;
const ulong k4 = ~0ul / 17;
const ulong kf = ~0ul / 255;
value = value - ((value >> 1) & k1);
value = (value & k2) + ((value >> 2) & k2);
value = (value + (value >> 4)) & k4;
value = (value * kf) >> 56; //
return (int) value;
public static int PopCount(long value) => PopCount((ulong) value);
// these might be faster due to the cheaper opcode encoding of constants.
public static int PopCount(uint value)
const uint k1 = ~0u / 3;
const uint k2 = ~0u / 5;
const uint k4 = ~0u / 17;
const uint kf = ~0u / 255;
value = value - ((value >> 1) & k1);
value = (value & k2) + ((value >> 2) & k2);
value = (value + (value >> 4)) & k4;
value = (value * kf) >> 24;
return (int) value;
public static int PopCount(int value) => PopCount((uint) value);
// CoreCLR optimizes these rotations into rol/ror opcodes:
// See CoreCLR#1830
public static ulong RotateLeft(ulong value, int offset)
return (value << (offset & 63)) | (value >> ((64 - offset) & 63));
public static ulong RotateLeft(uint value, int offset)
return (value << (offset & 31)) | (value >> ((32 - offset) & 31));
public static ulong RotateRight(ulong value, int offset)
return (value >> (offset & 63)) | (value << ((64 - offset) & 63));
public static ulong RotateRight(uint value, int offset)
return (value >> (offset & 31)) | (value << ((32 - offset) & 31));
// How this works::
// In the count trailing zeros function we perform least significant bit (lsb) isolation.
// Doing so we take our long value and convert it into something like (2^N), where n is the lsb.
// Multiplying anything by an integer than only has the n-th bit set is equivalent to
// a left shift by n. This constant represents 64 overlapping 6 bit sequences (0-63) which are
// accessible by shifting, and then extracting the highest byte in the word. These unique values
// essentially allow us to treat this as a minimal perfect hash into the table below to look up
// the bit positions.
// We don't use traditional lsb isolation (x & (x-1)) which just has the n-th bit set, but a form
// that sets all lower bits as well. Thus we now have 2*(2^N)-1. For the most part this just means
// we have to increase the value we right shift by one (e.g. instead of shifting by 57 we shift by 58).
// This form is slightly faster on intel core architecture.
// THe other reason to do this, is that we can reuse the same const and table for count leading zeroes.
private const ulong Debruijn64 = 0x03F79D71B4CB0A89UL;
private static readonly int[] Debruijn64Table =
0, 47, 1, 56, 48, 27, 2, 60,
57, 49, 41, 37, 28, 16, 3, 61,
54, 58, 35, 52, 50, 42, 21, 44,
38, 32, 29, 23, 17, 11, 4, 62,
46, 55, 26, 59, 40, 36, 15, 53,
34, 51, 20, 43, 31, 22, 10, 45,
25, 39, 14, 33, 19, 30, 9, 24,
13, 18, 8, 12, 7, 6, 5, 63
private const uint Debruijn32 = 0x07C4ACDDU;
private static readonly int[] Debruijn32Table =
0, 9, 1, 10, 13, 21, 2, 29,
11, 14, 16, 18, 22, 25, 3, 30,
8, 12, 20, 28, 15, 17, 24, 7,
19, 27, 23, 6, 26, 5, 4, 31
// BitScanReverse/BitScanForward could be an interesting compliment to these methods as we then would not need
// this ^ 63 or the check against zero (bitscans are undefined on zero).
public static int CountLeadingZeroes(ulong value)
if (value == 0) return 64;
value |= value >> 1;
value |= value >> 2;
value |= value >> 4;
value |= value >> 8;
value |= value >> 16;
value |= value >> 32;
return Debruijn64Table[(value * Debruijn64) >> 58] ^ 63;
public static int CountLeadingZeroes(long value) => CountLeadingZeroes((ulong) value);
public static int CountLeadingZeroes(uint value)
if (value == 0) return 32;
value |= value >> 1;
value |= value >> 2;
value |= value >> 4;
value |= value >> 8;
value |= value >> 16;
return Debruijn32Table[(value * Debruijn32) >> 27] ^ 31;
public static int CountLeadingZeroes(int value) => CountLeadingZeroes((uint) value);
public static int CountTrailingZeroes(ulong value)
if (value == 0) return 64;
return Debruijn64Table[((value ^ (value - 1)) * Debruijn64) >> 58];
public static int CountTrailingZeroes(long value) => CountTrailingZeroes((ulong) value);
public static int CountTrailingZeroes(uint value)
if (value == 0) return 32;
return Debruijn32Table[((value ^ (value - 1)) * Debruijn32) >> 27];
public static int CountTrailingZeroes(int value) => CountTrailingZeroes((uint) value);
public static bool ReadBit(ulong value, int offset)
return (value & (1ul << offset)) != 0;
public static bool ReadBit(long value, int offset) => ReadBit((ulong) value, offset);
public static bool ReadBit(uint value, int offset)
return (value & (1u << offset)) != 0;
public static bool ReadBit(int value, int offset) => ReadBit((uint) value, offset);
public static ulong WriteBit(ulong value, int offset, bool toSet)
return (value & ~(0x1ul << offset)) | ((toSet ? 1ul : 0ul) << offset);
public static long WriteBit(long value, int offset, bool toSet) => (long) WriteBit((ulong) value, offset, toSet);
public static uint WriteBit(uint value, int offset, bool toSet)
return (value & ~(0x1u << offset)) | ((toSet ? 1u : 0u) << offset);
public static int WriteBit(int value, int offset, bool toSet) => (int) WriteBit((uint) value, offset, toSet);
public static byte ReadByte(ulong value, int offset)
return (byte) ((value & (0xFFul << (offset * 8))) >> (offset * 8));
public static byte ReadByte(long value, int offset) => ReadByte((ulong) value, offset);
public static byte ReadByte(uint value, int offset)
return (byte) ((value & (0xFFu << (offset * 8))) >> (offset * 8));
public static byte ReadByte(int value, int offset) => ReadByte((uint) value, offset);
public static short ReadInt16(ulong value, int offset)
return (short) ((value & (0xFFFFul << (offset * 16))) >> (offset * 16));
public static short ReadInt16(long value, int offset) => ReadInt16((ulong) value, offset);
public static short ReadInt16(uint value, int offset)
return (short) ((value & (0xFFFFu << (offset * 16))) >> (offset * 16));
public static short ReadInt16(int value, int offset) => ReadInt16((uint) value, offset);
public static int ReadInt32(ulong value, int offset)
return (int) ((value & (~0u << (offset * 32))) >> (offset * 32));
public static int ReadInt32(long value, int offset) => ReadInt32((ulong) value, offset);
public static ulong WriteByte(ulong value, int offset, byte toSet)
return (value & ~(0xFFul << (offset * 8))) | ((ulong) toSet << (offset * 8));
public static long WriteByte(long value, int offset, byte toSet)
=> (long) WriteByte((ulong) value, offset, toSet);
public static uint WriteByte(uint value, int offset, byte toSet)
return (value & ~(0xFFu << (offset * 8))) | ((uint) toSet << (offset * 8));
public static int WriteByte(int value, int offset, byte toSet) => (int) WriteByte((uint) value, offset, toSet);
// sign extension is the devil and screws this all up.
// Essentially, when converting a smaller signed type to ulong, the highest bit is extended to
// the remaining bits. For a positive value this works as expected, but for negative number
// this has the unexpected result of setting all the higher bits, thus using something like
// setInt16(value,0,unchecked((short)0x8000)) will result setting the value to 0xFFFFFFFFFF8000
// to fix this we first convert to the unsigned of the same type.
public static ulong WriteInt16(ulong value, int offset, short toSet)
return (value & ~(0xFFFFul << (offset * 16))) | ((ulong) (ushort) toSet << (offset * 16));
public static long WriteInt16(long value, int offset, short toSet)
=> (long) WriteInt16((ulong) value, offset, toSet);
public static uint WriteInt16(uint value, int offset, short toSet)
return (value & ~(0xFFFFu << (offset * 16))) | ((uint) (ushort) toSet << (offset * 16));
public static int WriteInt16(int value, int offset, short toSet)
=> (int) WriteInt16((uint) value, offset, toSet);
public static ulong WriteInt32(ulong value, int offset, int toSet)
return (value & ~(0xFFFFFFFFul << (offset * 32))) | ((ulong) (uint) toSet << (offset * 32));
public static long WriteInt32(long value, int offset, int toSet)
=> (long) WriteInt32((ulong) value, offset, toSet);
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