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Last active January 4, 2023 17:25
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##### Some code I had for normalisation
using ChainRulesCore, Statistics
function normal_now(x::AbstractArray) # like what LayerNorm does in Flux
μ = mean(x; dims=1)
σ2 = var(x; dims=1, mean=μ, corrected=false)
ε = eps(eltype(x))
(x .- μ) ./ sqrt.(σ2 .+ ε)
function normal_new(x::AbstractArray) # improved version
μ = mean(x; dims=1)
σ2 = var(x; dims=1, mean=μ, corrected=false)
ε = eps(eltype(x))
istd = inv.(sqrt.(σ2.+ε)) # this is the only idea -- don't do sqrt N^2 times
y = (x .- μ) .* istd
# y = @fastmath (x .- μ) ./ sqrt.(σ2.+ε) # this is quicker on GPU
# Mostly I thought a bit about how to write a fused gradient here:
function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(normal_new), x::AbstractArray)
μ = mean(x; dims=1)
σ2 = var(x; dims=1, mean=μ, corrected=false)
ε = eps(eltype(x))
istd = inv.(sqrt.(σ2.+ε))
y = (x .- μ) .* istd
# y = @fastmath (x .- μ) ./ sqrt.(σ2.+ε) # quicker on GPU
iN = one(eltype(y))/size(x,1)
function back(Δ)
dy = unthunk(Δ)
# dx = istd.*(dy .- mean(dy; dims=1) .- y.*istd.*mean(dy.*(x.-μ); dims=1))
# Like this, uses 38% of the memory:
# dx = istd.*(dy .- iN .* sum(dy; dims=1) .- y .* iN .* istd .* sum(dy.*(x.-μ); dims=1))
# Like this, uses 25%, I said. Should be safe in a jacobian.
tmp = dy.*(x.-μ)
dx = tmp .= istd.*(dy .- iN .* sum(dy; dims=1) .- y .* iN .* istd .* sum(tmp; dims=1))
# dx = @fastmath tmp .= (dy .- iN .* (sum(dy; dims=1) .- y .* sum(tmp; dims=1)) ./ sqrt.(σ2.+ε))
(NoTangent(), dx)
y, back
##### Newer version...
using GPUArraysCore, Statistics, ChainRulesCore
function mean_var(A::AbstractArray; dims, corrected::Bool=false)
μ = mean(A; dims)
σ2 = var(A; dims, corrected, mean=μ)
(; mean=μ, var=σ2)
# This is something like Welford's algorithm. It's pretty slow on CPU.
function mean_var(A::AbstractGPUArray{Float32}; dims, corrected::Bool=false)
init = (zero(Float32), zero(Float32), Int32(0))
tri(x::Float32) = (x, zero(Float32), Int32(1))
N = sum_length(A, dims)
λ = Float32(1/(N-corrected))
function red(tup1::Tuple, tup2::Tuple)
m1, v1, k1 = tup1
m2, v2, k2 = tup2
k = k1 + k2
iszero(k) && return init # this is essential for GPU!
invk = inv(Float32(k))
m = (k1 * m1 + k2 * m2) * invk
v = v1 + v2 + λ * (m2 - m1)^2 * k1 * k2 * invk
(Float32(m), Float32(v), Int32(k))
R = mapreduce(tri, red, A; dims, init)
mean, var, _ = if dims isa Colon
R3 = reinterpret(reshape, Float32, R)
eachslice(R3, dims=1) # produces view(::CuArray), seems OK
(; mean, var)
sum_length(x::AbstractArray, dims::Integer) = size(x, dims)
sum_length(x::AbstractArray, dims::Colon) = length(x)
sum_length(x::AbstractArray, dims) = prod(size(x,d) for d in unique(dims); init=1)
# Here too it seems to pay to have a separate path for GPU arrays
function normal_newer(x::AbstractArray; dims=1)
μ, σ2 = mean_var(x; dims, corrected=false)
ε = eps(eltype(x))
istd = inv.(sqrt.(σ2.+ε)) # avoids N^2 sqrt evals
y = (x .- μ) .* istd
function normal_newer(x::AbstractGPUArray; dims=1)
μ, σ2 = mean_var(x; dims, corrected=false)
ε = eps(eltype(x))
y = (x .- μ) ./ sqrt.(σ2.+ε) # this is quicker on GPU
# Two paths here starts to get really ugly...
function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(normal_newer), x::AbstractArray; dims=1)
μ, σ2 = mean_var(x; dims, corrected=false)
ε = eps(eltype(x))
istd = inv.(sqrt.(σ2.+ε))
y = (x .- μ) .* istd
iN = one(eltype(y))/sum_length(x, dims)
function back(Δ)
dy = unthunk(Δ)
tmp = dy .* (x .- μ)
dx = tmp .= istd.*(dy .- iN .* sum(dy; dims=1) .- y .* iN .* istd .* sum(tmp; dims=1))
(NoTangent(), dx)
y, back
function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(normal_newer), x::AbstractGPUArray; dims=1)
μ, σ2 = mean_var(x; dims, corrected=false)
ε = eps(eltype(x))
y = @fastmath (x .- μ) ./ sqrt.(σ2.+ε) # quicker on GPU
iN = one(eltype(y))/sum_length(x, dims)
function back(Δ)
dy = unthunk(Δ)
tmp = dy .* (x .- μ)
dx = @fastmath tmp .= (dy .- iN .* (sum(dy; dims) .- y .* sum(tmp; dims)) ./ sqrt.(σ2.+ε))
(NoTangent(), dx)
y, back
##### Some code from
import ChainRulesCore: rrule, @ignore_derivatives
function norm_stats(x, dims)
μ = mean(x; dims)
σ² = var(x; dims, mean = μ, corrected = false)
return μ, σ²
function rrule(::typeof(norm_stats), x, dims)
μ, mean_pullback = rrule(mean, x; dims)
σ², var_pullback = rrule(var, x; dims, mean = μ, corrected = false)
function norm_stats_pullback(dargs)
dμ, dσ² = unthunk(dargs)
dx = ChainRulesCore.add!!(var_pullback(dμ)[2], mean_pullback(dσ²)[2])
return (NoTangent(), dx, NoTangent())
return (μ, σ²), norm_stats_pullback
_maybe_reshape(::Nothing, _) = nothing
_maybe_reshape(x, dims) = reshape(x, dims)
_apply_scale_bias(x, ::Nothing, ::Nothing) = x
_apply_scale_bias(x, scale, bias) = x .* scale .+ bias
ofeltype(x, y) = convert(float(eltype(x)), y)
function norm_helper(x, μ, σ², scale::Union{AbstractArray, Nothing},
bias::Union{AbstractArray, Nothing}, ϵ::Real, affine_size = size(μ))
@ignore_derivatives if isnothing(scale) != isnothing(bias)
error("both scale and bias must be provided or left as nothing")
scale′, bias′ = _maybe_reshape(scale, affine_size), _maybe_reshape(bias, affine_size)
return _apply_scale_bias((x .- μ) ./ sqrt.(σ² .+ ϵ), scale′, bias′)
function layernorm(x::AbstractArray{<:Any, N}, ::Val{S} = Val(1), scale = nothing, bias = nothing,
ϵ = ofeltype(x, 1e-5)) where {N, S}
@ignore_derivatives if S > N
throw(DimensionMismatch("got $S reduction dims for $N-dimensional array"))
μ, σ² = norm_stats(x, ntuple(identity, S))
return norm_helper(x, μ, σ², scale, bias, ϵ, size(x)[1:S])
##### Some code from
_x_x2(x) = (x, x * x)
_x_y2(x, y) = (x, x * y)
function _normalize(inN::T, ϵ::T, x::T, sum_sum2::NTuple{2, T}) where T
μ, s = sum_sum2 .* inN
σ₀ = sqrt(fma(μ, -μ, s)) # @fastmath sqrt helps too, 2x?
σ = max(σ₀, ϵ) # @fastmath max helps 30% here
return (x - μ) / σ
function _rstd(inN::T, ϵ::T, sum_sum2::NTuple{2, T}) where T
μ, s = sum_sum2 .* inN
σ₀ = sqrt(fma(μ, -μ, s))
σ = max(σ₀, ϵ) # @fastmath max has no effect here
return inv(σ)
layer_norm(alpha, beta, x) = layer_norm(1e-5, alpha, beta, x)
function layer_norm(epsilon, alpha, beta, x)
T = eltype(x)
N = size(x, 1)
ϵ = convert(T, epsilon)
α = isnothing(alpha) ? one(T) : alpha
β = isnothing(beta) ? zero(T) : beta
# This makes an array of tuples, sum_sum2 == tuple.(sum(x; dims), sum(abs2, x; dims))
sum_sum2 = mapreduce(_x_x2, .+, x; dims=1, init = (zero(T), zero(T)))
# And this calls sqrt on all N^2 elements
return fma.(α, _normalize.(convert(T, 1//N), ϵ, x, sum_sum2), β)
_fma2(dy::T, dya::NTuple{2, T}, n::T, inN::T, is::T) where T = fma(fma(n, last(dya), first(dya)), inN, dy) * is
function Δlayer_norm_dx(Ȳ, ϵ, α, n, x, sum_sum2)
T = eltype(x)
N = size(x, 1)
is = Broadcast.instantiate(Broadcast.broadcasted(_rstd, convert(T, 1//N), ϵ, sum_sum2))
dy = Broadcast.instantiate(Broadcast.broadcasted(*, Ȳ, α))
# This mapreduce(f, op, a, b) will be slow on CPU, map then reduce
dya = mapreduce(_x_y2, .+, dy, n; dims=1, init=(zero(T), zero(T)))
∂x = _fma2.(dy, dya, n, -convert(T, 1//N), is)
return ∂x
_taildims(Ȳ) = Base.tail(ntuple(identity, Val(ndims(Ȳ))))
function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(layer_norm), alpha, beta, x)
y, pullback = rrule(layer_norm, 1e-5, alpha, beta, x)
layer_norm_pullback(Ȳ) = (NoTangent(), last_n(pullback(Ȳ), static(3))...)
return y, layer_norm_pullback
function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(layer_norm), epsilon, alpha, beta, x)
T = eltype(x)
N = size(x, 1)
ϵ = convert(T, epsilon)
cα = static(isnothing(alpha))
cβ = static(isnothing(beta))
aα = static(alpha isa AbstractArray)
aβ = static(beta isa AbstractArray)
α = as_bool(cα) ? one(T) : alpha
β = as_bool(cβ) ? zero(T) : beta
sum_sum2 = mapreduce(_x_x2, .+, x; dims=1, init = (zero(T), zero(T)))
n = _normalize.(convert(T, 1//N), ϵ, x, sum_sum2)
y = fma.(α, n, β)
function layer_norm_pullback(Ybar)
Ȳ = unthunk(Ybar)
∂α = as_bool(cα) ? NoTangent() : @thunk sum(
Broadcast.instantiate(Broadcast.broadcasted(*, Ȳ, n));
dims = as_bool(aα) ? _taildims(Ȳ) : :, init = zero(eltype(Ȳ))
∂β = as_bool(cβ) ? NoTangent() : @thunk sum(Ȳ; dims = as_bool(aβ) ? _taildims(Ȳ) : :)
∂x = @thunk Δlayer_norm_dx(Ȳ, ϵ, α, n, x, sum_sum2)
return (NoTangent(), NoTangent(), ∂α, ∂β, ∂x)
return y, layer_norm_pullback
using Static
as_bool(b::Bool) = b
as_bool(b::StaticBool) = Bool(b)
function last_n(s::Tuple, n)
offset = static(length(s)) - n
ntuple(i->s[offset + i], n)
##### Testing forwards
x = rand(Int8, 4, 5).+0.0
layernorm(x, Val(1)) # so I made Val(1) the default
layer_norm(true, false, x)
layer_norm(nothing, nothing, x) # also encodes this
julia> @btime normal_now($(rand(100, 100))); # most of the time in sqrt!
min 14.541 μs, mean 19.148 μs (10 allocations, 80.45 KiB)
min 12.875 μs, mean 16.387 μs (10 allocations, 80.45 KiB) # with @fastmath sqrt
julia> @btime normal_new($(rand(100, 100))); # much quicker, same memory
min 5.048 μs, mean 8.829 μs (11 allocations, 81.33 KiB)
min 5.056 μs, mean 9.781 μs (11 allocations, 81.33 KiB) # with @fastmath sqrt
julia> @btime normal_newer($(rand(100, 100)));
min 5.076 μs, mean 11.021 μs (11 allocations, 81.33 KiB)
julia> @btime layernorm($(rand(100, 100)));
min 14.500 μs, mean 18.573 μs (18 allocations, 80.73 KiB)
julia> @btime layer_norm(true, false, $(rand(100, 100)));
min 16.834 μs, mean 20.344 μs (3 allocations, 79.94 KiB) # as above
min 6.917 μs, mean 10.702 μs (3 allocations, 79.94 KiB) # with @fastmath max & sqrt
# Components, to see where the time is...
@btime copy($(rand(100, 100))); # 78.17 KiB
@btime sum($(rand(100, 100)); dims=1);
m1 = @btime mean($(rand(100, 100)); dims=1);
@btime var($(rand(100, 100)); dims=1, mean=$m1, corrected=false); # does not allocate a copy
@btime std($(rand(100, 100)); dims=1, mean=$m1, corrected=false);
@btime sqrt.($m1);
@btime inv.(sqrt.($m1));
@btime inv.(sqrt.($(rand(100, 100))));
##### Testing gradient
# Can save a lot of memory, but not much speedup, at least on M1 mac.
using Zygote, BenchmarkTools
Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(normal_now(x)[1,:]), x)[1]
Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(normal_new(x)[1,:]), x)[1]
Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(normal_newer(x)[1,:]), x)[1]
Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(layernorm(x)[1,:]), x)[1] # this does not look the same
Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(layer_norm(true, false, x)[1,:]), x)[1]
julia> @btime Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(abs2, x), $(rand(100, 100))); # baseline, no norm!
min 3.391 μs, mean 11.354 μs (2 allocations, 78.17 KiB)
julia> @btime Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(abs2, normal_now(x)), $(rand(100, 100)));
min 26.334 μs, mean 85.340 μs (57 allocations, 637.97 KiB)
julia> @btime Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(abs2, normal_new(x)), $(rand(100, 100)));
min 26.750 μs, mean 48.510 μs (33 allocations, 240.11 KiB)
julia> @btime Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(abs2, normal_newer(x)), $(rand(100, 100)));
min 26.959 μs, mean 53.320 μs (33 allocations, 240.11 KiB)
julia> (637.97-78.17) / (240.11-78.17)
julia> @btime Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(abs2, layernorm(x)), $(rand(100, 100)));
min 81.666 μs, mean 130.307 μs (252 allocations, 570.58 KiB)
julia> @btime Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(abs2, layer_norm(true, false, x)), $(rand(100, 100)));
min 77.500 μs, mean 125.485 μs (37 allocations, 473.62 KiB)
##### GPU times
# The conclusion here is that NVIDIA did this optimisation better than I did.
# No point optimising GPU case; can LayerNorm call BatchNorm's backend too?
using CUDA, Flux
julia> cx = cu(randn(100, 1000));
julia> CUDA.@time cx .+ 1; # baseline
0.000124 seconds (40 CPU allocations: 1.750 KiB) (1 GPU allocation: 390.625 KiB, 16.67% memmgmt time)
julia> CUDA.@time Flux.normalise(cx);
0.000431 seconds (441 CPU allocations: 21.453 KiB) (9 GPU allocations: 784.766 KiB, 11.47% memmgmt time)
julia> CUDA.@time normal_now(cx);
0.000292 seconds (258 CPU allocations: 11.516 KiB) (6 GPU allocations: 796.875 KiB, 13.49% memmgmt time)
julia> CUDA.@time normal_new(cx);
0.000307 seconds (296 CPU allocations: 13.203 KiB) (7 GPU allocations: 800.781 KiB, 13.97% memmgmt time)
# gradients
julia> CUDA.@time Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(sin, x), cx); # baseline
0.060339 seconds (16.40 k CPU allocations: 963.312 KiB) (6 GPU allocations: 1.908 MiB, 0.13% memmgmt time)
julia> CUDA.@time Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(sin, Flux.normalise(x)), cx);
0.156524 seconds (38.36 k CPU allocations: 2.249 MiB) (29 GPU allocations: 5.348 MiB, 0.60% memmgmt time)
julia> CUDA.@time Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(sin, normal_now(x)), cx);
0.079000 seconds (23.59 k CPU allocations: 1.313 MiB) (28 GPU allocations: 5.387 MiB, 0.21% memmgmt time)
julia> CUDA.@time Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(sin, normal_new(x)), cx);
0.074505 seconds (24.45 k CPU allocations: 1.396 MiB) (16 GPU allocations: 3.079 MiB, 0.15% memmgmt time)
# batchnorm
# bn2 = BatchNorm(100, affine=false) |> gpu # gives an error!
# But what does work, is more efficient than mine: 2.672 MiB < 3.079 MiB
julia> bn1 = BatchNorm(100) |> gpu
BatchNorm(100) # 200 parameters, plus 200 non-trainable
julia> CUDA.@time bn1(cx);
0.000291 seconds (42 CPU allocations: 1.312 KiB) (1 GPU allocation: 390.625 KiB, 7.79% memmgmt time)
julia> CUDA.@time Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(sin, bn1(x)), cx);
0.099942 seconds (36.84 k CPU allocations: 2.064 MiB) (10 GPU allocations: 2.672 MiB, 0.13% memmgmt time)
# layernorm
# here it is literally calling Flux.normalise
# When the dims work, can it call BatchNorm instead?
julia> ln1 = LayerNorm(100) |> gpu
LayerNorm(100) # 200 parameters
julia> ln2 = LayerNorm(100, affine=false) |> gpu
LayerNorm(100) # 200 parameters
julia> CUDA.@time ln2(cx);
0.000369 seconds (320 CPU allocations: 15.688 KiB) (7 GPU allocations: 800.781 KiB, 16.56% memmgmt time)
julia> CUDA.@time Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(sin, ln2(x)), cx);
0.136035 seconds (37.73 k CPU allocations: 2.104 MiB, 23.66% gc time) (26 GPU allocations: 5.376 MiB, 0.19% memmgmt time)
##### GPU, January
# Now updated to include
julia> let x = CUDA.randn(100, 1000) # Forward pass, @btime
@btime CUDA.@sync copy($x) # baseline
@btime CUDA.@sync normal_now($x)
@btime CUDA.@sync normal_new($x)
@btime CUDA.@sync normal_newer($x)
@btime CUDA.@sync layernorm($x)
@btime CUDA.@sync layer_norm(nothing, nothing, $x)
μ = @btime CUDA.@sync mean($x; dims=1)
@btime CUDA.@sync var($x; mean=$μ, corrected=false, dims=1)
17.749 μs (13 allocations: 400 bytes)
96.518 μs (219 allocations: 10.88 KiB)
106.690 μs (257 allocations: 12.56 KiB)
56.772 μs (144 allocations: 9.45 KiB)
93.800 μs (225 allocations: 11.41 KiB)
43.795 μs (93 allocations: 4.33 KiB)
43.810 μs (99 allocations: 4.59 KiB)
41.918 μs (92 allocations: 5.17 KiB)
julia> let x = CUDA.randn(1000, 10_000) # Forward pass, alloc
CUDA.@time copy(x) # baseline
CUDA.@time normal_now(x)
CUDA.@time normal_new(x) # surprisingly large alloc, why? fixed.
CUDA.@time normal_newer(x)
CUDA.@time layernorm(x)
CUDA.@time layer_norm(nothing, nothing, x)
μ = CUDA.@time mean(x; dims=1)
CUDA.@time var(x; mean=μ, corrected=false, dims=1) # allocates a big array... before 443
0.000192 seconds (13 CPU allocations: 400 bytes) (1 GPU allocation: 38.147 MiB, 13.82% memmgmt time)
0.001525 seconds (279 CPU allocations: 14.281 KiB) (4 GPU allocations: 38.261 MiB, 1.92% memmgmt time)
0.000904 seconds (315 CPU allocations: 15.859 KiB) (5 GPU allocations: 38.300 MiB, 3.44% memmgmt time)
0.006859 seconds (216 CPU allocations: 13.625 KiB) (2 GPU allocations: 38.261 MiB, 0.36% memmgmt time)
0.009269 seconds (365 CPU allocations: 19.094 KiB) (4 GPU allocations: 38.261 MiB, 0.38% memmgmt time)
0.005154 seconds (110 CPU allocations: 5.188 KiB) (2 GPU allocations: 38.223 MiB, 0.44% memmgmt time)
0.000320 seconds (101 CPU allocations: 4.625 KiB) (2 GPU allocations: 78.125 KiB, 3.75% memmgmt time)
0.015003 seconds (156 CPU allocations: 8.453 KiB) (1 GPU allocation: 39.062 KiB, 0.09% memmgmt time)
julia> let x = CUDA.randn(100, 1000) # Gradient, @btime
@btime CUDA.@sync Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(abs2, x), $x) # baseline, no norm!
@btime CUDA.@sync Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(abs2, normal_now(x)), $x)
@btime CUDA.@sync Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(abs2, normal_new(x)), $x)
@btime CUDA.@sync Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(abs2, normal_newer(x)), $x)
@btime CUDA.@sync Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(abs2, layernorm(x, Val(1))), $x)
@btime CUDA.@sync Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(abs2, layer_norm(nothing, nothing, x)), $x)
176.829 μs (325 allocations: 14.14 KiB)
685.050 μs (1250 allocations: 60.31 KiB)
413.809 μs (789 allocations: 42.55 KiB)
373.748 μs (666 allocations: 39.12 KiB)
993.590 μs (1494 allocations: 74.17 KiB)
365.185 μs (565 allocations: 25.61 KiB)
julia> let x = CUDA.randn(1000, 10_000) # Gradient, alloc
CUDA.@time Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(abs2, x), x) # baseline, no norm!
CUDA.@time Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(abs2, normal_now(x)), x)
CUDA.@time Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(abs2, normal_new(x)), x)
CUDA.@time Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(abs2, normal_newer(x)), x)
CUDA.@time Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(abs2, layernorm(x, Val(1))), x)
CUDA.@time Zygote.gradient(x -> sum(abs2, layer_norm(nothing, nothing, x)), x)
0.055923 seconds (16.29 k CPU allocations: 959.204 KiB) (6 GPU allocations: 190.735 MiB, 0.09% memmgmt time)
0.079773 seconds (23.45 k CPU allocations: 1.308 MiB) (26 GPU allocations: 458.222 MiB, 0.18% memmgmt time)
0.076155 seconds (24.29 k CPU allocations: 1.388 MiB) (14 GPU allocations: 267.258 MiB, 0.12% memmgmt time)
0.079763 seconds (24.18 k CPU allocations: 1.392 MiB) (11 GPU allocations: 267.220 MiB, 0.11% memmgmt time)
0.106857 seconds (30.34 k CPU allocations: 1.698 MiB) (27 GPU allocations: 496.369 MiB, 0.15% memmgmt time)
0.076044 seconds (24.26 k CPU allocations: 1.388 MiB) (11 GPU allocations: 305.329 MiB, 0.11% memmgmt time)
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