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Created February 11, 2022 15:47
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
/// @title Base64
/// @author Brecht Devos - <>
/// @notice Provides a function for encoding some bytes in base64
library Base64 {
string internal constant TABLE = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
function encode(bytes memory data) internal pure returns (string memory) {
if (data.length == 0) return '';
// load the table into memory
string memory table = TABLE;
// multiply by 4/3 rounded up
uint256 encodedLen = 4 * ((data.length + 2) / 3);
// add some extra buffer at the end required for the writing
string memory result = new string(encodedLen + 32);
assembly {
// set the actual output length
mstore(result, encodedLen)
// prepare the lookup table
let tablePtr := add(table, 1)
// input ptr
let dataPtr := data
let endPtr := add(dataPtr, mload(data))
// result ptr, jump over length
let resultPtr := add(result, 32)
// run over the input, 3 bytes at a time
for {} lt(dataPtr, endPtr) {}
dataPtr := add(dataPtr, 3)
// read 3 bytes
let input := mload(dataPtr)
// write 4 characters
mstore(resultPtr, shl(248, mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr(18, input), 0x3F)))))
resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1)
mstore(resultPtr, shl(248, mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr(12, input), 0x3F)))))
resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1)
mstore(resultPtr, shl(248, mload(add(tablePtr, and(shr( 6, input), 0x3F)))))
resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1)
mstore(resultPtr, shl(248, mload(add(tablePtr, and( input, 0x3F)))))
resultPtr := add(resultPtr, 1)
// padding with '='
switch mod(mload(data), 3)
case 1 { mstore(sub(resultPtr, 2), shl(240, 0x3d3d)) }
case 2 { mstore(sub(resultPtr, 1), shl(248, 0x3d)) }
return result;
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