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Created April 25, 2018 20:27
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php sample on retrieving_the_email_folder_hierarchy.htm
echo '<pre>';
$path = $_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT].'/00 Includes/';
require($path . 'exacttarget_soap_client.php');
$wsdl = '';
/* Create the Soap Client */
$client = new Marketing CloudSoapClient($wsdl, array('trace'=>1));
/* Set username and password here */
$client->username = XXXXX;
$client->password = XXXXX;
$rr = new Marketing Cloud_RetrieveRequest();
$rr->ObjectType = 'DataFolder';
//Set the properties to return
$props = array("ID", "Name", "ParentFolder.ID","ParentFolder.Name" );
$rr->Properties = $props;
//Setup account filtering, to look for a given account MID
$filterPart = new Marketing Cloud_SimpleFilterPart();
$filterPart->Property = 'ContentType';
$values = array('Email');
$filterPart->Value = $values;
$filterPart->SimpleOperator = Marketing Cloud_SimpleOperators::equals;
//Encode the SOAP package
$filterPart = new SoapVar($filterPart, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT,'SimpleFilterPart', "");
//Set the filter to NULL to return all MIDs, otherwise set to filter object
//$rr->Filter = NULL;
$rr->Filter = $filterPart;
//Setup and execute request
$rrm = new Marketing Cloud_RetrieveRequestMsg();
$rrm->RetrieveRequest = $rr;
$results = $client->Retrieve($rrm);
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
/* output the resulting SoapFault upon an error */
echo '</pre>';
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