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Created February 23, 2024 18:21
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using BenchmarkTools, MappedArrays, Test
f1(x, y) = mapreduce(==, +, x, y)
f1(x, y, dims) = mapreduce(==, +, x, y; dims)
function f2(x, y) # from @oscardssmith
total = 0
for i in eachindex(x, y)
total += @inbounds x[i] == y[i]
return total
f3(x,y) = reduce(+, mappedarray(==, x, y)) # from @jishnub
f3(x,y,dims) = reduce(+, mappedarray(==, x, y); dims)
f4(x,y) = mapreduce(((x,y),)->x==y,+,zip(x,y)) # from @stevengj
function mapreduce_same(f, op, A::Vararg{AbstractArray,N}; kw...) where {N} # from @wheeheee
tup_f(i) = f(ntuple(j -> @inbounds(A[j][i]), Val(N))...)
mapreduce(tup_f, op, eachindex(A...); kw...)
function mapreduce_same_reshape(f, op, A::Vararg{AbstractArray,N}; kw...) where {N}
tup_f(i) = f(ntuple(j -> @inbounds(A[j][i]), Val(N))...)
# inds = reshape(eachindex(A...), axes(A[1])) # this change allows for dims=2 etc
ei = eachindex(A...) # when this is CartesianIndices, reshaping it makes it slow
inds = ei isa AbstractUnitRange ? reshape(ei, axes(A[1])) : ei
mapreduce(tup_f, op, inds; kw...)
f5(x, y) = mapreduce_same(==, +, x, y; init=0) # from @wheeheee, but renamed not to clash
f6(x, y) = mapreduce_same_reshape(==, +, x, y)
f6(x, y, dims) = mapreduce_same_reshape(==, +, x, y; dims)
@testset for fun in [f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6]
x = [1 2; 3 4]
y = [1 0; 3 0]
@test fun(x, y) == mapreduce(==, +, x, y)
z = y |> permutedims |> transpose # needs cartesian indexing
@test fun(x, z) == mapreduce(==, +, x, z)
let x = randn(10240); y = similar(x) # same vectors as @oscardssmith
print("Base: "); @btime f1($x, $y)
print("loop: "); @btime f2($x, $y)
print("MappedArrays: "); @btime f3($x, $y)
print("zip: "); @btime f4($x, $y)
print("index: "); @btime f5($x, $y)
print("index_reshape: "); @btime f6($x, $y)
let x = randn(Float32, 40, 256); y = similar(x) |> permutedims |> transpose # same length
print("Base: "); @btime f1($x, $y)
print("loop: "); @btime f2($x, $y)
print("MappedArrays: "); @btime f3($x, $y)
print("zip: "); @btime f4($x, $y)
print("index: "); @btime f5($x, $y)
print("index_reshape: "); @btime f6($x, $y)
@testset for fun in [f1, f3, f6]
x = [1 2; 3 4]
y = [1 0; 3 0]
@test fun(x, y, 1) == mapreduce(==, +, x, y; dims=1)
@test fun(x, y, 2) == mapreduce(==, +, x, y; dims=2)
z = y |> permutedims |> transpose # needs cartesian indexing
@test fun(x, z, 1) == mapreduce(==, +, x, z; dims=1)
@test fun(x, z, 2) == mapreduce(==, +, x, z; dims=2)
let x = randn(Float32, 40, 256); y = similar(x) |> permutedims |> transpose
for dims in (1, 2)
@show dims
print("Base: "); @btime f1($x, $y, $dims)
# print("loop: "); @btime f2($x, $y)
print("MappedArrays: "); @btime f3($x, $y, $dims)
# print("zip: "); @btime f4($x, $y)
# print("index: "); @btime f5($x, $y)
print("index_reshape: "); @btime f6($x, $y, $dims)
# Times on M1 mac:
julia> let x = randn(10240); y = similar(x) # same vectors as @oscardssmith
print("Base: "); @btime f1($x, $y)
print("loop: "); @btime f2($x, $y)
print("MappedArrays: "); @btime f3($x, $y)
print("zip: "); @btime f4($x, $y)
print("index: "); @btime f5($x, $y)
print("index_reshape: "); @btime f6($x, $y)
Base: min 3.047 μs, mean 4.354 μs (3 allocations, 10.06 KiB)
loop: min 2.051 μs, mean 2.082 μs (0 allocations)
MappedArrays: min 2.125 μs, mean 2.146 μs (0 allocations)
zip: min 3.682 μs, mean 3.819 μs (0 allocations)
index: min 2.176 μs, mean 2.228 μs (0 allocations)
index_reshape: min 2.134 μs, mean 2.151 μs (0 allocations)
julia> let x = randn(Float32, 40, 256); y = similar(x) # same length
print("Base: "); @btime f1($x, $y)
print("loop: "); @btime f2($x, $y)
print("MappedArrays: "); @btime f3($x, $y)
print("zip: "); @btime f4($x, $y)
print("index: "); @btime f5($x, $y)
print("index_reshape: "); @btime f6($x, $y)
Base: min 2.259 μs, mean 3.605 μs (6 allocations, 10.17 KiB)
loop: min 1.396 μs, mean 1.417 μs (0 allocations)
MappedArrays: min 1.500 μs, mean 1.518 μs (0 allocations)
zip: min 3.994 μs, mean 4.047 μs (0 allocations)
index: min 1.408 μs, mean 1.440 μs (0 allocations)
index_reshape: min 1.500 μs, mean 1.524 μs (0 allocations)
julia> let x = randn(Float32, 40, 256); y = similar(x) |> permutedims |> transpose
print("Base: "); @btime f1($x, $y)
print("loop: "); @btime f2($x, $y)
print("MappedArrays: "); @btime f3($x, $y)
print("zip: "); @btime f4($x, $y)
print("index: "); @btime f5($x, $y)
print("index_reshape: "); @btime f6($x, $y)
Base: min 9.958 μs, mean 11.193 μs (8 allocations, 10.20 KiB)
loop: min 3.510 μs, mean 3.535 μs (0 allocations)
MappedArrays: min 6.667 μs, mean 6.800 μs (0 allocations)
zip: min 12.333 μs, mean 12.491 μs (0 allocations)
index: min 6.658 μs, mean 6.731 μs (4 allocations, 128 bytes)
index_reshape: min 6.575 μs, mean 6.630 μs (0 allocations)
julia> let x = randn(Float32, 40, 256); y = similar(x)
for dims in (1, 2)
@show dims
print("Base: "); @btime f1($x, $y, $dims)
# print("loop: "); @btime f2($x, $y)
print("MappedArrays: "); @btime f3($x, $y, $dims)
# print("zip: "); @btime f4($x, $y)
# print("index: "); @btime f5($x, $y)
print("index_reshape: "); @btime f6($x, $y, $dims)
dims = 1
Base: min 2.634 μs, mean 4.058 μs (6 allocations, 12.16 KiB)
MappedArrays: min 2.153 μs, mean 2.393 μs (3 allocations, 2.08 KiB)
index_reshape: min 2.157 μs, mean 2.395 μs (3 allocations, 2.08 KiB)
dims = 2
Base: min 2.204 μs, mean 3.564 μs (5 allocations, 10.48 KiB)
MappedArrays: min 2.481 μs, mean 2.523 μs (2 allocations, 416 bytes)
index_reshape: min 2.481 μs, mean 2.526 μs (2 allocations, 416 bytes)
julia> let x = randn(Float32, 40, 256); y = similar(x) |> permutedims |> transpose
for dims in (1, 2)
@show dims
print("Base: "); @btime f1($x, $y, $dims)
# print("loop: "); @btime f2($x, $y)
print("MappedArrays: "); @btime f3($x, $y, $dims)
# print("zip: "); @btime f4($x, $y)
# print("index: "); @btime f5($x, $y)
print("index_reshape: "); @btime f6($x, $y, $dims)
dims = 1
Base: min 10.375 μs, mean 11.896 μs (6 allocations, 12.16 KiB)
MappedArrays: min 3.552 μs, mean 3.823 μs (3 allocations, 2.08 KiB)
index_reshape: min 3.615 μs, mean 4.069 μs (3 allocations, 2.08 KiB)
dims = 2
Base: min 9.917 μs, mean 11.059 μs (5 allocations, 10.48 KiB)
MappedArrays: min 4.030 μs, mean 4.090 μs (2 allocations, 416 bytes)
index_reshape: min 4.028 μs, mean 4.087 μs (2 allocations, 416 bytes)
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.12.0-DEV.3
Commit ddd7afb951 (2024-02-16 16:36 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: macOS (arm64-apple-darwin21.6.0)
CPU: 8 × Apple M1
LLVM: libLLVM-16.0.6 (ORCJIT, apple-m1)
Threads: 4 default, 0 interactive, 2 GC (on 4 virtual cores)
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