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Created June 21, 2013 01:51
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Estimate Fed Funds rates.
## John Taylor proposed the following rule designed to guide monetary policy:
## i = r* + pi + 0.5 ( pi - pi*) + 0.5 ( y - y*)
## where i is the nominal federal funds rate, r* is the "natural" real federal funds rate (often taken to be 2%), pi is the rate of inflation, pi* is the target inflation rate (for example, 2%), y is the logarithm of real output, and y* is the logarithm of potential output.
## The two basic ideas here are to raise the federal funds rate to one-half the extent that inflation exceeds its target and to lower the federal funds rate to one-half of the percentage that real output falls below its potential.  Implicit in this formulation is that a reasonable rule of thumb applied consistently over time is more likely to achieve a good outcome than is aggressive manipulation of monetary policy.  It is widely believed that central banks have paid close attention to variations on this Taylor Rule in recent years.
## From:
calculateTaylorRule = function(natural_ff_rate=2, inflation_target=2)
if ( exists("CPILFESL") == FALSE ) { getSymbols("CPILFESL", src="FRED") }
if ( exists("GDPC96") == FALSE ) { getSymbols("GDPC96", src="FRED") }
if ( exists("GDPPOT") == FALSE ) { getSymbols("GDPPOT", src="FRED") }
rstar = natural_ff_rate
pi = Delt(CPILFESL, k=12)*100
pistar = inflation_target
y = log(GDPC96)
ystar = log(GDPPOT)
i = rstar + pi + 0.5 * (pi - pistar) + 0.5 * ((y - ystar)*100)
return( i )
## Federal funds rate = 8.5 + 1.4 (Core inflation - Unemployment).
## Here "core inflation" is the CPI inflation rate over the previous 12 months excluding food and energy, and "unemployment" is the seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate. The parameters in this formula were chosen to offer the best fit for data from the 1990s.
## From:
calculateMankiwRule = function()
if ( exists("CPILFESL") == FALSE ) { getSymbols("CPILFESL", src="FRED") }
if ( exists("UNRATE") == FALSE ) { getSymbols("UNRATE", src="FRED") }
i = 8.5 + 1.4 * (Delt(CPILFESL, k=12)*100 - UNRATE)
return( i )
calculateHybridFF = function()
if ( exists("PCEPILFE") == FALSE ) { getSymbols("PCEPILFE", src="FRED") }
if ( exists("U6RATE") == FALSE ) { getSymbols("U6RATE", src="FRED") }
if ( exists("GDPC96") == FALSE ) { getSymbols("GDPC96", src="FRED") }
if ( exists("GDPPOT") == FALSE ) { getSymbols("GDPPOT", src="FRED") }
if ( exists("TCU") == FALSE ) { getSymbols("TCU", src="FRED") }
if ( exists("FF") == FALSE ) { getSymbols("FF", src="FRED") }
a = na.trim(na.locf(merge(FF, Delt(PCEPILFE, k=12), U6RATE, GDPPOT/GDPC96, TCU)))
a = a[endpoints(a, on="months")]
names(a) = c("FF", "CPI", "U6RATE", "OUTPUTGAP", "TCU")
m = lm(a$FF ~ a$CPI + a$U6RATE + a$OUTPUTGAP + a$TCU + 0)
a$model = predict(m)
return( a$model )
plotRules = function()
if ( exists("DFF") == FALSE ) { getSymbols("DFF", src="FRED") }
if ( exists("USRECD") == FALSE ) { getSymbols("USRECD", src="FRED") }
a = na.locf( merge(DFF, calculateMankiwRule(), calculateTaylorRule(), Delt(CPILFESL, k=12)*100, UNRATE, USRECD) )
names(a) = c("DFF", "Mankiw", "Taylor", "CPI", "UNRATE", "USRECD")
b = na.omit( a[ endpoints(a) ] )
# b = b["2006::"]
par(xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
barplot(b$USRECD, border="grey", col="grey")
par(new=T, xaxt="s", yaxt="s")
plot(b$DFF, main="", ylim=c(min(b), max(b)), ylab="%")
lines(b$Mankiw, col="red")
lines(b$Taylor, col="blue")
lines(b$CPI, col="green")
legend("topleft", c("Fed Funds", "Mankiw", "Taylor", "Core CPI"), col=c("black", "red", "blue", "green"), lty=c(1, 1, 1), cex=0.5)
title(main="Fed Funds vs Taylor & Mankiw Rules")
diff_taylor = b$DFF - b$Taylor
diff_mankiw = b$DFF - b$Mankiw
min(na.omit(merge(diff_taylor, diff_mankiw, b$CPI))),
max(na.omit(merge(diff_taylor, diff_mankiw, b$CPI))))
par(xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
barplot(b$USRECD, border="grey", col="grey")
par(new=T, xaxt="s", yaxt="s")
plot(diff_taylor, main="Model Differences & Inflation+Unemployment", ylim=plot_ylim, ylab="%")
lines(diff_mankiw, col="blue")
lines(b$CPI, col="green")
abline(h=0, lty=2)
par(new=T, xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
plot.zoo(b$UNRATE, col="red")
par(xaxt="s", yaxt="s")
legend("topleft", c("Fed Funds - Taylor", "Fed Funds - Mankiw", "Inflation", "Unemployment (RHS)"),
col=c("black", "blue", "green", "red"), lty=1, cex=0.5)
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