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Created August 9, 2018 15:29
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#lang racket
(require rackunit pollen/decode pollen/template/html)
(define str "Крикну — а в ответ тишина.")
(define (wrap-emdashes str)
;; define match pattern
;; one or more Unicode letters followed by space emdash space
;; letter pattern is parenthesized to produce submatch for word
(define pat #px"(\\p{L}+) — ")
;; divide string into substrings at boundaries of `pat` matches
(define substrs (regexp-match* pat str #:gap-select? #t))
;; walk through substrings
(for/list ([substr (in-list substrs)])
(match (regexp-match pat substr) ; try to match `pat`
;; if it matches, you'll get two results: the whole match,
;; and the word submatch
[(list all word)
;; wrap `word` as needed
`(span ((class "no-wrap")) ,word thinsp mdash thinsp)]
;; otherwise return the substring
[#f substr])))
(check-equal? (->html (decode str #:string-proc wrap-emdashes))
"<span class=\"no-wrap\">Крикну&thinsp;&mdash;&thinsp;</span>а в ответ тишина.")
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