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Last active September 19, 2020 15:58
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Item Name Count
SkillBook_Alchemy 1
SkillBook_Dispelling 1
SkillBook_Blacksmithing 1
SkillBook_DetectHidden 1
SkillBook_Persuasion 1
SkillBook_Lockpicking 1
SkillBook_Mercantile 1
SkillBook_Sagecraft 1
Assassin's Aegis 1
Mysterious claw 1
Jottun War Beads 1
Vasil's War Boots 1
Smith's Hardened Gloves 1
Varani Frosthelm 1
Legplates of Kronash 1
Hauberk of the Tormentor 1
Earthgavel 1
Sylvan Order 1
The Viper's Fangs 1
Vengal's Vengeance 1
Traveler's Band 1
Eye of Amman 1
QuestItem_SQ07_Ravensfeet 1
TMP_M1_Book_AGnomeAndHisPet 1
TMP_M1_Book_TheWickedWarden 1
Buru's Boots 1
QuestItem_HM01_SignetRing 1
QuestReward_KV23_Helmet 1
The Master's Key 1
Fine A Cursed Helm 1
Helm of Bolgans' Bane [L:16] 1
Gauntlets of Bolgans' Bane [L:16] 1
Cuirass of Bolgans' Bane [L:16] 1
Chausses of Bolgans' Bane [L:16] 1
Greaves of Bolgans' Bane [L:16] 1
Helm of Hideous Visage [L:25] 1
Ceremonial Greaves 1
Belen's Greaves 1
Thrydon's Greaves of War 1
Greaves of the Legion 1
Greaves of the Martyr 1
Greaves of Helius [L:20] 1
Greaves of Har'bah 1
Corthian Greaves 1
Greaves of the Faehunter 1
Greaves of the Crucible 1
Gaea's Greaves 1
Kerrod's Greaves 1
Eagonn's Greaves 1
Retribution's Greaves [L:30] 1
Blazoned Boots [L:11] 1
Ceremonial Gauntlets 1
Belen's Gauntlets 1
Thyrdon's Gauntlets of War 1
Gauntlets of the Legion 1
Gauntlets of the Martyr 1
Gauntlets of Helius [L:20] 1
Lewys Tun's Gauntlets 1
Corthian Gauntlets 1
Gauntlets of the Faehunter 1
Gauntlets of the Crucible 1
Gaea's Gauntlets 1
Kerrod's Gauntlets 1
Eagonn's Gauntlets 1
Reprisal's Gauntlets [L:30] 1
Auspice Gauntlets [L:11] 1
Ceremonial Helm 1
Belen's Helm 1
Thyrdon's Helm of War 1
Helm of the Legion 1
Helm of the Martyr 1
Helm of Helius [L:20] 1
Helm of Ward Rede 1
Corthian Helm 1
Helm of the Faehunter 1
Helm of the Crucible 1
Gaea's Helm 1
Kerrod's Helm 1
Eagonn's Crested Helm 1
Wrath's Helm [L:30] 1
Stern Helm [L:4] 1
Ceremonial Chausses 1
Belen's Chausses 1
Thyrdon's Chausses of War 1
Chausses of the Legion 1
Chausses of the Martyr 1
Chausses of Helius [L:20] 1
Chausses of Rell-Suggs 1
Corthian Chausses 1
Chausses of the Faehunter 1
Chausses of the Crucible 1
Gaea's Chausses 1
Kerrod's Chausses 1
Eagonn's Chausses 1
Vindication's Chausses [L:30] 1
Dauntless Chausses [L:8] 1
Ceremonial Cuirass 1
Belen's Cuirass 1
Thyrdon's Cuirass of War 1
Cuirass of the Legion 1
Cuirass of the Martyr 1
Cuirass of Helius [L:20] 1
Cuirass of N'gatan 1
Corthian Cuirass 1
Cuirass of the Faehunter 1
Cuirass of Crucible 1
Gaea's Cuirass 1
Kerrod's Cuirass 1
Eagonn's Cuirass 1
Vengeance's Cuirass [L:30] 1
Seeker's Plate [L:8] 1
Perfidious Boots 1
Mercenary's Boots 1
Captain's Boots 1
Vekreth's Boots 1
Boots of the Wanderer 1
Shadowskin Boots [L:15] 1
Boots of the Zodiac 1
Boots of Justice 1
Magnon's Boots 1
Boots of the Ascendant 1
White Palm Boots 1
Lunala's Boots 1
Perfidious Gloves 1
Mercenary's Gloves 1
Captain's Gloves 1
Vekreth's Gloves 1
Gloves of the Wanderer 1
Shadowskin Gloves [L:15] 1
Gloves of Ozzie 1
Gloves of Justice 1
Magnon's Gloves 1
Gloves of the Ascendant 1
White Palm Gloves 1
Lunala's Gloves 1
Perfidious Cap 1
Mercenary's Cap 1
Captain's Fine Cap 1
Vekreth's Cap 1
Cap of the Wanderer 1
Shadowskin Cowl [L:15] 1
Cap of Proletary 1
Cap of Justice 1
Magnon's Cap 1
Cap of the Ascendant 1
White Palm Hood 1
Lunala's Cap 1
Perfidious Leggings 1
Mercenary's Leggings 1
Captain's Leggings 1
Vekreth's Leggings 1
Leggings of the Wanderer 1
Shadowskin Leggings [L:15] 1
Leggings of Beacons 1
Leggings of Justice 1
Magnon's Leggings 1
Leggings of the Ascendant 1
White Palm Leggings 1
Lunala's Leggings 1
Perfidious Armor 1
Mercenary's Armor 1
Captain's Armor 1
Vekreth's Armor 1
Armor of the Wanderer 1
Shadowskin Vest [L:15] 1
Brewmaster's Harness 1
Armor of Justice 1
Magnon's Armor 1
Armor of the Ascendant 1
White Palm Armor 1
Lunala's Armor 1
Frostweave Shoes 1
Lyria's Shoes 1
Vraekor's Shoes 1
Harbinger's Shoes 1
Arcanist's Shoes 1
Lachlan's Shoes 1
Shoes of Seasons 1
Aryllia's Shoes 1
Enke's Shoes 1
Shoes of the Divine Grasp 1
House of Ballads Slippers [L:5] 1
Sandals of Sorrow [L:16] 1
Frostweave Handwraps 1
Lyria's Handwraps 1
Vraekor's Handwraps 1
Harbinger's Handwraps 1
Arcanist's Handwraps 1
Lachlan's Handwraps 1
Handwraps of Seasons 1
Aryllia's Handwraps 1
Enke's Handwraps 1
Handwraps of the Divine Grasp 1
House of Ballads Gloves [L:5] 1
Gloves of Sorrow [L:16] 1
Frostweave Cowl 1
Lyria's Cowl 1
Vraekor's Cowl 1
Harbinger's Cowl 1
Arcanist's Cowl 1
Lachlan's Cowl [L:25] 1
Cowl of Seasons 1
Aryllia's Cowl 1
Enke's Cowl 1
Cowl of the Divine Grasp 1
House of Ballads Hood [L:5] 1
Cowl of Sorrows [L:16] 1
Frostweave Robes 1
Lyria's Robes 1
Vraekor's Robes 1
Harbinger's Vestments 1
Arcanist's Robe 1
Lachlan's Robe 1
Robe of Seasons 1
Aryllia's Robe 1
Enke's Robe 1
Robe of the Divine Grasp 1
House of Ballads Robes [L:5] 1
Robes of Sorrow [L:16] 1
Codex of Destiny 1
Frostbite 1
Key to Hunter's Pit 1
SkillBook_Stealth 1
Sinister 1
Kezar's Vice 1
Wrathful 1
Frostblade 1
Bloodhunter 1
Almain Cutlass 1
Flameblade 1
Bastion 1
Stormblade 1
Ferox 1
Warnir's Reward 1
Cessblade 1
Piercing Rapier 1
Fervor 1
Dragonfang 1
Hellbane [L:11] 1
Daybreaker 1
Haldebier's Blade [L:11] 1
Fortune 1
Stormbrand 1
Luxuria 1
Lifedrinker 1
Gerstotad 1
Scourgebane 1
Scathe 1
Thintri's Malus 1
Boltrsledge 1
Fjarell 1
Corthian Mallet 1
Heart of Ember 1
The Ouranos Maul 1
Ward of the North 1
Fist of Kreios 1
Legacy's End 1
Nearth's Hammer [L:32] 1
Mystic Hammer [L:23] 1
Breath of Vraekor 1
Merciless 1
Keloren's Messenger 1
Hailstorm 1
Stormcaller 1
Bow of D'nargel 1
Nature's Kiss 1
Helius' Aim 1
Lunala's Sight 1
Sin [L:23] 1
Shadow Stalker 1
The Shark's Fins 1
The Dragon's Spurs 1
The Salamander's Tail 1
The Mantis' Legs 1
The Dove's Wings 1
The Lion's Claws 1
Faeblades of Song [L:5] 1
Spinning Tom's Blades 1
Claws of Astyl 1
Fangs of Aodh 1
Heartpins 1
Mirrorknives 1
Atropos and Veshani 1
Humble Staff 1
Tempest 1
Totem of the Wild 1
Shillelagh 1
Chaos Stem 1
Coldspike 1
Pyromancer 1
Esharra's Song 1
Staff of the Ashen Prophet 1
Archsage's Light 1
Sorrow [L:23] 1
Ivory Staff [L:15] 1
Apprentice 1
Desire 1
Stormspirit 1
Serenity 1
Rei'zarf's Guidance 1
Mysrik's Demise 1
Obsidian Sceptre 1
Khleran's Sceptre [L:24] 1
Rimescythe 1
Dragon Eyes 1
Stormscythe 1
Crafter's Hands 1
Allender's Edge 1
Katalepsis 1
Oristhimos 1
Solstice [L:15] 1
DEV_Loot_Unique_Pinata 1
Aegis of Ahn'Vas 1
Last Light 1
Stonewall 1
Brimstone Barrier [L:20] 1
Gabriel's Shield 1
Crystalline Barrier 1
Kingly Shield 1
Titan Shield 1
House of Ballads Shield [L:8] 1
Winter's Respite [L:23] 1
Fae Summer Shield 1
Boggart-Mask Buckler 1
Storm-Serpent 1
Reprisal 1
Shield of Balance 1
Bran Manan's Shield 1
Vengeance 1
Argent 1
Setting Sun [L:17] 1
Orieator's Shield [L:14] 1
Mindshield 1
Sanctuary 1
Rusaril 1
Mala'chim Talisman 1
Talisman of the Sun 1
Sacred Talisman 1
Roc'omarev 1
Divine Shell 1
Sorrows Talisman [L:22] 1
Soul Lens [L:22] 1
Faintheart's Key 1
Adarus Key 1
Adarus Keyblade Seed 1
Adarus Keybow Seed 1
Adarus Keybinding Seed 1
Vile Longsword 1
Dazing Greathammer 1
Greatsword 1
House of Ballads Shield [L:10] 1
Shadowskin Vest [L:17] 1
Shadowskin Leggings [L:17] 1
Shadowskin Cowl [L:17] 1
Shadowskin Gloves [L:17] 1
Shadowskin Boots [L:17] 1
House of Ballads Shield [L:12] 1
Shadowskin Vest [L:19] 1
Shadowskin Leggings [L:19] 1
Shadowskin Cowl [L:19] 1
Shadowskin Gloves [L:19] 1
Shadowskin Boots [L:19] 1
House of Ballads Shield [L:14] 1
Shadowskin Vest [L:21] 1
Shadowskin Leggings [L:21] 1
Shadowskin Cowl [L:21] 1
Shadowskin Gloves [L:21] 1
Shadowskin Boots [L:21] 1
House of Ballads Shield [L:16] 1
Shadowskin Vest [L:23] 1
Shadowskin Leggings [L:23] 1
Shadowskin Cowl [L:23] 1
Shadowskin Gloves [L:23] 1
Shadowskin Boots [L:23] 1
House of Ballads Shield [L:18] 1
Shadowskin Vest [L:25] 1
Shadowskin Leggings [L:25] 1
Shadowskin Cowl [L:25] 1
Shadowskin Gloves [L:25] 1
Shadowskin Boots [L:25] 1
Strengthening Daggers of Bloodletting 1
Staff 1
Ander's Brogans 1
Grounded Boots 1
Ardent Greaves 1
Unwavering Greaves 1
Bone Greaves 1
Wicked Sabatons 1
Destroyer's Greaves 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:10] 1
Earthcrushers [L:10] 1
Flameward Gauntlets 1
Battle Gauntlets 1
Farak's Pummelers 1
Gauntlets of Jottun Strength 1
Frostreaver Gauntlets 1
Bloodthirsters 1
Galen's Mitt 1
Alfar-Wrought Gauntlets [L:22] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:10] 1
Helm of the Durek 1
Battlerage 1
Crag 1
Khas-ti's Helm 1
Tiberian Helm 1
Almain Great Helm 1
Resplendant Helm 1
Helm of the Coast [L:12] 1
Helm of Hideous Visage [L:13] 1
Rapael's Heart 1
Chausses of Courage 1
Obsidian Chausses 1
Reinforced Chausses 1
Chivalric Chausses 1
Mystic Chausses 1
Juggernaut Chausses 1
Birkita Chausses [L:10] 1
Double-Plated Chausses [L:10] 1
Honor 1
Rimeward Coat 1
Brimstone Cuirass 1
Tinniat's Hauberk 1
Indomitable 1
Whirlwind Breastplate 1
Conqueror's Plate 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:10] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:10] 1
Silentstep Boots 1
Ellisan Boots 1
Dirge's Dancing Shoes 1
Assassin's Boots 1
Reaper's Boots 1
Buru's Boots [L:29] 1
Rugged Leather Gloves 1
Dokkalfar Shadowgrips 1
Flint's Hunting Gloves 1
Death's Touch 1
Dirgesinger Gloves 1
Silkfarmer Gloves [L:12] 1
Pathfinder's Hood 1
Shadow of the Ariad 1
Vindicator's Cap 1
Enkindler 1
Watcher's Hood 1
Kentigan's Shadow [L:10] 1
Archer's Leggings 1
Nightwind Leggings 1
Bowie's Leggings 1
Serpentskin Leggings 1
Bladedancer's Leggings 1
Kentigan's Respite [L:10] 1
Hode's Jerkin 1
Stormseeker 1
Malach's Vest 1
Serpentskin Tunic 1
Huntsmaster's Regalia 1
Darkaegis 1
Sandals of Hama'verk 1
Disciple's Sandals 1
Boots of Lightning Speed 1
Seer's Sandals 1
Sandals of the Archmage 1
Whisperskin Sandals [L:11] 1
Winter Elf Handwraps 1
Dazzling Handwraps 1
Mik'hail's Resplendant Gloves 1
Pyromancer's Handwraps 1
Fate's Hand 1
Burning Grasp [L:10] 1
Cowl of Ophanim 1
Nai'mee'an Cowl 1
Uriel's Vision 1
Crown of Glory 1
Celestial Cowl 1
Crown of the Weeping King [L:25] 1
Compassion 1
Frostrobes 1
Celestial Fury 1
Robes of the Oracle 1
Shimmering Robes 1
Death's Vestments [L:15] 1
Faeblades of Song [L:7] 1
Faeblades of Song [L:9] 1
Faeblades of Song [L:11] 1
Faeblades of Song [L:13] 1
Sword of the Bolgan King 1
Shine and Shadow [L:4] 1
Mortrost [L:10] 1
Shine and Shadow [L:6] 1
Shine and Shadow [L:8] 1
Shine and Shadow [L:10] 1
Shine and Shadow [L:12] 1
Shine and Shadow [L:14] 1
Pendant of Warmth 1
Thresh's Seal 1
The Swords of Sea and Storm [L:12] 1
The Ouroboros 1
Gentleman's Favor [L:10] 1
Tuatha Greaves 1
Tuatha Gauntlets 1
Tuatha Helm 1
Tuatha Chausses 1
Tuatha Cuirass 1
Tuatha Robes 1
Tuatha Shoes 1
Tuatha Cowl 1
Tuatha Handwraps 1
Blackstone Token 1
Ravenclaw 1
Hopestone 1
Resonant Pendant 1
Jade Totem 1
Warrior's Lament 1
Hironar Pendant 1
Fae Clasp 1
Spellguard 1
Tribal Necklace 1
Frostmoon 1
Kollossae's Blessing 1
Burial Torc 1
Coral Necklace 1
Eye of Flame 1
Ljosalfar Necklace 1
Dokkalfar Brooch 1
Rimescathe 1
Ancient Phylactery 1
Lunala's Tear 1
Soulstone 1
Pendant of Unbridled Rage 1
Maze Ring 1
Shadowreach 1
Vitalis 1
Electric Band 1
Bloodstone 1
Gnomish Energy Band 1
Ring of the Wanderer 1
Eye of the Storm 1
Nature's Gift 1
Frissel Band 1
Ash Ring 1
Prescient Band 1
Faecrafted Ring 1
Cruscendant Seal 1
Jade Band 1
Sunstone Ring 1
High Priest's Seal 1
Crystalline Band 1
Royal Signet 1
Brilliance 1
Fulmin Ring 1
Starstone Ring 1
Loop of Meditation 1
Poisoner's Gift 1
Peacemaker 1
Divine Signet 1
Ring of Judgment 1
Door_Unique_ERU_Gate 1
Tuatha Boots 1
Tuatha Gloves 1
Tuatha Cap 1
Tuatha Leggings 1
Tuatha Armor 1
The Hunter's Friend 1
Havoc [L:12] 1
Kellerac's Sword [L:14] 1
Cydan's Faeblades [L:24] 1
Staff of Arne [L:15] 1
Pendant of Lyria 1
Heartstone 1
Nyralim's Grace 1
Benign Amulet 1
Doctor's Medallion 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:1] 1
Ragpicker's Ring 1
Ring of the Thespian 1
Archsage's Ring 1
Savant's Ring 1
Adept's Ring 1
Docent's Ring 1
Neophyte's Ring 1
Talisman of Arne [L:15] 1
Redemption [L:5] 1
Elite Tuatha Greaves 1
Elite Tuatha Gauntlets 1
Elite Tuatha Helm 1
Elite Tuatha Chausses 1
Elite Tuatha Cuirass 1
Door_Unique_ERU_Gate_1475164 1
Elund's Ring 1
Robes of the Dark Empyrean [L:20] 1
Cowl of the Dark Empyrean [L:20] 1
Grasp of the Dark Empyrean [L:20] 1
Boots of the Dark Empyrean [L:20] 1
Thyrdon's Cuirass of War 1
Thyrdon's Chausses of War 1
Thyrdon's Helm of War 1
Thyrdon's Gauntlets of War 1
Thrydon's Greaves of War 1
Earthgavel 1
Mystic Hammer 1
Heartpins 1
Shield of Ambient [L:14] 1
Door_Unique_ERU_Gate_open 1
Sword of the Fallen [L:24] 1
Mastercrafted Daggers 1
Shadowskin Vest 1
Shadowskin Leggings 1
Shadowskin Cowl 1
Shadowskin Gloves 1
Shadowskin Boots 1
Argent 1
Sword of the Fallen [L:27] 1
Sword of the Fallen [L:29] 1
Sword of the Fallen [L:31] 1
Sword of the Fallen [L:34] 1
Heartstring 1
The Deadshot 1
Blade of the Pariah 1
Evalyne's Ring 1
Ergel's Luxurious Legwear 1
Eyes of Tirnoch 1
Buru's Boots [L:14] 1
Selkie Veil [L:5] 1
Selkie Veil [L:7] 1
Selkie Veil [L:9] 1
Selkie Veil [L:11] 1
Selkie Veil [L:13] 1
Selkie Veil [L:15] 1
Selkie Veil [L:17] 1
Selkie Veil [L:20] 1
Solstice [L:17] 1
Solstice [L:19] 1
Solstice [L:21] 1
Solstice [L:23] 1
Solstice [L:25] 1
Sin [L:25] 1
Sin [L:27] 1
Sin [L:29] 1
Sin [L:31] 1
Sin [L:33] 1
Sin [L:35] 1
Sin [L:37] 1
Sin [L:40] 1
Whisperskin Sandals [L:13] 1
Whisperskin Sandals [L:15] 1
Whisperskin Sandals [L:17] 1
Whisperskin Sandals [L:19] 1
Whisperskin Sandals [L:21] 1
Whisperskin Sandals [L:23] 1
Whisperskin Sandals [L:25] 1
Burning Grasp [L:12] 1
Burning Grasp [L:14] 1
Burning Grasp [L:16] 1
Burning Grasp [L:18] 1
Burning Grasp [L:20] 1
Death's Vestments [L:17] 1
Death's Vestments [L:19] 1
Death's Vestments [L:21] 1
Death's Vestments [L:23] 1
Death's Vestments [L:25] 1
Ivory Staff [L:17] 1
Ivory Staff [L:19] 1
Ivory Staff [L:21] 1
Ivory Staff [L:23] 1
Ivory Staff [L:25] 1
Sorrows Talisman [L:24] 1
Sorrows Talisman [L:26] 1
Sorrows Talisman [L:28] 1
Sorrows Talisman [L:30] 1
Sorrows Talisman [L:32] 1
Sorrows Talisman [L:35] 1
Soul Lens [L:24] 1
Soul Lens [L:26] 1
Soul Lens [L:28] 1
Soul Lens [L:30] 1
Soul Lens [L:32] 1
The Swords of Sea and Storm [L:14] 1
The Swords of Sea and Storm [L:16] 1
The Swords of Sea and Storm [L:18] 1
The Swords of Sea and Storm [L:20] 1
The Swords of Sea and Storm [L:22] 1
Cydan's Faeblades [L:26] 1
Cydan's Faeblades [L:28] 1
Cydan's Faeblades [L:30] 1
Cydan's Faeblades [L:32] 1
Cydan's Faeblades [L:34] 1
Kentigan's Shadow [L:12] 1
Kentigan's Shadow [L:14] 1
Kentigan's Shadow [L:16] 1
Kentigan's Shadow [L:18] 1
Kentigan's Shadow [L:20] 1
Kentigan's Shadow [L:22] 1
Kentigan's Shadow [L:24] 1
Kentigan's Shadow [L:26] 1
Kentigan's Shadow [L:28] 1
Kentigan's Shadow [L:30] 1
Kentigan's Shadow [L:32] 1
Kentigan's Shadow [L:34] 1
Kentigan's Shadow [L:36] 1
Kentigan's Shadow [L:38] 1
Kentigan's Shadow [L:40] 1
Kentigan's Shadow [L:42] 1
Kentigan's Shadow [L:45] 1
Kentigan's Respite [L:12] 1
Kentigan's Respite [L:14] 1
Kentigan's Respite [L:16] 1
Kentigan's Respite [L:18] 1
Kentigan's Respite [L:20] 1
Kentigan's Respite [L:22] 1
Kentigan's Respite [L:24] 1
Kentigan's Respite [L:26] 1
Kentigan's Respite [L:28] 1
Kentigan's Respite [L:30] 1
Kentigan's Respite [L:32] 1
Kentigan's Respite [L:34] 1
Kentigan's Respite [L:36] 1
Kentigan's Respite [L:38] 1
Kentigan's Respite [L:40] 1
Kentigan's Respite [L:42] 1
Kentigan's Respite [L:45] 1
Orieator's Shield [L:16] 1
Orieator's Shield [L:18] 1
Orieator's Shield [L:20] 1
Orieator's Shield [L:22] 1
Orieator's Shield [L:24] 1
Shield of Ambient [L:16] 1
Shield of Ambient [L:18] 1
Shield of Ambient [L:20] 1
Shield of Ambient [L:22] 1
Shield of Ambient [L:24] 1
Buru's Boots [L:16] 1
Buru's Boots [L:18] 1
Buru's Boots [L:20] 1
Buru's Boots [L:22] 1
Buru's Boots [L:24] 1
Silkfarmer Gloves [L:14] 1
Silkfarmer Gloves [L:16] 1
Silkfarmer Gloves [L:18] 1
Silkfarmer Gloves [L:20] 1
Silkfarmer Gloves [L:22] 1
Sorrow [L:25] 1
Sorrow [L:27] 1
Sorrow [L:29] 1
Sorrow [L:31] 1
Sorrow [L:33] 1
Hellbane [L:13] 1
Hellbane [L:15] 1
Hellbane [L:17] 1
Hellbane [L:19] 1
Hellbane [L:21] 1
Demon Horns [L:24] 1
Faeblades of Song [L:15] 1
Faeblades of Song [L:17] 1
Haldebier's Blade [L:13] 1
Haldebier's Blade [L:15] 1
Haldebier's Blade [L:17] 1
Haldebier's Blade [L:19] 1
Haldebier's Blade [L:21] 1
Havoc [L:14] 1
Havoc [L:16] 1
Havoc [L:18] 1
Havoc [L:20] 1
Havoc [L:22] 1
Havoc [L:25] 1
Kellerac's Sword [L:16] 1
Kellerac's Sword [L:18] 1
Kellerac's Sword [L:20] 1
Kellerac's Sword [L:22] 1
Kellerac's Sword [L:24] 1
Mystic Hammer [L:25] 1
Mystic Hammer [L:27] 1
Mystic Hammer [L:29] 1
Mystic Hammer [L:31] 1
Mystic Hammer [L:33] 1
Mystic Hammer [L:35] 1
Mystic Hammer [L:37] 1
Mystic Hammer [L:40] 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:12] 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:14] 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:16] 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:18] 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:20] 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:22] 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:24] 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:26] 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:28] 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:30] 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:32] 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:34] 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:36] 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:38] 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:40] 1
Alfar-Wrought Gauntlets [L:24] 1
Alfar-Wrought Gauntlets [L:26] 1
Alfar-Wrought Gauntlets [L:28] 1
Alfar-Wrought Gauntlets [L:30] 1
Alfar-Wrought Gauntlets [L:32] 1
Birkita Chausses [L:12] 1
Birkita Chausses [L:14] 1
Birkita Chausses [L:16] 1
Birkita Chausses [L:18] 1
Birkita Chausses [L:20] 1
Birkita Chausses [L:22] 1
Birkita Chausses [L:24] 1
Birkita Chausses [L:26] 1
Birkita Chausses [L:28] 1
Birkita Chausses [L:30] 1
Birkita Chausses [L:32] 1
Birkita Chausses [L:34] 1
Birkita Chausses [L:36] 1
Birkita Chausses [L:38] 1
Birkita Chausses [L:40] 1
Birkita Chausses [L:42] 1
Birkita Chausses [L:44] 1
Birkita Chausses [L:45] 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:42] 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:44] 1
Ardra's Greaves [L:45] 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:12] 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:14] 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:16] 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:18] 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:20] 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:22] 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:24] 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:26] 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:28] 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:30] 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:32] 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:34] 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:36] 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:38] 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:40] 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:42] 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:44] 1
Gentleman's Courtesy [L:45] 1
Gentleman's Favor [L:12] 1
Gentleman's Favor [L:14] 1
Gentleman's Favor [L:16] 1
Gentleman's Favor [L:18] 1
Gentleman's Favor [L:20] 1
Gentleman's Favor [L:22] 1
Gentleman's Favor [L:24] 1
Gentleman's Favor [L:28] 1
Gentleman's Favor [L:30] 1
Gentleman's Favor [L:32] 1
Gentleman's Favor [L:34] 1
Gentleman's Favor [L:36] 1
Gentleman's Favor [L:38] 1
Gentleman's Favor [L:40] 1
Gentleman's Favor [L:42] 1
Gentleman's Favor [L:44] 1
Gentleman's Favor [L:45] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:12] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:14] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:16] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:18] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:20] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:22] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:24] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:26] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:28] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:30] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:32] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:34] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:36] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:38] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:40] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:42] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:44] 1
Gauntlets of Arland [L:45] 1
Helm of Hideous Visage [L:15] 1
Helm of Hideous Visage [L:17] 1
Helm of Hideous Visage [L:19] 1
Helm of Hideous Visage [L:21] 1
Helm of Hideous Visage [L:23] 1
Winter's Respite [L:25] 1
Winter's Respite [L:27] 1
Winter's Respite [L:29] 1
Winter's Respite [L:31] 1
Winter's Respite [L:33] 1
Winter's Respite [L:35] 1
Winter's Respite [L:37] 1
Winter's Respite [L:39] 1
Winter's Respite [L:40] 1
Khleran's Sceptre [L:26] 1
Khleran's Sceptre [L:28] 1
Khleran's Sceptre [L:30] 1
Khleran's Sceptre [L:32] 1
Khleran's Sceptre [L:34] 1
Kellerac's Sword [L:14] 1
Kellerac's Sword [L:16] 1
Kellerac's Sword [L:18] 1
Kellerac's Sword [L:20] 1
Kellerac's Sword [L:22] 1
Kellerac's Sword [L:24] 1
Crown of the Weeping King [L:27] 1
Crown of the Weeping King [L:29] 1
Crown of the Weeping King [L:31] 1
Crown of the Weeping King [L:33] 1
Crown of the Weeping King [L:35] 1
Helm of the Coast [L:14] 1
Helm of the Coast [L:16] 1
Helm of the Coast [L:18] 1
Helm of the Coast [L:20] 1
Helm of the Coast [L:22] 1
Helm of the Coast [L:24] 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:5] 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:7] 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:9] 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:11] 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:13] 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:15] 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:5] 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:7] 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:9] 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:11] 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:13] 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:15] 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:5] 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:7] 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:9] 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:11] 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:13] 1
St. Hadwyn's Beads [L:15] 1
Staff of Arne [L:17] 1
Staff of Arne [L:19] 1
Staff of Arne [L:21] 1
Staff of Arne [L:23] 1
Staff of Arne [L:25] 1
Talisman of Arne [L:17] 1
Talisman of Arne [L:19] 1
Talisman of Arne [L:21] 1
Talisman of Arne [L:23] 1
Talisman of Arne [L:25] 1
Amulet of Rithen 1
Ballads Signet Ring 1
Maiden's Ring 1
Setting Sun [L:19] 1
Setting Sun [L:21] 1
Setting Sun [L:23] 1
Setting Sun [L:25] 1
Setting Sun [L:27] 1
Redemption [L:7] 1
Redemption [L:9] 1
Redemption [L:11] 1
Redemption [L:13] 1
Redemption [L:15] 1
Belne's Sword of Ire [L:27] 1
Belne's Sword of Ire [L:29] 1
Belne's Sword of Ire [L:31] 1
Belne's Sword of Ire [L:33] 1
Belne's Sword of Ire [L:35] 1
Belne's Sword of Ire [L:37] 1
Belne's Sword of Ire [L:39] 1
Belne's Sword of Ire [L:41] 1
Belne's Staff of Ire [L:27] 1
Belne's Staff of Ire [L:29] 1
Belne's Staff of Ire [L:31] 1
Belne's Staff of Ire [L:33] 1
Belne's Staff of Ire [L:35] 1
Belne's Staff of Ire [L:37] 1
Belne's Staff of Ire [L:39] 1
Belne's Staff of Ire [L:41] 1
Belne's Daggers of Ire [L:27] 1
Belne's Daggers of Ire [L:29] 1
Belne's Daggers of Ire [L:31] 1
Belne's Daggers of Ire [L:33] 1
Belne's Daggers of Ire [L:35] 1
Belne's Daggers of Ire [L:37] 1
Belne's Daggers of Ire [L:39] 1
Belne's Daggers of Ire [L:41] 1
Brimstone Barrier [L:20] 1
Claws of Astyl 1
Cuirass of Helius [L:20] 1
Chausses of Helius [L:20] 1
Helm of Helius [L:20] 1
Gauntlets of Helius [L:20] 1
Greaves of Helius [L:20] 1
Bastion 1
Farraglen's Gem 1
Mortrost [L:12] 1
Mortrost [L:14] 1
Mortrost [L:16] 1
Mortrost [L:18] 1
Mortrost [L:20] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:12] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:14] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:16] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:18] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:20] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:22] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:24] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:26] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:28] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:30] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:32] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:34] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:36] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:38] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:40] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:42] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:44] 1
Armor of the Fallen [L:45] 1
Demon Horns [L:26] 1
Demon Horns [L:28] 1
Demon Horns [L:30] 1
Demon Horns [L:23] 1
Demon Horns [L:34] 1
Earthcrushers [L:12] 1
Earthcrushers [L:14] 1
Earthcrushers [L:16] 1
Earthcrushers [L:18] 1
Earthcrushers [L:20] 1
Double-Plated Chausses [L:12] 1
Double-Plated Chausses [L:14] 1
Double-Plated Chausses [L:16] 1
Double-Plated Chausses [L:18] 1
Double-Plated Chausses [L:20] 1
Nearth's Hammer [L:34] 1
Nearth's Hammer [L:36] 1
Nearth's Hammer [L:32] 1
Nearth's Hammer [L:38] 1
Nearth's Hammer [L:40] 1
Mortrost [L:22] 1
Mortrost [L:24] 1
Mortrost [L:26] 1
Mortrost [L:28] 1
Mortrost [L:30] 1
Mortrost [L:32] 1
Mortrost [L:34] 1
Mortrost [L:36] 1
Mortrost [L:38] 1
Mortrost [L:40] 1
Mortrost [L:42] 1
Mortrost [L:44] 1
Mortrost [L:45] 1
Seeker's Plate [L:10] 1
Seeker's Plate [L:12] 1
Seeker's Plate [L:14] 1
Seeker's Plate [L:16] 1
Seeker's Plate [L:18] 1
Seeker's Plate [L:20] 1
Dauntless Chausses [L:10] 1
Dauntless Chausses [L:12] 1
Dauntless Chausses [L:14] 1
Dauntless Chausses [L:16] 1
Dauntless Chausses [L:18] 1
Stern Helm [L:6] 1
Stern Helm [L:8] 1
Stern Helm [L:10] 1
Stern Helm [L:12] 1
Stern Helm [L:14] 1
Auspice Gauntlets [L:13] 1
Auspice Gauntlets [L:15] 1
Auspice Gauntlets [L:17] 1
Auspice Gauntlets [L:19] 1
Auspice Gauntlets [L:21] 1
Blazoned Boots [L:13] 1
Blazoned Boots [L:15] 1
Blazoned Boots [L:17] 1
Blazoned Boots [L:19] 1
Blazoned Boots [L:21] 1
Retribution's Greaves [L:32] 1
Retribution's Greaves [L:34] 1
Retribution's Greaves [L:36] 1
Retribution's Greaves [L:38] 1
Retribution's Greaves [L:40] 1
Retribution's Greaves [L:42] 1
Retribution's Greaves [L:45] 1
Reprisal's Gauntlets [L:32] 1
Reprisal's Gauntlets [L:34] 1
Reprisal's Gauntlets [L:36] 1
Reprisal's Gauntlets [L:38] 1
Reprisal's Gauntlets [L:40] 1
Reprisal's Gauntlets [L:42] 1
Reprisal's Gauntlets [L:45] 1
Wrath's Helm [L:32] 1
Wrath's Helm [L:34] 1
Wrath's Helm [L:36] 1
Wrath's Helm [L:38] 1
Wrath's Helm [L:40] 1
Wrath's Helm [L:42] 1
Wrath's Helm [L:45] 1
Vindication's Chausses [L:32] 1
Vindication's Chausses [L:34] 1
Vindication's Chausses [L:36] 1
Vindication's Chausses [L:38] 1
Vindication's Chausses [L:40] 1
Vindication's Chausses [L:42] 1
Vindication's Chausses [L:45] 1
Vengeance's Cuirass [L:32] 1
Vengeance's Cuirass [L:34] 1
Vengeance's Cuirass [L:36] 1
Vengeance's Cuirass [L:38] 1
Vengeance's Cuirass [L:40] 1
Vengeance's Cuirass [L:42] 1
Vengeance's Cuirass [L:45] 1
Boots of the Dark Empyrean [L:22] 1
Boots of the Dark Empyrean [L:24] 1
Boots of the Dark Empyrean [L:26] 1
Boots of the Dark Empyrean [L:28] 1
Boots of the Dark Empyrean [L:30] 1
Boots of the Dark Empyrean [L:32] 1
Boots of the Dark Empyrean [L:34] 1
Boots of the Dark Empyrean [L:36] 1
Boots of the Dark Empyrean [L:38] 1
Boots of the Dark Empyrean [L:40] 1
Grasp of the Dark Empyrean [L:22] 1
Grasp of the Dark Empyrean [L:24] 1
Grasp of the Dark Empyrean [L:26] 1
Grasp of the Dark Empyrean [L:28] 1
Grasp of the Dark Empyrean [L:30] 1
Grasp of the Dark Empyrean [L:32] 1
Grasp of the Dark Empyrean [L:34] 1
Grasp of the Dark Empyrean [L:36] 1
Grasp of the Dark Empyrean [L:38] 1
Grasp of the Dark Empyrean [L:40] 1
Cowl of the Dark Empyrean [L:22] 1
Cowl of the Dark Empyrean [L:24] 1
Cowl of the Dark Empyrean [L:26] 1
Cowl of the Dark Empyrean [L:28] 1
Cowl of the Dark Empyrean [L:30] 1
Cowl of the Dark Empyrean [L:32] 1
Cowl of the Dark Empyrean [L:34] 1
Cowl of the Dark Empyrean [L:36] 1
Cowl of the Dark Empyrean [L:38] 1
Cowl of the Dark Empyrean [L:40] 1
Robes of the Dark Empyrean [L:22] 1
Robes of the Dark Empyrean [L:24] 1
Robes of the Dark Empyrean [L:26] 1
Robes of the Dark Empyrean [L:28] 1
Robes of the Dark Empyrean [L:30] 1
Robes of the Dark Empyrean [L:32] 1
Robes of the Dark Empyrean [L:34] 1
Robes of the Dark Empyrean [L:36] 1
Robes of the Dark Empyrean [L:38] 1
Robes of the Dark Empyrean [L:40] 1
Chausses of Bolgans' Bane [L:18] 1
Chausses of Bolgans' Bane [L:20] 1
Chausses of Bolgans' Bane [L:22] 1
Chausses of Bolgans' Bane [L:24] 1
Chausses of Bolgans' Bane [L:26] 1
Chausses of Bolgans' Bane [L:28] 1
Chausses of Bolgans' Bane [L:30] 1
Chausses of Bolgans' Bane [L:32] 1
Chausses of Bolgans' Bane [L:34] 1
Gauntlets of Bolgans' Bane [L:18] 1
Gauntlets of Bolgans' Bane [L:20] 1
Gauntlets of Bolgans' Bane [L:22] 1
Gauntlets of Bolgans' Bane [L:24] 1
Gauntlets of Bolgans' Bane [L:26] 1
Gauntlets of Bolgans' Bane [L:28] 1
Gauntlets of Bolgans' Bane [L:30] 1
Gauntlets of Bolgans' Bane [L:32] 1
Gauntlets of Bolgans' Bane [L:34] 1
Greaves of Bolgans' Bane [L:18] 1
Greaves of Bolgans' Bane [L:20] 1
Greaves of Bolgans' Bane [L:22] 1
Greaves of Bolgans' Bane [L:24] 1
Greaves of Bolgans' Bane [L:26] 1
Greaves of Bolgans' Bane [L:28] 1
Greaves of Bolgans' Bane [L:30] 1
Greaves of Bolgans' Bane [L:32] 1
Greaves of Bolgans' Bane [L:34] 1
Cuirass of Bolgans' Bane [L:18] 1
Cuirass of Bolgans' Bane [L:20] 1
Cuirass of Bolgans' Bane [L:22] 1
Cuirass of Bolgans' Bane [L:24] 1
Cuirass of Bolgans' Bane [L:26] 1
Cuirass of Bolgans' Bane [L:28] 1
Cuirass of Bolgans' Bane [L:30] 1
Cuirass of Bolgans' Bane [L:32] 1
Cuirass of Bolgans' Bane [L:34] 1
Helm of Bolgans' Bane [L:18] 1
Helm of Bolgans' Bane [L:20] 1
Helm of Bolgans' Bane [L:22] 1
Helm of Bolgans' Bane [L:24] 1
Helm of Bolgans' Bane [L:26] 1
Helm of Bolgans' Bane [L:28] 1
Helm of Bolgans' Bane [L:30] 1
Helm of Bolgans' Bane [L:32] 1
Helm of Bolgans' Bane [L:34] 1
House of Ballads Slippers [L:7] 1
House of Ballads Slippers [L:9] 1
House of Ballads Slippers [L:11] 1
House of Ballads Slippers [L:13] 1
House of Ballads Slippers [L:15] 1
House of Ballads Slippers [L:17] 1
House of Ballads Slippers [L:20] 1
House of Ballads Gloves [L:7] 1
House of Ballads Gloves [L:9] 1
House of Ballads Gloves [L:11] 1
House of Ballads Gloves [L:13] 1
House of Ballads Gloves [L:15] 1
House of Ballads Gloves [L:17] 1
House of Ballads Gloves [L:20] 1
House of Ballads Hood [L:7] 1
House of Ballads Hood [L:9] 1
House of Ballads Hood [L:11] 1
House of Ballads Hood [L:13] 1
House of Ballads Hood [L:15] 1
House of Ballads Hood [L:17] 1
House of Ballads Hood [L:20] 1
House of Ballads Robes [L:7] 1
House of Ballads Robes [L:9] 1
House of Ballads Robes [L:11] 1
House of Ballads Robes [L:13] 1
House of Ballads Robes [L:15] 1
House of Ballads Robes [L:17] 1
House of Ballads Robes [L:20] 1
Sandals of Sorrow [L:18] 1
Sandals of Sorrow [L:20] 1
Sandals of Sorrow [L:22] 1
Sandals of Sorrow [L:24] 1
Sandals of Sorrow [L:26] 1
Sandals of Sorrow [L:28] 1
Sandals of Sorrow [L:30] 1
Sandals of Sorrow [L:32] 1
Sandals of Sorrow [L:35] 1
Gloves of Sorrow [L:18] 1
Gloves of Sorrow [L:20] 1
Gloves of Sorrow [L:22] 1
Gloves of Sorrow [L:24] 1
Gloves of Sorrow [L:26] 1
Gloves of Sorrow [L:28] 1
Gloves of Sorrow [L:30] 1
Gloves of Sorrow [L:32] 1
Gloves of Sorrow [L:35] 1
Cowl of Sorrows [L:18] 1
Cowl of Sorrows [L:20] 1
Cowl of Sorrows [L:22] 1
Cowl of Sorrows [L:24] 1
Cowl of Sorrows [L:26] 1
Cowl of Sorrows [L:28] 1
Cowl of Sorrows [L:30] 1
Cowl of Sorrows [L:32] 1
Cowl of Sorrows [L:35] 1
Robes of Sorrow [L:18] 1
Robes of Sorrow [L:20] 1
Robes of Sorrow [L:22] 1
Robes of Sorrow [L:24] 1
Robes of Sorrow [L:26] 1
Robes of Sorrow [L:28] 1
Robes of Sorrow [L:30] 1
Robes of Sorrow [L:32] 1
Robes of Sorrow [L:35] 1
Skull of Varalin [L:10] 1
Skull of Varalin [L:12] 1
Skull of Varalin [L:14] 1
Skull of Varalin [L:16] 1
Skull of Varalin [L:18] 1
Skull of Varalin [L:20] 1
Skull of Varalin [L:22] 1
Skull of Varalin [L:24] 1
Skull of Varalin [L:26] 1
Skull of Varalin [L:28] 1
Skull of Varalin [L:30] 1
Skull of Varalin [L:32] 1
Skull of Varalin [L:34] 1
Skull of Varalin [L:36] 1
Skull of Varalin [L:38] 1
Skull of Varalin [L:40] 1
Skull of Varalin [L:42] 1
Skull of Varalin [L:44] 1
The Leviathan's Shell [L:10] 1
The Leviathan's Shell [L:12] 1
The Leviathan's Shell [L:14] 1
The Leviathan's Shell [L:16] 1
The Leviathan's Shell [L:18] 1
The Leviathan's Shell [L:20] 1
The Leviathan's Shell [L:22] 1
The Leviathan's Shell [L:24] 1
The Leviathan's Shell [L:26] 1
The Leviathan's Shell [L:28] 1
The Leviathan's Shell [L:30] 1
The Leviathan's Shell [L:32] 1
The Leviathan's Shell [L:34] 1
The Leviathan's Shell [L:36] 1
The Leviathan's Shell [L:38] 1
The Leviathan's Shell [L:40] 1
The Leviathan's Shell [L:42] 1
The Leviathan's Shell [L:44] 1
Stonehand Gauntlets [L:10] 1
Stonehand Gauntlets [L:12] 1
Stonehand Gauntlets [L:14] 1
Stonehand Gauntlets [L:16] 1
Stonehand Gauntlets [L:18] 1
Stonehand Gauntlets [L:20] 1
Stonehand Gauntlets [L:22] 1
Stonehand Gauntlets [L:24] 1
Stonehand Gauntlets [L:26] 1
Stonehand Gauntlets [L:28] 1
Stonehand Gauntlets [L:30] 1
Stonehand Gauntlets [L:32] 1
Stonehand Gauntlets [L:34] 1
Stonehand Gauntlets [L:36] 1
Stonehand Gauntlets [L:38] 1
Stonehand Gauntlets [L:40] 1
Stonehand Gauntlets [L:42] 1
Stonehand Gauntlets [L:44] 1
The Mermain's Scales [L:10] 1
The Mermain's Scales [L:12] 1
The Mermain's Scales [L:14] 1
The Mermain's Scales [L:16] 1
The Mermain's Scales [L:18] 1
The Mermain's Scales [L:20] 1
The Mermain's Scales [L:22] 1
The Mermain's Scales [L:24] 1
The Mermain's Scales [L:26] 1
The Mermain's Scales [L:28] 1
The Mermain's Scales [L:30] 1
The Mermain's Scales [L:32] 1
The Mermain's Scales [L:34] 1
The Mermain's Scales [L:36] 1
The Mermain's Scales [L:38] 1
The Mermain's Scales [L:40] 1
The Mermain's Scales [L:42] 1
The Mermain's Scales [L:44] 1
Deckhand Boots [L:10] 1
Deckhand Boots [L:12] 1
Deckhand Boots [L:14] 1
Deckhand Boots [L:16] 1
Deckhand Boots [L:18] 1
Deckhand Boots [L:20] 1
Deckhand Boots [L:22] 1
Deckhand Boots [L:24] 1
Deckhand Boots [L:26] 1
Deckhand Boots [L:28] 1
Deckhand Boots [L:30] 1
Deckhand Boots [L:32] 1
Deckhand Boots [L:34] 1
Deckhand Boots [L:36] 1
Deckhand Boots [L:38] 1
Deckhand Boots [L:40] 1
Deckhand Boots [L:42] 1
Deckhand Boots [L:44] 1
Corsair's Shirt [L:10] 1
Corsair's Shirt [L:12] 1
Corsair's Shirt [L:14] 1
Corsair's Shirt [L:16] 1
Corsair's Shirt [L:18] 1
Corsair's Shirt [L:20] 1
Corsair's Shirt [L:22] 1
Corsair's Shirt [L:24] 1
Corsair's Shirt [L:26] 1
Corsair's Shirt [L:28] 1
Corsair's Shirt [L:30] 1
Corsair's Shirt [L:32] 1
Corsair's Shirt [L:34] 1
Corsair's Shirt [L:36] 1
Corsair's Shirt [L:38] 1
Corsair's Shirt [L:40] 1
Corsair's Shirt [L:42] 1
Corsair's Shirt [L:44] 1
Shredskin Gloves [L:10] 1
Shredskin Gloves [L:12] 1
Shredskin Gloves [L:14] 1
Shredskin Gloves [L:16] 1
Shredskin Gloves [L:18] 1
Shredskin Gloves [L:20] 1
Shredskin Gloves [L:22] 1
Shredskin Gloves [L:24] 1
Shredskin Gloves [L:26] 1
Shredskin Gloves [L:28] 1
Shredskin Gloves [L:30] 1
Shredskin Gloves [L:32] 1
Shredskin Gloves [L:34] 1
Shredskin Gloves [L:36] 1
Shredskin Gloves [L:38] 1
Shredskin Gloves [L:40] 1
Shredskin Gloves [L:42] 1
Shredskin Gloves [L:44] 1
Leggings of the High Seas [L:10] 1
Leggings of the High Seas [L:12] 1
Leggings of the High Seas [L:14] 1
Leggings of the High Seas [L:16] 1
Leggings of the High Seas [L:18] 1
Leggings of the High Seas [L:20] 1
Leggings of the High Seas [L:22] 1
Leggings of the High Seas [L:24] 1
Leggings of the High Seas [L:26] 1
Leggings of the High Seas [L:28] 1
Leggings of the High Seas [L:30] 1
Leggings of the High Seas [L:32] 1
Leggings of the High Seas [L:34] 1
Leggings of the High Seas [L:36] 1
Leggings of the High Seas [L:38] 1
Leggings of the High Seas [L:40] 1
Leggings of the High Seas [L:42] 1
Leggings of the High Seas [L:44] 1
Ocean's Gift [L:10] 1
Ocean's Gift [L:12] 1
Ocean's Gift [L:14] 1
Ocean's Gift [L:16] 1
Ocean's Gift [L:18] 1
Ocean's Gift [L:20] 1
Ocean's Gift [L:22] 1
Ocean's Gift [L:24] 1
Ocean's Gift [L:26] 1
Ocean's Gift [L:28] 1
Ocean's Gift [L:30] 1
Ocean's Gift [L:32] 1
Ocean's Gift [L:34] 1
Ocean's Gift [L:36] 1
Ocean's Gift [L:38] 1
Ocean's Gift [L:40] 1
Ocean's Gift [L:42] 1
Ocean's Gift [L:44] 1
Officer's Cap [L:10] 1
Officer's Cap [L:12] 1
Officer's Cap [L:14] 1
Officer's Cap [L:16] 1
Officer's Cap [L:18] 1
Officer's Cap [L:20] 1
Officer's Cap [L:22] 1
Officer's Cap [L:24] 1
Officer's Cap [L:26] 1
Officer's Cap [L:28] 1
Officer's Cap [L:30] 1
Officer's Cap [L:32] 1
Officer's Cap [L:34] 1
Officer's Cap [L:36] 1
Officer's Cap [L:38] 1
Officer's Cap [L:40] 1
Officer's Cap [L:42] 1
Officer's Cap [L:44] 1
Crown of the Dverga [L:10] 1
Crown of the Dverga [L:12] 1
Crown of the Dverga [L:14] 1
Crown of the Dverga [L:16] 1
Crown of the Dverga [L:18] 1
Crown of the Dverga [L:20] 1
Crown of the Dverga [L:22] 1
Crown of the Dverga [L:24] 1
Crown of the Dverga [L:26] 1
Crown of the Dverga [L:28] 1
Crown of the Dverga [L:30] 1
Crown of the Dverga [L:32] 1
Crown of the Dverga [L:34] 1
Crown of the Dverga [L:36] 1
Crown of the Dverga [L:38] 1
Crown of the Dverga [L:40] 1
Crown of the Dverga [L:42] 1
Crown of the Dverga [L:44] 1
The Magister's Boatcloak [L:10] 1
The Magister's Boatcloak [L:12] 1
The Magister's Boatcloak [L:14] 1
The Magister's Boatcloak [L:16] 1
The Magister's Boatcloak [L:18] 1
The Magister's Boatcloak [L:20] 1
The Magister's Boatcloak [L:22] 1
The Magister's Boatcloak [L:24] 1
The Magister's Boatcloak [L:26] 1
The Magister's Boatcloak [L:28] 1
The Magister's Boatcloak [L:30] 1
The Magister's Boatcloak [L:32] 1
The Magister's Boatcloak [L:34] 1
The Magister's Boatcloak [L:36] 1
The Magister's Boatcloak [L:38] 1
The Magister's Boatcloak [L:40] 1
The Magister's Boatcloak [L:42] 1
The Magister's Boatcloak [L:44] 1
Handwraps of the Deep [L:10] 1
Handwraps of the Deep [L:12] 1
Handwraps of the Deep [L:14] 1
Handwraps of the Deep [L:16] 1
Handwraps of the Deep [L:18] 1
Handwraps of the Deep [L:20] 1
Handwraps of the Deep [L:22] 1
Handwraps of the Deep [L:24] 1
Handwraps of the Deep [L:26] 1
Handwraps of the Deep [L:28] 1
Handwraps of the Deep [L:30] 1
Handwraps of the Deep [L:32] 1
Handwraps of the Deep [L:34] 1
Handwraps of the Deep [L:36] 1
Handwraps of the Deep [L:38] 1
Handwraps of the Deep [L:40] 1
Handwraps of the Deep [L:42] 1
Handwraps of the Deep [L:44] 1
Driftwood Sandals [L:10] 1
Driftwood Sandals [L:12] 1
Driftwood Sandals [L:14] 1
Driftwood Sandals [L:16] 1
Driftwood Sandals [L:18] 1
Driftwood Sandals [L:20] 1
Driftwood Sandals [L:22] 1
Driftwood Sandals [L:24] 1
Driftwood Sandals [L:26] 1
Driftwood Sandals [L:28] 1
Driftwood Sandals [L:30] 1
Driftwood Sandals [L:32] 1
Driftwood Sandals [L:34] 1
Driftwood Sandals [L:36] 1
Driftwood Sandals [L:38] 1
Driftwood Sandals [L:40] 1
Driftwood Sandals [L:42] 1
Driftwood Sandals [L:44] 1
Children of Erathell Gloves [L:10] 1
Children of Erathell Gloves [L:12] 1
Children of Erathell Gloves [L:14] 1
Children of Erathell Gloves [L:16] 1
Children of Erathell Gloves [L:18] 1
Children of Erathell Gloves [L:20] 1
Children of Erathell Gloves [L:22] 1
Children of Erathell Gloves [L:24] 1
Children of Erathell Gloves [L:26] 1
Children of Erathell Gloves [L:28] 1
Children of Erathell Gloves [L:30] 1
Children of Erathell Gloves [L:32] 1
Children of Erathell Gloves [L:34] 1
Children of Erathell Gloves [L:36] 1
Children of Erathell Gloves [L:38] 1
Children of Erathell Gloves [L:40] 1
Children of Erathell Gloves [L:42] 1
Children of Erathell Gloves [L:44] 1
Children of Erathell Boots [L:10] 1
Children of Erathell Boots [L:12] 1
Children of Erathell Boots [L:14] 1
Children of Erathell Boots [L:16] 1
Children of Erathell Boots [L:18] 1
Children of Erathell Boots [L:20] 1
Children of Erathell Boots [L:22] 1
Children of Erathell Boots [L:24] 1
Children of Erathell Boots [L:26] 1
Children of Erathell Boots [L:28] 1
Children of Erathell Boots [L:30] 1
Children of Erathell Boots [L:32] 1
Children of Erathell Boots [L:34] 1
Children of Erathell Boots [L:36] 1
Children of Erathell Boots [L:38] 1
Children of Erathell Boots [L:40] 1
Children of Erathell Boots [L:42] 1
Children of Erathell Boots [L:44] 1
Torment [L:10] 1
Torment [L:12] 1
Torment [L:14] 1
Torment [L:16] 1
Torment [L:18] 1
Torment [L:20] 1
Torment [L:22] 1
Torment [L:24] 1
Torment [L:26] 1
Torment [L:28] 1
Torment [L:30] 1
Torment [L:32] 1
Torment [L:34] 1
Torment [L:36] 1
Torment [L:38] 1
Torment [L:40] 1
Torment [L:42] 1
Torment [L:44] 1
Niskaru Blade [L:10] 1
Niskaru Blade [L:12] 1
Niskaru Blade [L:14] 1
Niskaru Blade [L:16] 1
Niskaru Blade [L:18] 1
Niskaru Blade [L:20] 1
Niskaru Blade [L:22] 1
Niskaru Blade [L:24] 1
Niskaru Blade [L:26] 1
Niskaru Blade [L:28] 1
Niskaru Blade [L:30] 1
Niskaru Blade [L:32] 1
Niskaru Blade [L:34] 1
Niskaru Blade [L:36] 1
Niskaru Blade [L:38] 1
Niskaru Blade [L:40] 1
Niskaru Blade [L:42] 1
Niskaru Blade [L:44] 1
The Harpy [L:10] 1
The Harpy [L:12] 1
The Harpy [L:14] 1
The Harpy [L:16] 1
The Harpy [L:18] 1
The Harpy [L:20] 1
The Harpy [L:22] 1
The Harpy [L:24] 1
The Harpy [L:26] 1
The Harpy [L:28] 1
The Harpy [L:30] 1
The Harpy [L:32] 1
The Harpy [L:34] 1
The Harpy [L:36] 1
The Harpy [L:38] 1
The Harpy [L:40] 1
The Harpy [L:42] 1
The Harpy [L:44] 1
Trencher [L:10] 1
Trencher [L:12] 1
Trencher [L:14] 1
Trencher [L:16] 1
Trencher [L:18] 1
Trencher [L:20] 1
Trencher [L:22] 1
Trencher [L:24] 1
Trencher [L:26] 1
Trencher [L:28] 1
Trencher [L:30] 1
Trencher [L:32] 1
Trencher [L:34] 1
Trencher [L:36] 1
Trencher [L:38] 1
Trencher [L:40] 1
Trencher [L:42] 1
Trencher [L:44] 1
Shipbuilder's Mate [L:10] 1
Shipbuilder's Mate [L:12] 1
Shipbuilder's Mate [L:14] 1
Shipbuilder's Mate [L:16] 1
Shipbuilder's Mate [L:18] 1
Shipbuilder's Mate [L:20] 1
Shipbuilder's Mate [L:22] 1
Shipbuilder's Mate [L:24] 1
Shipbuilder's Mate [L:26] 1
Shipbuilder's Mate [L:28] 1
Shipbuilder's Mate [L:30] 1
Shipbuilder's Mate [L:32] 1
Shipbuilder's Mate [L:34] 1
Shipbuilder's Mate [L:36] 1
Shipbuilder's Mate [L:38] 1
Shipbuilder's Mate [L:40] 1
Shipbuilder's Mate [L:42] 1
Shipbuilder's Mate [L:44] 1
The Spine [L:10] 1
The Spine [L:12] 1
The Spine [L:14] 1
The Spine [L:16] 1
The Spine [L:18] 1
The Spine [L:20] 1
The Spine [L:22] 1
The Spine [L:24] 1
The Spine [L:26] 1
The Spine [L:28] 1
The Spine [L:30] 1
The Spine [L:32] 1
The Spine [L:34] 1
The Spine [L:36] 1
The Spine [L:38] 1
The Spine [L:40] 1
The Spine [L:42] 1
The Spine [L:44] 1
Silver Stag [L:10] 1
Silver Stag [L:12] 1
Silver Stag [L:14] 1
Silver Stag [L:16] 1
Silver Stag [L:18] 1
Silver Stag [L:20] 1
Silver Stag [L:22] 1
Silver Stag [L:24] 1
Silver Stag [L:26] 1
Silver Stag [L:28] 1
Silver Stag [L:30] 1
Silver Stag [L:32] 1
Silver Stag [L:34] 1
Silver Stag [L:36] 1
Silver Stag [L:38] 1
Silver Stag [L:40] 1
Silver Stag [L:42] 1
Silver Stag [L:44] 1
Eye [L:10] 1
Eye [L:12] 1
Eye [L:14] 1
Eye [L:16] 1
Eye [L:18] 1
Eye [L:20] 1
Eye [L:22] 1
Eye [L:24] 1
Eye [L:26] 1
Eye [L:28] 1
Eye [L:30] 1
Eye [L:32] 1
Eye [L:34] 1
Eye [L:36] 1
Eye [L:38] 1
Eye [L:40] 1
Eye [L:42] 1
Eye [L:44] 1
Obsidian Blades [L:10] 1
Obsidian Blades [L:12] 1
Obsidian Blades [L:14] 1
Obsidian Blades [L:16] 1
Obsidian Blades [L:18] 1
Obsidian Blades [L:20] 1
Obsidian Blades [L:22] 1
Obsidian Blades [L:24] 1
Obsidian Blades [L:26] 1
Obsidian Blades [L:28] 1
Obsidian Blades [L:30] 1
Obsidian Blades [L:32] 1
Obsidian Blades [L:34] 1
Obsidian Blades [L:36] 1
Obsidian Blades [L:38] 1
Obsidian Blades [L:40] 1
Obsidian Blades [L:42] 1
Obsidian Blades [L:44] 1
Beak and Talon [L:10] 1
Beak and Talon [L:12] 1
Beak and Talon [L:14] 1
Beak and Talon [L:16] 1
Beak and Talon [L:18] 1
Beak and Talon [L:20] 1
Beak and Talon [L:22] 1
Beak and Talon [L:24] 1
Beak and Talon [L:26] 1
Beak and Talon [L:28] 1
Beak and Talon [L:30] 1
Beak and Talon [L:32] 1
Beak and Talon [L:34] 1
Beak and Talon [L:36] 1
Beak and Talon [L:38] 1
Beak and Talon [L:40] 1
Beak and Talon [L:42] 1
Beak and Talon [L:44] 1
Boning Knives [L:10] 1
Boning Knives [L:12] 1
Boning Knives [L:14] 1
Boning Knives [L:16] 1
Boning Knives [L:18] 1
Boning Knives [L:20] 1
Boning Knives [L:22] 1
Boning Knives [L:24] 1
Boning Knives [L:26] 1
Boning Knives [L:28] 1
Boning Knives [L:30] 1
Boning Knives [L:32] 1
Boning Knives [L:34] 1
Boning Knives [L:36] 1
Boning Knives [L:38] 1
Boning Knives [L:40] 1
Boning Knives [L:42] 1
Boning Knives [L:44] 1
Dvergan Swords [L:10] 1
Dvergan Swords [L:12] 1
Dvergan Swords [L:14] 1
Dvergan Swords [L:16] 1
Dvergan Swords [L:18] 1
Dvergan Swords [L:20] 1
Dvergan Swords [L:22] 1
Dvergan Swords [L:24] 1
Dvergan Swords [L:26] 1
Dvergan Swords [L:28] 1
Dvergan Swords [L:30] 1
Dvergan Swords [L:32] 1
Dvergan Swords [L:34] 1
Dvergan Swords [L:36] 1
Dvergan Swords [L:38] 1
Dvergan Swords [L:40] 1
Dvergan Swords [L:42] 1
Dvergan Swords [L:44] 1
Seaglass [L:10] 1
Seaglass [L:12] 1
Seaglass [L:14] 1
Seaglass [L:16] 1
Seaglass [L:18] 1
Seaglass [L:20] 1
Seaglass [L:22] 1
Seaglass [L:24] 1
Seaglass [L:26] 1
Seaglass [L:28] 1
Seaglass [L:30] 1
Seaglass [L:32] 1
Seaglass [L:34] 1
Seaglass [L:36] 1
Seaglass [L:38] 1
Seaglass [L:40] 1
Seaglass [L:42] 1
Seaglass [L:44] 1
The Crafted Sun [L:10] 1
The Crafted Sun [L:12] 1
The Crafted Sun [L:14] 1
The Crafted Sun [L:16] 1
The Crafted Sun [L:18] 1
The Crafted Sun [L:20] 1
The Crafted Sun [L:22] 1
The Crafted Sun [L:24] 1
The Crafted Sun [L:26] 1
The Crafted Sun [L:28] 1
The Crafted Sun [L:30] 1
The Crafted Sun [L:32] 1
The Crafted Sun [L:34] 1
The Crafted Sun [L:36] 1
The Crafted Sun [L:38] 1
The Crafted Sun [L:40] 1
The Crafted Sun [L:42] 1
The Crafted Sun [L:44] 1
The Wavemaker [L:10] 1
The Wavemaker [L:12] 1
The Wavemaker [L:14] 1
The Wavemaker [L:16] 1
The Wavemaker [L:18] 1
The Wavemaker [L:20] 1
The Wavemaker [L:22] 1
The Wavemaker [L:24] 1
The Wavemaker [L:26] 1
The Wavemaker [L:28] 1
The Wavemaker [L:30] 1
The Wavemaker [L:32] 1
The Wavemaker [L:34] 1
The Wavemaker [L:36] 1
The Wavemaker [L:38] 1
The Wavemaker [L:40] 1
The Wavemaker [L:42] 1
The Wavemaker [L:44] 1
Scuttler [L:10] 1
Scuttler [L:12] 1
Scuttler [L:14] 1
Scuttler [L:16] 1
Scuttler [L:18] 1
Scuttler [L:20] 1
Scuttler [L:22] 1
Scuttler [L:24] 1
Scuttler [L:26] 1
Scuttler [L:28] 1
Scuttler [L:30] 1
Scuttler [L:32] 1
Scuttler [L:34] 1
Scuttler [L:36] 1
Scuttler [L:38] 1
Scuttler [L:40] 1
Scuttler [L:42] 1
Scuttler [L:44] 1
Baronett's Blades [L:10] 1
Baronett's Blades [L:12] 1
Baronett's Blades [L:14] 1
Baronett's Blades [L:16] 1
Baronett's Blades [L:18] 1
Baronett's Blades [L:20] 1
Baronett's Blades [L:22] 1
Baronett's Blades [L:24] 1
Baronett's Blades [L:26] 1
Baronett's Blades [L:28] 1
Baronett's Blades [L:30] 1
Baronett's Blades [L:32] 1
Baronett's Blades [L:34] 1
Baronett's Blades [L:36] 1
Baronett's Blades [L:38] 1
Baronett's Blades [L:40] 1
Baronett's Blades [L:42] 1
Baronett's Blades [L:44] 1
Flotsam Chakrams [L:10] 1
Flotsam Chakrams [L:12] 1
Flotsam Chakrams [L:14] 1
Flotsam Chakrams [L:16] 1
Flotsam Chakrams [L:18] 1
Flotsam Chakrams [L:20] 1
Flotsam Chakrams [L:22] 1
Flotsam Chakrams [L:24] 1
Flotsam Chakrams [L:26] 1
Flotsam Chakrams [L:28] 1
Flotsam Chakrams [L:30] 1
Flotsam Chakrams [L:32] 1
Flotsam Chakrams [L:34] 1
Flotsam Chakrams [L:36] 1
Flotsam Chakrams [L:38] 1
Flotsam Chakrams [L:40] 1
Flotsam Chakrams [L:42] 1
Flotsam Chakrams [L:44] 1
Barbed Tortoise Shell [L:10] 1
Barbed Tortoise Shell [L:12] 1
Barbed Tortoise Shell [L:14] 1
Barbed Tortoise Shell [L:16] 1
Barbed Tortoise Shell [L:18] 1
Barbed Tortoise Shell [L:20] 1
Barbed Tortoise Shell [L:22] 1
Barbed Tortoise Shell [L:24] 1
Barbed Tortoise Shell [L:26] 1
Barbed Tortoise Shell [L:28] 1
Barbed Tortoise Shell [L:30] 1
Barbed Tortoise Shell [L:32] 1
Barbed Tortoise Shell [L:34] 1
Barbed Tortoise Shell [L:36] 1
Barbed Tortoise Shell [L:38] 1
Barbed Tortoise Shell [L:40] 1
Barbed Tortoise Shell [L:42] 1
Barbed Tortoise Shell [L:44] 1
Mysterious Targa [L:10] 1
Mysterious Targa [L:12] 1
Mysterious Targa [L:14] 1
Mysterious Targa [L:16] 1
Mysterious Targa [L:18] 1
Mysterious Targa [L:20] 1
Mysterious Targa [L:22] 1
Mysterious Targa [L:24] 1
Mysterious Targa [L:26] 1
Mysterious Targa [L:28] 1
Mysterious Targa [L:30] 1
Mysterious Targa [L:32] 1
Mysterious Targa [L:34] 1
Mysterious Targa [L:36] 1
Mysterious Targa [L:38] 1
Mysterious Targa [L:40] 1
Mysterious Targa [L:42] 1
Mysterious Targa [L:44] 1
Porthole Buckler [L:10] 1
Porthole Buckler [L:12] 1
Porthole Buckler [L:14] 1
Porthole Buckler [L:16] 1
Porthole Buckler [L:18] 1
Porthole Buckler [L:20] 1
Porthole Buckler [L:22] 1
Porthole Buckler [L:24] 1
Porthole Buckler [L:26] 1
Porthole Buckler [L:28] 1
Porthole Buckler [L:30] 1
Porthole Buckler [L:32] 1
Porthole Buckler [L:34] 1
Porthole Buckler [L:36] 1
Porthole Buckler [L:38] 1
Porthole Buckler [L:40] 1
Porthole Buckler [L:42] 1
Porthole Buckler [L:44] 1
Dvergan Kite Shield [L:10] 1
Dvergan Kite Shield [L:12] 1
Dvergan Kite Shield [L:14] 1
Dvergan Kite Shield [L:16] 1
Dvergan Kite Shield [L:18] 1
Dvergan Kite Shield [L:20] 1
Dvergan Kite Shield [L:22] 1
Dvergan Kite Shield [L:24] 1
Dvergan Kite Shield [L:26] 1
Dvergan Kite Shield [L:28] 1
Dvergan Kite Shield [L:30] 1
Dvergan Kite Shield [L:32] 1
Dvergan Kite Shield [L:34] 1
Dvergan Kite Shield [L:36] 1
Dvergan Kite Shield [L:38] 1
Dvergan Kite Shield [L:40] 1
Dvergan Kite Shield [L:42] 1
Dvergan Kite Shield [L:44] 1
Akara's Visage [L:10] 1
Akara's Visage [L:12] 1
Akara's Visage [L:14] 1
Akara's Visage [L:16] 1
Akara's Visage [L:18] 1
Akara's Visage [L:20] 1
Akara's Visage [L:22] 1
Akara's Visage [L:24] 1
Akara's Visage [L:26] 1
Akara's Visage [L:28] 1
Akara's Visage [L:30] 1
Akara's Visage [L:32] 1
Akara's Visage [L:34] 1
Akara's Visage [L:36] 1
Akara's Visage [L:38] 1
Akara's Visage [L:40] 1
Akara's Visage [L:42] 1
Akara's Visage [L:44] 1
Fury [L:10] 1
Fury [L:12] 1
Fury [L:14] 1
Fury [L:16] 1
Fury [L:18] 1
Fury [L:20] 1
Fury [L:22] 1
Fury [L:24] 1
Fury [L:26] 1
Fury [L:28] 1
Fury [L:30] 1
Fury [L:32] 1
Fury [L:34] 1
Fury [L:36] 1
Fury [L:38] 1
Fury [L:40] 1
Fury [L:42] 1
Fury [L:44] 1
Whale Tooth Pendant [L:10] 1
Whale Tooth Pendant [L:12] 1
Whale Tooth Pendant [L:14] 1
Whale Tooth Pendant [L:16] 1
Whale Tooth Pendant [L:18] 1
Whale Tooth Pendant [L:20] 1
Whale Tooth Pendant [L:22] 1
Whale Tooth Pendant [L:24] 1
Whale Tooth Pendant [L:26] 1
Whale Tooth Pendant [L:28] 1
Whale Tooth Pendant [L:30] 1
Whale Tooth Pendant [L:32] 1
Whale Tooth Pendant [L:34] 1
Whale Tooth Pendant [L:36] 1
Whale Tooth Pendant [L:38] 1
Whale Tooth Pendant [L:40] 1
Whale Tooth Pendant [L:42] 1
Whale Tooth Pendant [L:44] 1
Starry-Eye Pearl Necklace [L:10] 1
Starry-Eye Pearl Necklace [L:12] 1
Starry-Eye Pearl Necklace [L:14] 1
Starry-Eye Pearl Necklace [L:16] 1
Starry-Eye Pearl Necklace [L:18] 1
Starry-Eye Pearl Necklace [L:20] 1
Starry-Eye Pearl Necklace [L:22] 1
Starry-Eye Pearl Necklace [L:24] 1
Starry-Eye Pearl Necklace [L:26] 1
Starry-Eye Pearl Necklace [L:28] 1
Starry-Eye Pearl Necklace [L:30] 1
Starry-Eye Pearl Necklace [L:32] 1
Starry-Eye Pearl Necklace [L:34] 1
Starry-Eye Pearl Necklace [L:36] 1
Starry-Eye Pearl Necklace [L:38] 1
Starry-Eye Pearl Necklace [L:40] 1
Starry-Eye Pearl Necklace [L:42] 1
Starry-Eye Pearl Necklace [L:44] 1
Bound Tempest [L:10] 1
Bound Tempest [L:12] 1
Bound Tempest [L:14] 1
Bound Tempest [L:16] 1
Bound Tempest [L:18] 1
Bound Tempest [L:20] 1
Bound Tempest [L:22] 1
Bound Tempest [L:24] 1
Bound Tempest [L:26] 1
Bound Tempest [L:28] 1
Bound Tempest [L:30] 1
Bound Tempest [L:32] 1
Bound Tempest [L:34] 1
Bound Tempest [L:36] 1
Bound Tempest [L:38] 1
Bound Tempest [L:40] 1
Bound Tempest [L:42] 1
Bound Tempest [L:44] 1
Strand of the Shifting Seas [L:10] 1
Strand of the Shifting Seas [L:12] 1
Strand of the Shifting Seas [L:14] 1
Strand of the Shifting Seas [L:16] 1
Strand of the Shifting Seas [L:18] 1
Strand of the Shifting Seas [L:20] 1
Strand of the Shifting Seas [L:22] 1
Strand of the Shifting Seas [L:24] 1
Strand of the Shifting Seas [L:26] 1
Strand of the Shifting Seas [L:28] 1
Strand of the Shifting Seas [L:30] 1
Strand of the Shifting Seas [L:32] 1
Strand of the Shifting Seas [L:34] 1
Strand of the Shifting Seas [L:36] 1
Strand of the Shifting Seas [L:38] 1
Strand of the Shifting Seas [L:40] 1
Strand of the Shifting Seas [L:42] 1
Strand of the Shifting Seas [L:44] 1
Barbed Necklace [L:10] 1
Barbed Necklace [L:12] 1
Barbed Necklace [L:14] 1
Barbed Necklace [L:16] 1
Barbed Necklace [L:18] 1
Barbed Necklace [L:20] 1
Barbed Necklace [L:22] 1
Barbed Necklace [L:24] 1
Barbed Necklace [L:26] 1
Barbed Necklace [L:28] 1
Barbed Necklace [L:30] 1
Barbed Necklace [L:32] 1
Barbed Necklace [L:34] 1
Barbed Necklace [L:36] 1
Barbed Necklace [L:38] 1
Barbed Necklace [L:40] 1
Barbed Necklace [L:42] 1
Barbed Necklace [L:44] 1
Sea Serpent Totem [L:10] 1
Sea Serpent Totem [L:12] 1
Sea Serpent Totem [L:14] 1
Sea Serpent Totem [L:16] 1
Sea Serpent Totem [L:18] 1
Sea Serpent Totem [L:20] 1
Sea Serpent Totem [L:22] 1
Sea Serpent Totem [L:24] 1
Sea Serpent Totem [L:26] 1
Sea Serpent Totem [L:28] 1
Sea Serpent Totem [L:30] 1
Sea Serpent Totem [L:32] 1
Sea Serpent Totem [L:34] 1
Sea Serpent Totem [L:36] 1
Sea Serpent Totem [L:38] 1
Sea Serpent Totem [L:40] 1
Sea Serpent Totem [L:42] 1
Sea Serpent Totem [L:44] 1
Dverga Ornamental Chain [L:10] 1
Dverga Ornamental Chain [L:12] 1
Dverga Ornamental Chain [L:14] 1
Dverga Ornamental Chain [L:16] 1
Dverga Ornamental Chain [L:18] 1
Dverga Ornamental Chain [L:20] 1
Dverga Ornamental Chain [L:22] 1
Dverga Ornamental Chain [L:24] 1
Dverga Ornamental Chain [L:26] 1
Dverga Ornamental Chain [L:28] 1
Dverga Ornamental Chain [L:30] 1
Dverga Ornamental Chain [L:32] 1
Dverga Ornamental Chain [L:34] 1
Dverga Ornamental Chain [L:36] 1
Dverga Ornamental Chain [L:38] 1
Dverga Ornamental Chain [L:40] 1
Dverga Ornamental Chain [L:42] 1
Dverga Ornamental Chain [L:44] 1
Volcanic Glass Ring [L:10] 1
Volcanic Glass Ring [L:12] 1
Volcanic Glass Ring [L:14] 1
Volcanic Glass Ring [L:16] 1
Volcanic Glass Ring [L:18] 1
Volcanic Glass Ring [L:20] 1
Volcanic Glass Ring [L:22] 1
Volcanic Glass Ring [L:24] 1
Volcanic Glass Ring [L:26] 1
Volcanic Glass Ring [L:28] 1
Volcanic Glass Ring [L:30] 1
Volcanic Glass Ring [L:32] 1
Volcanic Glass Ring [L:34] 1
Volcanic Glass Ring [L:36] 1
Volcanic Glass Ring [L:38] 1
Volcanic Glass Ring [L:40] 1
Volcanic Glass Ring [L:42] 1
Volcanic Glass Ring [L:44] 1
Red Sky Ring [L:10] 1
Red Sky Ring [L:12] 1
Red Sky Ring [L:14] 1
Red Sky Ring [L:16] 1
Red Sky Ring [L:18] 1
Red Sky Ring [L:20] 1
Red Sky Ring [L:22] 1
Red Sky Ring [L:24] 1
Red Sky Ring [L:26] 1
Red Sky Ring [L:28] 1
Red Sky Ring [L:30] 1
Red Sky Ring [L:32] 1
Red Sky Ring [L:34] 1
Red Sky Ring [L:36] 1
Red Sky Ring [L:38] 1
Red Sky Ring [L:40] 1
Red Sky Ring [L:42] 1
Red Sky Ring [L:44] 1
Maelstrom [L:10] 1
Maelstrom [L:12] 1
Maelstrom [L:14] 1
Maelstrom [L:16] 1
Maelstrom [L:18] 1
Maelstrom [L:20] 1
Maelstrom [L:22] 1
Maelstrom [L:24] 1
Maelstrom [L:26] 1
Maelstrom [L:28] 1
Maelstrom [L:30] 1
Maelstrom [L:32] 1
Maelstrom [L:34] 1
Maelstrom [L:36] 1
Maelstrom [L:38] 1
Maelstrom [L:40] 1
Maelstrom [L:42] 1
Maelstrom [L:44] 1
Swashbuckler Band [L:10] 1
Swashbuckler Band [L:12] 1
Swashbuckler Band [L:14] 1
Swashbuckler Band [L:16] 1
Swashbuckler Band [L:18] 1
Swashbuckler Band [L:20] 1
Swashbuckler Band [L:22] 1
Swashbuckler Band [L:24] 1
Swashbuckler Band [L:26] 1
Swashbuckler Band [L:28] 1
Swashbuckler Band [L:30] 1
Swashbuckler Band [L:32] 1
Swashbuckler Band [L:34] 1
Swashbuckler Band [L:36] 1
Swashbuckler Band [L:38] 1
Swashbuckler Band [L:40] 1
Swashbuckler Band [L:42] 1
Swashbuckler Band [L:44] 1
Dvergan Emerald [L:10] 1
Dvergan Emerald [L:12] 1
Dvergan Emerald [L:14] 1
Dvergan Emerald [L:16] 1
Dvergan Emerald [L:18] 1
Dvergan Emerald [L:20] 1
Dvergan Emerald [L:22] 1
Dvergan Emerald [L:24] 1
Dvergan Emerald [L:26] 1
Dvergan Emerald [L:28] 1
Dvergan Emerald [L:30] 1
Dvergan Emerald [L:32] 1
Dvergan Emerald [L:34] 1
Dvergan Emerald [L:36] 1
Dvergan Emerald [L:38] 1
Dvergan Emerald [L:40] 1
Dvergan Emerald [L:42] 1
Dvergan Emerald [L:44] 1
Black Water Stone [L:10] 1
Black Water Stone [L:12] 1
Black Water Stone [L:14] 1
Black Water Stone [L:16] 1
Black Water Stone [L:18] 1
Black Water Stone [L:20] 1
Black Water Stone [L:22] 1
Black Water Stone [L:24] 1
Black Water Stone [L:26] 1
Black Water Stone [L:28] 1
Black Water Stone [L:30] 1
Black Water Stone [L:32] 1
Black Water Stone [L:34] 1
Black Water Stone [L:36] 1
Black Water Stone [L:38] 1
Black Water Stone [L:40] 1
Black Water Stone [L:42] 1
Black Water Stone [L:44] 1
Signet of the Erathi [L:10] 1
Signet of the Erathi [L:12] 1
Signet of the Erathi [L:14] 1
Signet of the Erathi [L:16] 1
Signet of the Erathi [L:18] 1
Signet of the Erathi [L:20] 1
Signet of the Erathi [L:22] 1
Signet of the Erathi [L:24] 1
Signet of the Erathi [L:26] 1
Signet of the Erathi [L:28] 1
Signet of the Erathi [L:30] 1
Signet of the Erathi [L:32] 1
Signet of the Erathi [L:34] 1
Signet of the Erathi [L:36] 1
Signet of the Erathi [L:38] 1
Signet of the Erathi [L:40] 1
Signet of the Erathi [L:42] 1
Signet of the Erathi [L:44] 1
Dauntless Chausses [L:20] 1
Dauntless Chausses [L:22] 1
Seeker's Plate [L:22] 1
Auspice Gauntlets [L:23] 1
Auspice Gauntlets [L:25] 1
Blazoned Boots [L:23] 1
Blazoned Boots [L:25] 1
Windcarver [L:3] 1
Makhaira [L:3] 1
The Titan Spear [L:3] 1
Lightning Cage [L:3] 1
The Naros Fang [L:3] 1
Fallenstar [L:3] 1
The Deadshot [L:3] 1
Venomstrike [L:3] 1
Rend and Carver [L:3] 1
Xiphos [L:3] 1
Zelus & Bia [L:3] 1
Lunala's Crescents [L:3] 1
Primal Mirror [L:3] 1
Lightning Rod [L:3] 1
The Heavens' Gift [L:3] 1
Pteryx Talon [L:3] 1
Titan's Cuff [L:3] 1
Hengerings [L:3] 1
Crested Helm [L:3] 1
Stoneworker's Gloves [L:3] 1
The Linothorax [L:3] 1
Armguard Chausses [L:3] 1
Peniel's Boots [L:3] 1
The Wary Hood [L:3] 1
Pteryx Talons [L:3] 1
Kollossae Mantle [L:3] 1
Deinir Leggings [L:3] 1
Woven Footpads [L:3] 1
Crown of Kreios [L:3] 1
Pilgrim's Handwraps [L:3] 1
Talisman Lattice [L:3] 1
Kollossae Sandals [L:3] 1
Remnant Helm [L:3] 1
Nightstone Helm [L:3] 1
Hood of Fury [L:3] 1
Pteryx Hood [L:3] 1
Primal Cowl [L:3] 1
Skymason's Cowl [L:3] 1
Remnant Cuirass [L:3] 1
Nightstone Cuirass [L:3] 1
Armor of Fury [L:3] 1
Pteryx Armor [L:3] 1
Primal Robes [L:3] 1
Skymason's Robes [L:3] 1
Remnant Gauntlets [L:3] 1
Nightstone Gauntlets [L:3] 1
Gloves of Fury [L:3] 1
Pteryx Gloves [L:3] 1
Primal Handwraps [L:3] 1
Skymason's Handwraps [L:3] 1
Remnant Chausses [L:3] 1
Nightstone Chausses [L:3] 1
Leggings of Fury [L:3] 1
Pteryx Leggings [L:3] 1
Remnant Greaves [L:3] 1
Nightstone Greaves [L:3] 1
Boots of Fury [L:3] 1
Pteryx Boots [L:3] 1
Primal Shoes [L:3] 1
Skymason's Shoes [L:3] 1
Tooth of Naros [L:3] 1
Hoplon [L:3] 1
Eye of Lupoku [L:3] 1
Labyrinthine [L:3] 1
Primos' Talisman [L:3] 1
Logos [L:3] 1
Windcarver [L:6] 1
Windcarver [L:9] 1
Windcarver [L:12] 1
Windcarver [L:15] 1
Windcarver [L:18] 1
Windcarver [L:21] 1
Windcarver [L:24] 1
Windcarver [L:27] 1
Windcarver [L:30] 1
Windcarver [L:33] 1
Windcarver [L:36] 1
Windcarver [L:39] 1
Windcarver [L:42] 1
Makhaira [L:6] 1
Makhaira [L:9] 1
Makhaira [L:12] 1
Makhaira [L:15] 1
Makhaira [L:18] 1
Makhaira [L:21] 1
Makhaira [L:24] 1
Makhaira [L:27] 1
Makhaira [L:30] 1
Makhaira [L:33] 1
Makhaira [L:36] 1
Makhaira [L:39] 1
Makhaira [L:42] 1
The Titan Spear [L:6] 1
The Titan Spear [L:9] 1
The Titan Spear [L:12] 1
The Titan Spear [L:15] 1
The Titan Spear [L:18] 1
The Titan Spear [L:21] 1
The Titan Spear [L:24] 1
The Titan Spear [L:27] 1
The Titan Spear [L:30] 1
The Titan Spear [L:33] 1
The Titan Spear [L:36] 1
The Titan Spear [L:39] 1
The Titan Spear [L:42] 1
Lightning Cage [L:6] 1
Lightning Cage [L:9] 1
Lightning Cage [L:12] 1
Lightning Cage [L:15] 1
Lightning Cage [L:18] 1
Lightning Cage [L:21] 1
Lightning Cage [L:24] 1
Lightning Cage [L:27] 1
Lightning Cage [L:30] 1
Lightning Cage [L:33] 1
Lightning Cage [L:36] 1
Lightning Cage [L:39] 1
Lightning Cage [L:42] 1
The Naros Fang [L:6] 1
The Naros Fang [L:9] 1
The Naros Fang [L:12] 1
The Naros Fang [L:15] 1
The Naros Fang [L:18] 1
The Naros Fang [L:21] 1
The Naros Fang [L:24] 1
The Naros Fang [L:27] 1
The Naros Fang [L:30] 1
The Naros Fang [L:33] 1
The Naros Fang [L:36] 1
The Naros Fang [L:39] 1
The Naros Fang [L:42] 1
Fallenstar [L:6] 1
Fallenstar [L:9] 1
Fallenstar [L:12] 1
Fallenstar [L:15] 1
Fallenstar [L:18] 1
Fallenstar [L:21] 1
Fallenstar [L:24] 1
Fallenstar [L:27] 1
Fallenstar [L:30] 1
Fallenstar [L:33] 1
Fallenstar [L:36] 1
Fallenstar [L:39] 1
Fallenstar [L:42] 1
The Deadshot [L:6] 1
The Deadshot [L:9] 1
The Deadshot [L:12] 1
The Deadshot [L:15] 1
The Deadshot [L:18] 1
The Deadshot [L:21] 1
The Deadshot [L:24] 1
The Deadshot [L:27] 1
The Deadshot [L:30] 1
The Deadshot [L:33] 1
The Deadshot [L:36] 1
The Deadshot [L:39] 1
The Deadshot [L:42] 1
Venomstrike [L:6] 1
Venomstrike [L:9] 1
Venomstrike [L:12] 1
Venomstrike [L:15] 1
Venomstrike [L:18] 1
Venomstrike [L:21] 1
Venomstrike [L:24] 1
Venomstrike [L:27] 1
Venomstrike [L:30] 1
Venomstrike [L:33] 1
Venomstrike [L:36] 1
Venomstrike [L:39] 1
Venomstrike [L:42] 1
Zelus & Bia [L:6] 1
Zelus & Bia [L:9] 1
Zelus & Bia [L:12] 1
Zelus & Bia [L:15] 1
Zelus & Bia [L:18] 1
Zelus & Bia [L:21] 1
Zelus & Bia [L:24] 1
Zelus & Bia [L:27] 1
Zelus & Bia [L:30] 1
Zelus & Bia [L:33] 1
Zelus & Bia [L:36] 1
Zelus & Bia [L:39] 1
Zelus & Bia [L:42] 1
Lunala's Crescents [L:6] 1
Lunala's Crescents [L:9] 1
Lunala's Crescents [L:12] 1
Lunala's Crescents [L:15] 1
Lunala's Crescents [L:18] 1
Lunala's Crescents [L:21] 1
Lunala's Crescents [L:24] 1
Lunala's Crescents [L:27] 1
Lunala's Crescents [L:30] 1
Lunala's Crescents [L:33] 1
Lunala's Crescents [L:36] 1
Lunala's Crescents [L:39] 1
Lunala's Crescents [L:42] 1
Rend and Carver [L:6] 1
Rend and Carver [L:9] 1
Rend and Carver [L:12] 1
Rend and Carver [L:15] 1
Rend and Carver [L:18] 1
Rend and Carver [L:21] 1
Rend and Carver [L:24] 1
Rend and Carver [L:27] 1
Rend and Carver [L:30] 1
Rend and Carver [L:33] 1
Rend and Carver [L:36] 1
Rend and Carver [L:39] 1
Rend and Carver [L:42] 1
Xiphos [L:6] 1
Xiphos [L:9] 1
Xiphos [L:12] 1
Xiphos [L:15] 1
Xiphos [L:18] 1
Xiphos [L:21] 1
Xiphos [L:24] 1
Xiphos [L:27] 1
Xiphos [L:30] 1
Xiphos [L:33] 1
Xiphos [L:36] 1
Xiphos [L:39] 1
Xiphos [L:42] 1
Primal Mirror [L:6] 1
Primal Mirror [L:9] 1
Primal Mirror [L:12] 1
Primal Mirror [L:15] 1
Primal Mirror [L:18] 1
Primal Mirror [L:21] 1
Primal Mirror [L:24] 1
Primal Mirror [L:27] 1
Primal Mirror [L:30] 1
Primal Mirror [L:33] 1
Primal Mirror [L:36] 1
Primal Mirror [L:39] 1
Primal Mirror [L:42] 1
Lightning Rod [L:6] 1
Lightning Rod [L:9] 1
Lightning Rod [L:12] 1
Lightning Rod [L:15] 1
Lightning Rod [L:18] 1
Lightning Rod [L:21] 1
Lightning Rod [L:24] 1
Lightning Rod [L:27] 1
Lightning Rod [L:30] 1
Lightning Rod [L:33] 1
Lightning Rod [L:36] 1
Lightning Rod [L:39] 1
Lightning Rod [L:42] 1
Pteryx Talon [L:6] 1
Pteryx Talon [L:9] 1
Pteryx Talon [L:12] 1
Pteryx Talon [L:15] 1
Pteryx Talon [L:18] 1
Pteryx Talon [L:21] 1
Pteryx Talon [L:24] 1
Pteryx Talon [L:27] 1
Pteryx Talon [L:30] 1
Pteryx Talon [L:33] 1
Pteryx Talon [L:36] 1
Pteryx Talon [L:39] 1
Pteryx Talon [L:42] 1
The Heavens' Gift [L:6] 1
The Heavens' Gift [L:9] 1
The Heavens' Gift [L:12] 1
The Heavens' Gift [L:15] 1
The Heavens' Gift [L:18] 1
The Heavens' Gift [L:21] 1
The Heavens' Gift [L:24] 1
The Heavens' Gift [L:27] 1
The Heavens' Gift [L:30] 1
The Heavens' Gift [L:33] 1
The Heavens' Gift [L:36] 1
The Heavens' Gift [L:39] 1
The Heavens' Gift [L:42] 1
Titan's Cuff [L:6] 1
Titan's Cuff [L:9] 1
Titan's Cuff [L:12] 1
Titan's Cuff [L:15] 1
Titan's Cuff [L:18] 1
Titan's Cuff [L:21] 1
Titan's Cuff [L:24] 1
Titan's Cuff [L:27] 1
Titan's Cuff [L:30] 1
Titan's Cuff [L:33] 1
Titan's Cuff [L:36] 1
Titan's Cuff [L:39] 1
Titan's Cuff [L:42] 1
Hengerings [L:6] 1
Hengerings [L:9] 1
Hengerings [L:12] 1
Hengerings [L:15] 1
Hengerings [L:18] 1
Hengerings [L:21] 1
Hengerings [L:24] 1
Hengerings [L:27] 1
Hengerings [L:30] 1
Hengerings [L:33] 1
Hengerings [L:36] 1
Hengerings [L:39] 1
Hengerings [L:42] 1
Crested Helm [L:6] 1
Crested Helm [L:9] 1
Crested Helm [L:12] 1
Crested Helm [L:15] 1
Crested Helm [L:18] 1
Crested Helm [L:21] 1
Crested Helm [L:24] 1
Crested Helm [L:27] 1
Crested Helm [L:30] 1
Crested Helm [L:33] 1
Crested Helm [L:36] 1
Crested Helm [L:39] 1
Crested Helm [L:42] 1
The Linothorax [L:6] 1
The Linothorax [L:9] 1
The Linothorax [L:12] 1
The Linothorax [L:15] 1
The Linothorax [L:18] 1
The Linothorax [L:21] 1
The Linothorax [L:24] 1
The Linothorax [L:27] 1
The Linothorax [L:30] 1
The Linothorax [L:33] 1
The Linothorax [L:36] 1
The Linothorax [L:39] 1
The Linothorax [L:42] 1
Stoneworker's Gloves [L:6] 1
Stoneworker's Gloves [L:9] 1
Stoneworker's Gloves [L:12] 1
Stoneworker's Gloves [L:15] 1
Stoneworker's Gloves [L:18] 1
Stoneworker's Gloves [L:21] 1
Stoneworker's Gloves [L:24] 1
Stoneworker's Gloves [L:27] 1
Stoneworker's Gloves [L:30] 1
Stoneworker's Gloves [L:33] 1
Stoneworker's Gloves [L:36] 1
Stoneworker's Gloves [L:39] 1
Stoneworker's Gloves [L:42] 1
Armguard Chausses [L:6] 1
Armguard Chausses [L:9] 1
Armguard Chausses [L:12] 1
Armguard Chausses [L:15] 1
Armguard Chausses [L:18] 1
Armguard Chausses [L:21] 1
Armguard Chausses [L:24] 1
Armguard Chausses [L:27] 1
Armguard Chausses [L:30] 1
Armguard Chausses [L:33] 1
Armguard Chausses [L:36] 1
Armguard Chausses [L:39] 1
Armguard Chausses [L:42] 1
Peniel's Boots [L:6] 1
Peniel's Boots [L:9] 1
Peniel's Boots [L:12] 1
Peniel's Boots [L:15] 1
Peniel's Boots [L:18] 1
Peniel's Boots [L:21] 1
Peniel's Boots [L:24] 1
Peniel's Boots [L:27] 1
Peniel's Boots [L:30] 1
Peniel's Boots [L:33] 1
Peniel's Boots [L:36] 1
Peniel's Boots [L:39] 1
Peniel's Boots [L:42] 1
Kollossae Mantle [L:6] 1
Kollossae Mantle [L:9] 1
Kollossae Mantle [L:12] 1
Kollossae Mantle [L:15] 1
Kollossae Mantle [L:18] 1
Kollossae Mantle [L:21] 1
Kollossae Mantle [L:24] 1
Kollossae Mantle [L:27] 1
Kollossae Mantle [L:30] 1
Kollossae Mantle [L:33] 1
Kollossae Mantle [L:36] 1
Kollossae Mantle [L:39] 1
Kollossae Mantle [L:42] 1
Deinir Leggings [L:6] 1
Deinir Leggings [L:9] 1
Deinir Leggings [L:12] 1
Deinir Leggings [L:15] 1
Deinir Leggings [L:18] 1
Deinir Leggings [L:21] 1
Deinir Leggings [L:24] 1
Deinir Leggings [L:27] 1
Deinir Leggings [L:30] 1
Deinir Leggings [L:33] 1
Deinir Leggings [L:36] 1
Deinir Leggings [L:39] 1
Deinir Leggings [L:42] 1
The Wary Hood [L:6] 1
The Wary Hood [L:9] 1
The Wary Hood [L:12] 1
The Wary Hood [L:15] 1
The Wary Hood [L:18] 1
The Wary Hood [L:21] 1
The Wary Hood [L:24] 1
The Wary Hood [L:27] 1
The Wary Hood [L:30] 1
The Wary Hood [L:33] 1
The Wary Hood [L:36] 1
The Wary Hood [L:39] 1
The Wary Hood [L:42] 1
Pteryx Talons [L:6] 1
Pteryx Talons [L:9] 1
Pteryx Talons [L:12] 1
Pteryx Talons [L:15] 1
Pteryx Talons [L:18] 1
Pteryx Talons [L:21] 1
Pteryx Talons [L:24] 1
Pteryx Talons [L:27] 1
Pteryx Talons [L:30] 1
Pteryx Talons [L:33] 1
Pteryx Talons [L:36] 1
Pteryx Talons [L:39] 1
Pteryx Talons [L:42] 1
Woven Footpads [L:6] 1
Woven Footpads [L:9] 1
Woven Footpads [L:12] 1
Woven Footpads [L:15] 1
Woven Footpads [L:18] 1
Woven Footpads [L:21] 1
Woven Footpads [L:24] 1
Woven Footpads [L:27] 1
Woven Footpads [L:30] 1
Woven Footpads [L:33] 1
Woven Footpads [L:36] 1
Woven Footpads [L:39] 1
Woven Footpads [L:42] 1
Talisman Lattice [L:6] 1
Talisman Lattice [L:9] 1
Talisman Lattice [L:12] 1
Talisman Lattice [L:15] 1
Talisman Lattice [L:18] 1
Talisman Lattice [L:21] 1
Talisman Lattice [L:24] 1
Talisman Lattice [L:27] 1
Talisman Lattice [L:30] 1
Talisman Lattice [L:33] 1
Talisman Lattice [L:36] 1
Talisman Lattice [L:39] 1
Talisman Lattice [L:42] 1
Crown of Kreios [L:6] 1
Crown of Kreios [L:9] 1
Crown of Kreios [L:12] 1
Crown of Kreios [L:15] 1
Crown of Kreios [L:18] 1
Crown of Kreios [L:21] 1
Crown of Kreios [L:24] 1
Crown of Kreios [L:27] 1
Crown of Kreios [L:30] 1
Crown of Kreios [L:33] 1
Crown of Kreios [L:36] 1
Crown of Kreios [L:39] 1
Crown of Kreios [L:42] 1
Pilgrim's Handwraps [L:6] 1
Pilgrim's Handwraps [L:9] 1
Pilgrim's Handwraps [L:12] 1
Pilgrim's Handwraps [L:15] 1
Pilgrim's Handwraps [L:18] 1
Pilgrim's Handwraps [L:21] 1
Pilgrim's Handwraps [L:24] 1
Pilgrim's Handwraps [L:27] 1
Pilgrim's Handwraps [L:30] 1
Pilgrim's Handwraps [L:33] 1
Pilgrim's Handwraps [L:36] 1
Pilgrim's Handwraps [L:39] 1
Pilgrim's Handwraps [L:42] 1
Kollossae Sandals [L:6] 1
Kollossae Sandals [L:9] 1
Kollossae Sandals [L:12] 1
Kollossae Sandals [L:15] 1
Kollossae Sandals [L:18] 1
Kollossae Sandals [L:21] 1
Kollossae Sandals [L:24] 1
Kollossae Sandals [L:27] 1
Kollossae Sandals [L:30] 1
Kollossae Sandals [L:33] 1
Kollossae Sandals [L:36] 1
Kollossae Sandals [L:39] 1
Kollossae Sandals [L:42] 1
Remnant Cuirass [L:6] 1
Remnant Cuirass [L:9] 1
Remnant Cuirass [L:12] 1
Remnant Cuirass [L:15] 1
Remnant Cuirass [L:18] 1
Remnant Cuirass [L:21] 1
Remnant Cuirass [L:24] 1
Remnant Cuirass [L:27] 1
Remnant Cuirass [L:30] 1
Remnant Cuirass [L:33] 1
Remnant Cuirass [L:36] 1
Remnant Cuirass [L:39] 1
Remnant Cuirass [L:42] 1
Remnant Chausses [L:6] 1
Remnant Chausses [L:9] 1
Remnant Chausses [L:12] 1
Remnant Chausses [L:15] 1
Remnant Chausses [L:18] 1
Remnant Chausses [L:21] 1
Remnant Chausses [L:24] 1
Remnant Chausses [L:27] 1
Remnant Chausses [L:30] 1
Remnant Chausses [L:33] 1
Remnant Chausses [L:36] 1
Remnant Chausses [L:39] 1
Remnant Chausses [L:42] 1
Remnant Helm [L:6] 1
Remnant Helm [L:9] 1
Remnant Helm [L:12] 1
Remnant Helm [L:15] 1
Remnant Helm [L:18] 1
Remnant Helm [L:21] 1
Remnant Helm [L:24] 1
Remnant Helm [L:27] 1
Remnant Helm [L:30] 1
Remnant Helm [L:33] 1
Remnant Helm [L:36] 1
Remnant Helm [L:39] 1
Remnant Helm [L:42] 1
Remnant Gauntlets [L:6] 1
Remnant Gauntlets [L:9] 1
Remnant Gauntlets [L:12] 1
Remnant Gauntlets [L:15] 1
Remnant Gauntlets [L:18] 1
Remnant Gauntlets [L:21] 1
Remnant Gauntlets [L:24] 1
Remnant Gauntlets [L:27] 1
Remnant Gauntlets [L:30] 1
Remnant Gauntlets [L:33] 1
Remnant Gauntlets [L:36] 1
Remnant Gauntlets [L:39] 1
Remnant Gauntlets [L:42] 1
Remnant Greaves [L:6] 1
Remnant Greaves [L:9] 1
Remnant Greaves [L:12] 1
Remnant Greaves [L:15] 1
Remnant Greaves [L:18] 1
Remnant Greaves [L:21] 1
Remnant Greaves [L:24] 1
Remnant Greaves [L:27] 1
Remnant Greaves [L:30] 1
Remnant Greaves [L:33] 1
Remnant Greaves [L:36] 1
Remnant Greaves [L:39] 1
Remnant Greaves [L:42] 1
Nightstone Helm [L:6] 1
Nightstone Helm [L:9] 1
Nightstone Helm [L:12] 1
Nightstone Helm [L:15] 1
Nightstone Helm [L:18] 1
Nightstone Helm [L:21] 1
Nightstone Helm [L:24] 1
Nightstone Helm [L:27] 1
Nightstone Helm [L:30] 1
Nightstone Helm [L:33] 1
Nightstone Helm [L:36] 1
Nightstone Helm [L:39] 1
Nightstone Helm [L:42] 1
Nightstone Cuirass [L:6] 1
Nightstone Cuirass [L:9] 1
Nightstone Cuirass [L:12] 1
Nightstone Cuirass [L:15] 1
Nightstone Cuirass [L:18] 1
Nightstone Cuirass [L:21] 1
Nightstone Cuirass [L:24] 1
Nightstone Cuirass [L:27] 1
Nightstone Cuirass [L:30] 1
Nightstone Cuirass [L:33] 1
Nightstone Cuirass [L:36] 1
Nightstone Cuirass [L:39] 1
Nightstone Cuirass [L:42] 1
Nightstone Chausses [L:6] 1
Nightstone Chausses [L:9] 1
Nightstone Chausses [L:12] 1
Nightstone Chausses [L:15] 1
Nightstone Chausses [L:18] 1
Nightstone Chausses [L:21] 1
Nightstone Chausses [L:24] 1
Nightstone Chausses [L:27] 1
Nightstone Chausses [L:30] 1
Nightstone Chausses [L:33] 1
Nightstone Chausses [L:36] 1
Nightstone Chausses [L:39] 1
Nightstone Chausses [L:42] 1
Nightstone Gauntlets [L:6] 1
Nightstone Gauntlets [L:9] 1
Nightstone Gauntlets [L:12] 1
Nightstone Gauntlets [L:15] 1
Nightstone Gauntlets [L:18] 1
Nightstone Gauntlets [L:21] 1
Nightstone Gauntlets [L:24] 1
Nightstone Gauntlets [L:27] 1
Nightstone Gauntlets [L:30] 1
Nightstone Gauntlets [L:33] 1
Nightstone Gauntlets [L:36] 1
Nightstone Gauntlets [L:39] 1
Nightstone Gauntlets [L:42] 1
Nightstone Greaves [L:6] 1
Nightstone Greaves [L:9] 1
Nightstone Greaves [L:12] 1
Nightstone Greaves [L:15] 1
Nightstone Greaves [L:18] 1
Nightstone Greaves [L:21] 1
Nightstone Greaves [L:24] 1
Nightstone Greaves [L:27] 1
Nightstone Greaves [L:30] 1
Nightstone Greaves [L:33] 1
Nightstone Greaves [L:36] 1
Nightstone Greaves [L:39] 1
Nightstone Greaves [L:42] 1
Armor of Fury [L:6] 1
Armor of Fury [L:9] 1
Armor of Fury [L:12] 1
Armor of Fury [L:15] 1
Armor of Fury [L:18] 1
Armor of Fury [L:21] 1
Armor of Fury [L:24] 1
Armor of Fury [L:27] 1
Armor of Fury [L:30] 1
Armor of Fury [L:33] 1
Armor of Fury [L:36] 1
Armor of Fury [L:39] 1
Armor of Fury [L:42] 1
Leggings of Fury [L:6] 1
Leggings of Fury [L:9] 1
Leggings of Fury [L:12] 1
Leggings of Fury [L:15] 1
Leggings of Fury [L:18] 1
Leggings of Fury [L:21] 1
Leggings of Fury [L:24] 1
Leggings of Fury [L:27] 1
Leggings of Fury [L:30] 1
Leggings of Fury [L:33] 1
Leggings of Fury [L:36] 1
Leggings of Fury [L:39] 1
Leggings of Fury [L:42] 1
Hood of Fury [L:6] 1
Hood of Fury [L:9] 1
Hood of Fury [L:12] 1
Hood of Fury [L:15] 1
Hood of Fury [L:18] 1
Hood of Fury [L:21] 1
Hood of Fury [L:24] 1
Hood of Fury [L:27] 1
Hood of Fury [L:30] 1
Hood of Fury [L:33] 1
Hood of Fury [L:36] 1
Hood of Fury [L:39] 1
Hood of Fury [L:42] 1
Gloves of Fury [L:6] 1
Gloves of Fury [L:9] 1
Gloves of Fury [L:12] 1
Gloves of Fury [L:15] 1
Gloves of Fury [L:18] 1
Gloves of Fury [L:21] 1
Gloves of Fury [L:24] 1
Gloves of Fury [L:27] 1
Gloves of Fury [L:30] 1
Gloves of Fury [L:33] 1
Gloves of Fury [L:36] 1
Gloves of Fury [L:39] 1
Gloves of Fury [L:42] 1
Boots of Fury [L:6] 1
Boots of Fury [L:9] 1
Boots of Fury [L:12] 1
Boots of Fury [L:15] 1
Boots of Fury [L:18] 1
Boots of Fury [L:21] 1
Boots of Fury [L:24] 1
Boots of Fury [L:27] 1
Boots of Fury [L:30] 1
Boots of Fury [L:33] 1
Boots of Fury [L:36] 1
Boots of Fury [L:39] 1
Boots of Fury [L:42] 1
Pteryx Armor [L:6] 1
Pteryx Armor [L:9] 1
Pteryx Armor [L:12] 1
Pteryx Armor [L:15] 1
Pteryx Armor [L:18] 1
Pteryx Armor [L:21] 1
Pteryx Armor [L:24] 1
Pteryx Armor [L:27] 1
Pteryx Armor [L:30] 1
Pteryx Armor [L:33] 1
Pteryx Armor [L:36] 1
Pteryx Armor [L:39] 1
Pteryx Armor [L:42] 1
Pteryx Leggings [L:6] 1
Pteryx Leggings [L:9] 1
Pteryx Leggings [L:12] 1
Pteryx Leggings [L:15] 1
Pteryx Leggings [L:18] 1
Pteryx Leggings [L:21] 1
Pteryx Leggings [L:24] 1
Pteryx Leggings [L:27] 1
Pteryx Leggings [L:30] 1
Pteryx Leggings [L:33] 1
Pteryx Leggings [L:36] 1
Pteryx Leggings [L:39] 1
Pteryx Leggings [L:42] 1
Pteryx Hood [L:6] 1
Pteryx Hood [L:9] 1
Pteryx Hood [L:12] 1
Pteryx Hood [L:15] 1
Pteryx Hood [L:18] 1
Pteryx Hood [L:21] 1
Pteryx Hood [L:24] 1
Pteryx Hood [L:27] 1
Pteryx Hood [L:30] 1
Pteryx Hood [L:33] 1
Pteryx Hood [L:36] 1
Pteryx Hood [L:39] 1
Pteryx Hood [L:42] 1
Pteryx Gloves [L:6] 1
Pteryx Gloves [L:9] 1
Pteryx Gloves [L:12] 1
Pteryx Gloves [L:15] 1
Pteryx Gloves [L:18] 1
Pteryx Gloves [L:21] 1
Pteryx Gloves [L:24] 1
Pteryx Gloves [L:27] 1
Pteryx Gloves [L:30] 1
Pteryx Gloves [L:33] 1
Pteryx Gloves [L:36] 1
Pteryx Gloves [L:39] 1
Pteryx Gloves [L:42] 1
Pteryx Boots [L:6] 1
Pteryx Boots [L:9] 1
Pteryx Boots [L:12] 1
Pteryx Boots [L:15] 1
Pteryx Boots [L:18] 1
Pteryx Boots [L:21] 1
Pteryx Boots [L:24] 1
Pteryx Boots [L:27] 1
Pteryx Boots [L:30] 1
Pteryx Boots [L:33] 1
Pteryx Boots [L:36] 1
Pteryx Boots [L:39] 1
Pteryx Boots [L:42] 1
Primal Robes [L:6] 1
Primal Robes [L:9] 1
Primal Robes [L:12] 1
Primal Robes [L:15] 1
Primal Robes [L:18] 1
Primal Robes [L:21] 1
Primal Robes [L:24] 1
Primal Robes [L:27] 1
Primal Robes [L:30] 1
Primal Robes [L:33] 1
Primal Robes [L:36] 1
Primal Robes [L:39] 1
Primal Robes [L:42] 1
Primal Cowl [L:6] 1
Primal Cowl [L:9] 1
Primal Cowl [L:12] 1
Primal Cowl [L:15] 1
Primal Cowl [L:18] 1
Primal Cowl [L:21] 1
Primal Cowl [L:24] 1
Primal Cowl [L:27] 1
Primal Cowl [L:30] 1
Primal Cowl [L:33] 1
Primal Cowl [L:36] 1
Primal Cowl [L:39] 1
Primal Cowl [L:42] 1
Primal Handwraps [L:6] 1
Primal Handwraps [L:9] 1
Primal Handwraps [L:12] 1
Primal Handwraps [L:15] 1
Primal Handwraps [L:18] 1
Primal Handwraps [L:21] 1
Primal Handwraps [L:24] 1
Primal Handwraps [L:27] 1
Primal Handwraps [L:30] 1
Primal Handwraps [L:33] 1
Primal Handwraps [L:36] 1
Primal Handwraps [L:39] 1
Primal Handwraps [L:42] 1
Primal Shoes [L:6] 1
Primal Shoes [L:9] 1
Primal Shoes [L:12] 1
Primal Shoes [L:15] 1
Primal Shoes [L:18] 1
Primal Shoes [L:21] 1
Primal Shoes [L:24] 1
Primal Shoes [L:27] 1
Primal Shoes [L:30] 1
Primal Shoes [L:33] 1
Primal Shoes [L:36] 1
Primal Shoes [L:39] 1
Primal Shoes [L:42] 1
Skymason's Robes [L:6] 1
Skymason's Robes [L:9] 1
Skymason's Robes [L:12] 1
Skymason's Robes [L:15] 1
Skymason's Robes [L:18] 1
Skymason's Robes [L:21] 1
Skymason's Robes [L:24] 1
Skymason's Robes [L:27] 1
Skymason's Robes [L:30] 1
Skymason's Robes [L:33] 1
Skymason's Robes [L:36] 1
Skymason's Robes [L:39] 1
Skymason's Robes [L:42] 1
Skymason's Cowl [L:6] 1
Skymason's Cowl [L:9] 1
Skymason's Cowl [L:12] 1
Skymason's Cowl [L:15] 1
Skymason's Cowl [L:18] 1
Skymason's Cowl [L:21] 1
Skymason's Cowl [L:24] 1
Skymason's Cowl [L:27] 1
Skymason's Cowl [L:30] 1
Skymason's Cowl [L:33] 1
Skymason's Cowl [L:36] 1
Skymason's Cowl [L:39] 1
Skymason's Cowl [L:42] 1
Skymason's Handwraps [L:6] 1
Skymason's Handwraps [L:9] 1
Skymason's Handwraps [L:12] 1
Skymason's Handwraps [L:15] 1
Skymason's Handwraps [L:18] 1
Skymason's Handwraps [L:21] 1
Skymason's Handwraps [L:24] 1
Skymason's Handwraps [L:27] 1
Skymason's Handwraps [L:30] 1
Skymason's Handwraps [L:33] 1
Skymason's Handwraps [L:36] 1
Skymason's Handwraps [L:39] 1
Skymason's Handwraps [L:42] 1
Skymason's Shoes [L:6] 1
Skymason's Shoes [L:9] 1
Skymason's Shoes [L:12] 1
Skymason's Shoes [L:15] 1
Skymason's Shoes [L:18] 1
Skymason's Shoes [L:21] 1
Skymason's Shoes [L:24] 1
Skymason's Shoes [L:27] 1
Skymason's Shoes [L:30] 1
Skymason's Shoes [L:33] 1
Skymason's Shoes [L:36] 1
Skymason's Shoes [L:39] 1
Skymason's Shoes [L:42] 1
Tooth of Naros [L:6] 1
Tooth of Naros [L:9] 1
Tooth of Naros [L:12] 1
Tooth of Naros [L:15] 1
Tooth of Naros [L:18] 1
Tooth of Naros [L:21] 1
Tooth of Naros [L:24] 1
Tooth of Naros [L:27] 1
Tooth of Naros [L:30] 1
Tooth of Naros [L:33] 1
Tooth of Naros [L:36] 1
Tooth of Naros [L:39] 1
Tooth of Naros [L:42] 1
Hoplon [L:6] 1
Hoplon [L:9] 1
Hoplon [L:12] 1
Hoplon [L:15] 1
Hoplon [L:18] 1
Hoplon [L:21] 1
Hoplon [L:24] 1
Hoplon [L:27] 1
Hoplon [L:30] 1
Hoplon [L:33] 1
Hoplon [L:36] 1
Hoplon [L:39] 1
Hoplon [L:42] 1
Labyrinthine [L:6] 1
Labyrinthine [L:9] 1
Labyrinthine [L:12] 1
Labyrinthine [L:15] 1
Labyrinthine [L:18] 1
Labyrinthine [L:21] 1
Labyrinthine [L:24] 1
Labyrinthine [L:27] 1
Labyrinthine [L:30] 1
Labyrinthine [L:33] 1
Labyrinthine [L:36] 1
Labyrinthine [L:39] 1
Labyrinthine [L:42] 1
Eye of Lupoku [L:6] 1
Eye of Lupoku [L:9] 1
Eye of Lupoku [L:12] 1
Eye of Lupoku [L:15] 1
Eye of Lupoku [L:18] 1
Eye of Lupoku [L:21] 1
Eye of Lupoku [L:24] 1
Eye of Lupoku [L:27] 1
Eye of Lupoku [L:30] 1
Eye of Lupoku [L:33] 1
Eye of Lupoku [L:36] 1
Eye of Lupoku [L:39] 1
Eye of Lupoku [L:42] 1
Logos [L:6] 1
Logos [L:9] 1
Logos [L:12] 1
Logos [L:15] 1
Logos [L:18] 1
Logos [L:21] 1
Logos [L:24] 1
Logos [L:27] 1
Logos [L:30] 1
Logos [L:33] 1
Logos [L:36] 1
Logos [L:39] 1
Logos [L:42] 1
Primos' Talisman [L:6] 1
Primos' Talisman [L:9] 1
Primos' Talisman [L:12] 1
Primos' Talisman [L:15] 1
Primos' Talisman [L:18] 1
Primos' Talisman [L:21] 1
Primos' Talisman [L:24] 1
Primos' Talisman [L:27] 1
Primos' Talisman [L:30] 1
Primos' Talisman [L:33] 1
Primos' Talisman [L:36] 1
Primos' Talisman [L:39] 1
Primos' Talisman [L:42] 1
Aspis [L:3] 1
Aspis [L:6] 1
Aspis [L:9] 1
Aspis [L:12] 1
Aspis [L:15] 1
Aspis [L:18] 1
Aspis [L:21] 1
Aspis [L:24] 1
Aspis [L:27] 1
Aspis [L:30] 1
Aspis [L:33] 1
Aspis [L:36] 1
Aspis [L:39] 1
Aspis [L:42] 1
Ethenian Knot [L:3] 1
Ethenian Knot [L:6] 1
Ethenian Knot [L:9] 1
Ethenian Knot [L:12] 1
Ethenian Knot [L:15] 1
Ethenian Knot [L:18] 1
Ethenian Knot [L:21] 1
Ethenian Knot [L:24] 1
Ethenian Knot [L:27] 1
Ethenian Knot [L:30] 1
Ethenian Knot [L:33] 1
Ethenian Knot [L:36] 1
Ethenian Knot [L:39] 1
Ethenian Knot [L:42] 1
Skymason's Sigil [L:3] 1
Chain of Kreios [L:3] 1
Naros Splinter Charm [L:3] 1
Deinir Pendant [L:3] 1
Kollossae Medallion [L:3] 1
Skymason's Sigil [L:6] 1
Skymason's Sigil [L:9] 1
Skymason's Sigil [L:12] 1
Skymason's Sigil [L:15] 1
Skymason's Sigil [L:18] 1
Skymason's Sigil [L:21] 1
Skymason's Sigil [L:24] 1
Skymason's Sigil [L:27] 1
Skymason's Sigil [L:30] 1
Skymason's Sigil [L:33] 1
Skymason's Sigil [L:36] 1
Skymason's Sigil [L:39] 1
Skymason's Sigil [L:42] 1
Chain of Kreios [L:6] 1
Chain of Kreios [L:9] 1
Chain of Kreios [L:12] 1
Chain of Kreios [L:15] 1
Chain of Kreios [L:18] 1
Chain of Kreios [L:21] 1
Chain of Kreios [L:24] 1
Chain of Kreios [L:27] 1
Chain of Kreios [L:30] 1
Chain of Kreios [L:33] 1
Chain of Kreios [L:36] 1
Chain of Kreios [L:39] 1
Chain of Kreios [L:42] 1
Naros Splinter Charm [L:6] 1
Naros Splinter Charm [L:9] 1
Naros Splinter Charm [L:12] 1
Naros Splinter Charm [L:15] 1
Naros Splinter Charm [L:18] 1
Naros Splinter Charm [L:21] 1
Naros Splinter Charm [L:24] 1
Naros Splinter Charm [L:27] 1
Naros Splinter Charm [L:30] 1
Naros Splinter Charm [L:33] 1
Naros Splinter Charm [L:36] 1
Naros Splinter Charm [L:39] 1
Naros Splinter Charm [L:42] 1
Deinir Pendant [L:6] 1
Deinir Pendant [L:9] 1
Deinir Pendant [L:12] 1
Deinir Pendant [L:15] 1
Deinir Pendant [L:18] 1
Deinir Pendant [L:21] 1
Deinir Pendant [L:24] 1
Deinir Pendant [L:27] 1
Deinir Pendant [L:30] 1
Deinir Pendant [L:33] 1
Deinir Pendant [L:36] 1
Deinir Pendant [L:39] 1
Deinir Pendant [L:42] 1
Kollossae Medallion [L:6] 1
Kollossae Medallion [L:9] 1
Kollossae Medallion [L:12] 1
Kollossae Medallion [L:15] 1
Kollossae Medallion [L:18] 1
Kollossae Medallion [L:21] 1
Kollossae Medallion [L:24] 1
Kollossae Medallion [L:27] 1
Kollossae Medallion [L:30] 1
Kollossae Medallion [L:33] 1
Kollossae Medallion [L:36] 1
Kollossae Medallion [L:39] 1
Kollossae Medallion [L:42] 1
Peza [L:3] 1
Signet of Adronikos [L:3] 1
Timios [L:3] 1
Pteryx Eye Ring [L:3] 1
Windswept Band [L:3] 1
Deinir Shackle [L:3] 1
Ethene's Tear [L:3] 1
Peza [L:6] 1
Peza [L:9] 1
Peza [L:12] 1
Peza [L:15] 1
Peza [L:18] 1
Peza [L:21] 1
Peza [L:24] 1
Peza [L:27] 1
Peza [L:30] 1
Peza [L:33] 1
Peza [L:36] 1
Peza [L:39] 1
Peza [L:42] 1
Signet of Adronikos [L:6] 1
Signet of Adronikos [L:9] 1
Signet of Adronikos [L:12] 1
Signet of Adronikos [L:15] 1
Signet of Adronikos [L:18] 1
Signet of Adronikos [L:21] 1
Signet of Adronikos [L:24] 1
Signet of Adronikos [L:27] 1
Signet of Adronikos [L:30] 1
Signet of Adronikos [L:33] 1
Signet of Adronikos [L:36] 1
Signet of Adronikos [L:39] 1
Signet of Adronikos [L:42] 1
Timios [L:6] 1
Timios [L:9] 1
Timios [L:12] 1
Timios [L:15] 1
Timios [L:18] 1
Timios [L:21] 1
Timios [L:24] 1
Timios [L:27] 1
Timios [L:30] 1
Timios [L:33] 1
Timios [L:36] 1
Timios [L:39] 1
Timios [L:42] 1
Pteryx Eye Ring [L:6] 1
Pteryx Eye Ring [L:9] 1
Pteryx Eye Ring [L:12] 1
Pteryx Eye Ring [L:15] 1
Pteryx Eye Ring [L:18] 1
Pteryx Eye Ring [L:21] 1
Pteryx Eye Ring [L:24] 1
Pteryx Eye Ring [L:27] 1
Pteryx Eye Ring [L:30] 1
Pteryx Eye Ring [L:33] 1
Pteryx Eye Ring [L:36] 1
Pteryx Eye Ring [L:39] 1
Pteryx Eye Ring [L:42] 1
Windswept Band [L:6] 1
Windswept Band [L:9] 1
Windswept Band [L:12] 1
Windswept Band [L:15] 1
Windswept Band [L:18] 1
Windswept Band [L:21] 1
Windswept Band [L:24] 1
Windswept Band [L:27] 1
Windswept Band [L:30] 1
Windswept Band [L:33] 1
Windswept Band [L:36] 1
Windswept Band [L:39] 1
Windswept Band [L:42] 1
Deinir Shackle [L:6] 1
Deinir Shackle [L:9] 1
Deinir Shackle [L:12] 1
Deinir Shackle [L:15] 1
Deinir Shackle [L:18] 1
Deinir Shackle [L:21] 1
Deinir Shackle [L:24] 1
Deinir Shackle [L:27] 1
Deinir Shackle [L:30] 1
Deinir Shackle [L:33] 1
Deinir Shackle [L:36] 1
Deinir Shackle [L:39] 1
Deinir Shackle [L:42] 1
Ethene's Tear [L:6] 1
Ethene's Tear [L:9] 1
Ethene's Tear [L:12] 1
Ethene's Tear [L:15] 1
Ethene's Tear [L:18] 1
Ethene's Tear [L:21] 1
Ethene's Tear [L:24] 1
Ethene's Tear [L:27] 1
Ethene's Tear [L:30] 1
Ethene's Tear [L:33] 1
Ethene's Tear [L:36] 1
Ethene's Tear [L:39] 1
Ethene's Tear [L:42] 1
DLC3_SQ02_Zorrag_Sword_2h 1
DLC3_SQ02_HoS_Pendant_Reward 1
Not a simtype in the original 27AC43 1
Not a simtype in the original 27AC46 1
Not a simtype in the original 27AC49 1
Not a simtype in the original 27AC4C 1
Not a simtype in the original 27AC4F 1
Not a simtype in the original 27AC56 1
Not a simtype in the original 27AC59 1
Not a simtype in the original 27AD6C 1
Not a simtype in the original 27AD6D 1
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