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Gatling simulation with dynamic scenarios and injection profiles
package test
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.core.structure.PopulatedScenarioBuilder
import io.gatling.core.controller.inject.InjectionStep
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import io.gatling.jdbc.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
class CustomSimulation extends Simulation {
val baseURL = ""
val httpConf = http.baseURL(baseURL)
val rawTestList = System.getProperty("testCases")
val loginScn = scenario("Login").exec(session => {
println("Logging in...")
val registerScn = scenario("Register").exec(session => {
val scenarioNames = Map (
"Login" -> loginScn,
"Register" -> registerScn
def scnList() : Seq[PopulatedScenarioBuilder] = {
var testList = new JSONArray(rawTestList)
var scnList = new ArraySeq[PopulatedScenarioBuilder](testList.length())
for(i <- 0 until testList.length()) {
//For each scenario
var testCase = testList.getJSONObject(i)
val injectionSteps = testCase.getJSONArray("inject")
var injectStepList = new ArraySeq[InjectionStep](injectionSteps.length())
for(j <- 0 until injectionSteps.length()) {
//For each injection step
var step = injectionSteps.getJSONObject(j)
var stepType = step.getString("type")
var stepArgs = step.getJSONArray("args")
injectStepList(j) = stepType match {
case "rampUsers" => rampUsers(stepArgs.getInt(0)) over(stepArgs.getInt(1))
case "heavisideUsers" => heavisideUsers(stepArgs.getInt(0)) over(stepArgs.getInt(1))
case "atOnceUsers" => atOnceUsers(stepArgs.getInt(0))
case "constantUsersPerSec" => constantUsersPerSec(stepArgs.getInt(0)) during(stepArgs.getInt(1))
case "rampUsersPerSec" => rampUsersPerSec(stepArgs.getInt(0)) to(stepArgs.getInt(1)) during(stepArgs.getInt(2))
case "nothingFor" => nothingFor(stepArgs.getInt(0))
scnList(i) = scenarioNames(testCase.getString("case")).inject(injectStepList:_*)
package test
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.core.structure.PopulatedScenarioBuilder
import io.gatling.core.controller.inject.InjectionStep
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import io.gatling.jdbc.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
class CustomSimulation extends Simulation {
val baseURL = ""
val httpConf = http.baseURL(baseURL)
val rawTestList = System.getProperty("testCases")
val loginScn = scenario("Login").exec(session => {
println("Logging in...")
val registerScn = scenario("Register").exec(session => {
val scenarioNames = Map (
"Login" -> loginScn,
"Register" -> registerScn
def getInjectionStep(stepType:String, stepArgs:JSONArray) : InjectionStep = {
stepType match {
case "rampUsers" => rampUsers(stepArgs.getInt(0)) over(stepArgs.getInt(1))
case "heavisideUsers" => heavisideUsers(stepArgs.getInt(0)) over(stepArgs.getInt(1))
case "atOnceUsers" => atOnceUsers(stepArgs.getInt(0))
case "constantUsersPerSec" => constantUsersPerSec(stepArgs.getInt(0)) during(stepArgs.getInt(1))
case "rampUsersPerSec" => rampUsersPerSec(stepArgs.getInt(0)) to(stepArgs.getInt(1)) during(stepArgs.getInt(2))
case "nothingFor" => nothingFor(stepArgs.getInt(0))
def scnList() : Seq[PopulatedScenarioBuilder] = {
var testList = new JSONArray(rawTestList)
var scnList = new ArraySeq[PopulatedScenarioBuilder](testList.length())
for(i <- 0 until testList.length()) {
//For each scenario
var testCase = testList.getJSONObject(i)
val injectionSteps = testCase.getJSONArray("inject")
var injectStepList = new ArraySeq[InjectionStep](injectionSteps.length())
for(j <- 0 until injectionSteps.length()) {
//For each injection step
var step = injectionSteps.getJSONObject(j)
var stepType = step.getString("type")
var stepArgs = step.getJSONArray("args")
injectStepList(j) = getInjectionStep(stepType, stepArgs)
scnList(i) = scenarioNames(testCase.getString("case")).inject(injectStepList:_*)
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Thank you so much.. It helped a lot..

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yoeunes commented Dec 21, 2017

This is so cool, how do you pass the testCases property to my script ? whats it look like ? thanks in advance

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