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Created September 7, 2017 00:42
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R function to return cyclically-adjusted series using labour & GDP output gaps
labour_output_gap = function()
if ( exists("UNRATE") == FALSE ) { fred("UNRATE", environment()) }
if ( exists("NROU") == FALSE ) { fred("NROU", environment()) }
a = na.trim(na.locf(merge(UNRATE, NROU)))
a = a[endpoints(a)]
return(UNRATE - NROU)
cyclical_adjust = function(p, endpoints.periodicity="months")
LOG = labour_output_gap()
fred(c("GDPC96", "GDPPOT"), environment())
a = na.omit( na.locf(merge(p, LOG, og)) )
a = a[endpoints(a), on=endpoints.periodicity]
m = lm(a[,1] ~ a[,2] + a[,3])
a$model = predict(m)
return(a[,1] - a$model)
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