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Created November 30, 2019 14:30
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Example of using Racket graph library to generate mazelike things
#lang racket/base
(require graph racket/match racket/list racket/sequence)
(require racket/draw racket/gui)
(define (cell-up c) (list (car c) (sub1 (cadr c))))
(define (cell-right c) (list (add1 (car c)) (cadr c)))
(define (cell-down c) (list (car c) (add1 (cadr c))))
(define (cell-left c) (list (sub1 (car c)) (cadr c)))
(define (map-procs x procs)
(map (λ(proc) (proc x)) procs))
(define (get-possible-neighbors c)
(map-procs c (list cell-up cell-right cell-down cell-left)))
(define (get-expansion-neighbors c)
(define x (car c))
(define y (cadr c))
(list (list (- x 0.5) (- y 0.5)) (list (+ x 0.5) (- y 0.5)) (list (- x 0.5) (+ y 0.5)) (list (+ x 0.5) (+ y 0.5))))
(define (plan->graph p)
(define graph (unweighted-graph/undirected null))
(for* ([col (length p)][row (length (list-ref p col))])
(define plan-node (list-ref (list-ref p col) row))
(when plan-node
(add-vertex! graph (list row col))))
(fill-graph-edges graph)
(define (make-grid-graph x-max y-max)
(plan->graph (make-list y-max (make-list x-max #t))))
(define (fill-graph-edges g)
(for ([v (in-vertices g)])
(map (λ(c) (when (has-vertex? g c) (add-edge! g v c)))
(get-possible-neighbors v)))
(define (get-grid-max-coordinates g)
(define x-max (apply max (map car (sequence->list (in-vertices g)))))
(define y-max (apply max (map cadr (sequence->list (in-vertices g)))))
(values x-max y-max))
(define (get-grid-min-coordinates g)
(define x-min (apply min (map car (sequence->list (in-vertices g)))))
(define y-min (apply min (map cadr (sequence->list (in-vertices g)))))
(values x-min y-min))
;; Returns a maze of a given size
;; build-maze :: Index Index -> Maze
(define (graph->maze guide-graph)
(define maze-graph (unweighted-graph/undirected null))
(let move-to-cell ([c (car (shuffle (sequence->list (in-vertices guide-graph))))])
(for ([n (shuffle (sequence->list (in-neighbors guide-graph c)))]
#:unless (has-vertex? maze-graph n))
(add-edge! maze-graph c n)
(move-to-cell n)))
; up = 1 ; right = 2 ; bottom = 4 ; left = 8
(define thin " ╵╶└╷│┌├╴┘─┴┐┤┬┼")
(define curve " ╵╶╰╷│╭├╴╯─┴╮┤┬┼")
(define double " ║═╚║║╔╠═╝═╩╗╣╦╬")
(define thick " ╹╺┗╻┃┏┣╸┛━┻┓┫┳╋")
(define horiz " ╵╺┕╷│┍┝╸┙━┷┑┥┯┿")
(define vert " ╹╶┖╻┃┎┠╴┚─┸┒┨┰╂")
(define mickey " ╹╺└╻┃┌├╸┘━┴┐┤┬┼")
(define mouse " ╵╶┗╷│┏┣╴┛─┻┓┫┳╋")
(define donald " ╵╶╚╷│╔╠╴╝─╩╗╣╦╬")
(define duck " ╹╺╚╻┃╔╠╸╝━╩╗╣╦╬")
(define alpha " '-Li1r}-f—Tn{t+")
(define shade " ░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓")
(define (map-bdc str bdc-in bdc-out)
(define str-list (string->list str))
(define bdc-in-list (string->list bdc-in))
(define bdc-out-list (string->list bdc-out))
(displayln (list->string
(for/list ([c str-list])
(define index (and (member c bdc-in-list) (- (length bdc-in-list) (length (member c bdc-in-list)))))
(if index
(list-ref bdc-out-list index)
(define (graph->bdc g [cs thin] #:vstretch [vstretch 1] #:hstretch [hstretch 2])
(define chars (string->list cs))
(define blank-char (list-ref chars 0))
(define vert-char (list-ref chars 5))
(define horiz-char (list-ref chars 10))
(display "\n")
(define-values (x-max y-max) (get-grid-max-coordinates g))
(define-values (x-min y-min) (get-grid-min-coordinates g))
(for ([y (range y-min (add1 y-max))])
(display " ")
(for ([x (range x-min (add1 x-max))]) ; row showing horiz connections
(define current-cell (list x y))
(define current-neighbors (and (has-vertex? g current-cell) (sequence->list (in-neighbors g current-cell))))
(if (has-vertex? g current-cell)
(let* ([possible-neighbors (get-possible-neighbors current-cell)]
[result (for/sum ([i (length possible-neighbors)]) ; convert junction to hex value
(* (expt 2 i) (if (member (list-ref possible-neighbors i) current-neighbors) 1 0)))])
(display (list-ref chars result)))
(display (list-ref chars 0))) ; blank
(for ([h hstretch])
(if (has-vertex? g current-cell)
(if (member (cell-right current-cell) current-neighbors)
(if (has-vertex? g current-cell)
(display horiz-char)
(display (list-ref chars 15))) ; four-way
(display (list-ref chars 0))) ; blank
(display blank-char))))
(display "\n")
(for ([v vstretch])
(display " ")
(for ([x (range x-min (add1 x-max))]) ; row showing vert connections
(define current-cell (list x y))
(define current-neighbors (and (has-vertex? g current-cell) (sequence->list (in-neighbors g current-cell))))
(if (has-vertex? g current-cell)
(if (member (cell-down current-cell) current-neighbors)
(display vert-char)
(display blank-char))
(display blank-char))
(for ([h (sub1 hstretch)])
(display blank-char))
(display blank-char))
(display "\n"))))
(define (expand-maze g)
(define g-maze (expand-graph g))
; use g as a guide to cut connections in g2
(for ([g-maze-cell (in-vertices g-maze)])
;; expanded graph has coordinates that are shifted by half a unit
(define g-cell (map (λ(v) (inexact->exact (+ v 0.5))) g-maze-cell))
;; connected to right?
(when (has-edge? g g-cell (cell-right g-cell))
(remove-edge! g-maze (cell-right g-maze-cell) (cell-down (cell-right g-maze-cell))))
;; connected to down?
(when (has-edge? g g-cell (cell-down g-cell))
(remove-edge! g-maze (cell-down g-maze-cell) (cell-right (cell-down g-maze-cell)))))
(define (graph-has-no-orphans? g)
;; a graph has no orphans if every vertex has a neighbor.
(andmap (λ(v) (not (equal? null (in-neighbors g v)))) (in-vertices g)))
(define (delete-random-edges g num #:orphans [orphans-allowed? #t])
(for ([i num])
(define possible-edges (shuffle (sequence->list (in-edges g))))
(define edge
(if orphans-allowed? ; as in, orphan vertices
(car possible-edges)
(andmap (λ(e) (let ([g+ (graph-copy g)])
(apply remove-edge! g+ e)
(and (graph-has-no-orphans? g+) e))) possible-edges)))
(apply remove-edge! g edge))
(define (delete-random-vertices g num)
(for ([i num])
(remove-vertex! g (car (shuffle (sequence->list (in-vertices g))))))
(define (triangular-plan n)
(let ([steps n])
`(,@(for/list ([x steps])
(make-list (+ x 2) #t))
,(make-list (add1 steps) #t))))
(define (pyramid-plan n)
(define width (- (* n 2) 1))
(let ([steps n])
`(,@(for/list ([x (range 1 (add1 steps))])
(define row-width (- (* x 2) 1))
(define edge (/ (- width row-width) 2))
`(,@(make-list edge #f) ,@(make-list row-width #t) ,@(make-list edge #f))))))
(define (expand-graph g)
(define new-g (unweighted-graph/undirected null))
(for ([v (in-vertices g)])
(map (λ(n) (add-vertex! new-g n)) (get-expansion-neighbors v)))
(fill-graph-edges new-g))
(define (make-maze-from-plan p)
(expand-maze (graph->maze (plan->graph p))))
(define (make-step-maze n)
(make-maze-from-plan (triangular-plan n)))
(define q
'((1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
(0 0 1 1 1 1 1)
(0 0 1 1 1 1 1)
(0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1)
(0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1)
(0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1)
(0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
(0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
(0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
(0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
(0 0 1 1 1 1 1)
(0 0 1 1 1 1 1)
(0 0 1 1 1 1 1)
(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)))
(define (graph->bitmap g)
(define x-max 500)
(define y-max 500)
(define target (make-bitmap x-max y-max))
(define dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap target]))
(send dc set-pen "black" 1 'solid)
(for ([e (in-edges g)])
(set! e (map (λ(e2) (* 10 e2)) (flatten e)))
(send dc draw-line (first e) (second e) (third e) (fourth e)))
(make-object image-snip% target))
(define (scale-plan p n)
(define p2 '())
(for ([row p])
(let ([big-row (flatten (map (λ(e) (make-list n e)) row))])
(for ([i n])
(set! p2 (cons big-row p2)))))
(reverse p2))
(define (string->plan str)
(define charlists (map string->list (string-split str)))
(map (λ(cl) (map (λ(c) (string->number (format "~a" c))) cl)) charlists))
(define outer-maze
`(,@(make-list 5 (make-list 48 #t))
,@(make-list 9 (make-list 62 #t))
,@(make-list 23 `(,@(make-list 4 #f) ,@(make-list 12 #t) ,@(make-list 42 #f) ,@(make-list 4 #t)))
,@(make-list 4 `(,@(make-list 4 #f) ,@(make-list 12 #t) ,@(make-list 30 #f) ,@(make-list 16 #t)))
,@(make-list 1 `(,@(make-list 4 #f) ,@(make-list 58 #t)))
,@(make-list 4 `(,@(make-list 4 #f) ,@(make-list 45 #t)))))
(define inner-maze
`(,@(make-list 5 (make-list 48 #t))
,@(make-list 8 (make-list 61 #t))
,@(make-list 24 `(,@(make-list 4 #f) ,@(make-list 11 #t) ,@(make-list 43 #f) ,@(make-list 3 #t)))
,@(make-list 4 `(,@(make-list 4 #f) ,@(make-list 11 #t) ,@(make-list 31 #f) ,@(make-list 15 #t)))
,@(make-list 4 `(,@(make-list 4 #f) ,@(make-list 44 #t)))))
(define g (expand-maze (graph->maze (plan->graph outer-maze))))
(graph->bdc g double #:hstretch 1 #:vstretch 0)
(graph->bdc (expand-maze (graph->maze (plan->graph inner-maze))) curve #:hstretch 1 #:vstretch 0)
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  • A “plan” is a list of lists of booleans that determine where the maze cells appear. This allows me to specify non-rectangular areas to fill.

  • This plan is turned into a graph with plan->graph. The graph models the inside of the maze — that is, the “walking paths”.

  • expand-maze takes this graph and computes a new graph that models the walls of the maze.

  • graph->bdc then renders the walls. bdc stands for “box-drawing characters”. You can see around lines 67–79 that there are different sets of box-drawing characters you can use.

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