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Created July 12, 2015 14:23
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Plot xts object with multiple columns
multiplot = function(r, legend.loc="topleft", legend.cex=1, overplot=F, plotSecondAxis=F, s_lty=1, plotfunc=recplot, legend=T, pointMax=F, pointLast=F, legendLast=F, legendLastRoundDigits=0 )
r = na.omit(r)
for ( x in names(r) )
n = r[,x]
m = n
r[,x] = m
colours = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(length(names(r)), "Dark2")
colours[ 1 ] = "black"
firstplot = T
count = 1
for ( x in names(r) )
if ( firstplot )
if ( overplot == T )
plotfunc(r[,x], main="")
plotfunc(r[,x], ylim=c(min(r), max(r)), main="")
firstplot = F
if ( overplot == F )
lines(r[,x], col=colours[count], lty=s_lty)
par(new=T, xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
plot.zoo(r[,x], col=colours[count])
if ( plotSecondAxis == T )
par(xaxt="s", yaxt="s")
axis(4, col=colours[count] )#, line=count - 1)
par(xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
if ( pointMax == T )
localMax = r[ which.max(r[,x]), x ]
print( paste("Maximum for ", x, localMax))
points( localMax, pch=16, col=colours[count] )
if ( pointLast == T )
localLast = last(r[ ,x ])
print( paste("Last for ", x, localLast))
points(localLast, pch=16, col=colours[count] )
count = count + 1
par(xaxt="s", yaxt="s")
if ( legend == T )
legendLabels = names(r)
if ( legendLast == T )
newLegend = c()
for ( x in names(r) )
newLegend = c(newLegend, paste(x, ': ', round(last(r[,x]), legendLastRoundDigits), sep=''))
legendLabels = newLegend
legend(legend.loc, legendLabels, col=colours, lty=1, cex=legend.cex)
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