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Forked from scrapehero/
Last active May 27, 2020 19:21
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Python 3 script to find real estate listings of properties up for sale on
from lxml import html
import requests
import unicodecsv as csv
import argparse
import json
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
def clean(text):
if text:
return ' '.join(' '.join(text).split())
return None
def get_headers():
# Creating headers.
headers = {'accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8',
'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, sdch, br',
'accept-language': 'en-GB,en;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,ml;q=0.4',
'cache-control': 'max-age=0',
'upgrade-insecure-requests': '1',
'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.131 Safari/537.36'}
return headers
def create_url(zipcode, filter):
# Creating Zillow URL based on the filter.
if filter == "newest":
url = "{0}/0_singlestory/days_sort".format(zipcode)
elif filter == "cheapest":
url = "{0}/0_singlestory/pricea_sort/".format(zipcode)
url = "{0}_rb/?fromHomePage=true&shouldFireSellPageImplicitClaimGA=false&fromHomePageTab=buy".format(zipcode)
return url
def save_to_file(response):
# saving response to `response.html`
with open("response.html", 'w') as fp:
def write_data_to_csv(data):
# saving scraped data to csv.
with open("properties-%s.csv" % (zipcode), 'wb') as csvfile:
fieldnames = ['title', 'address', 'city', 'state', 'postal_code', 'price', 'facts and features', 'real estate provider', 'url']
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
for row in data:
def get_response(url):
# Getting response from
for i in range(5):
response = requests.get(url, headers=get_headers())
print("status code received:", response.status_code)
if response.status_code != 200:
# saving response to file for debugging purpose.
return response
return None
def get_data_from_json(raw_json_data):
# getting data from json (type 2 of their A/B testing page)
cleaned_data = clean(raw_json_data).replace('<!--', "").replace("-->", "")
properties_list = []
json_data = json.loads(cleaned_data)
search_results = json_data.get('searchResults').get('listResults', [])
for properties in search_results:
address = properties.get('addressWithZip')
property_info = properties.get('hdpData', {}).get('homeInfo')
city = property_info.get('city')
state = property_info.get('state')
postal_code = property_info.get('zipcode')
price = properties.get('price')
bedrooms = properties.get('beds')
bathrooms = properties.get('baths')
area = properties.get('area')
info = f'{bedrooms} bds, {bathrooms} ba ,{area} sqft'
broker = properties.get('brokerName')
property_url = properties.get('detailUrl')
title = properties.get('statusText')
data = {'address': address,
'city': city,
'state': state,
'postal_code': postal_code,
'price': price,
'facts and features': info,
'real estate provider': broker,
'url': property_url,
'title': title}
return properties_list
except ValueError:
print("Invalid json")
return None
def parse(zipcode, filter=None):
url = create_url(zipcode, filter)
response = get_response(url)
if not response:
print("Failed to fetch the page, please check `response.html` to see the response received from")
return None
req = Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
webpage = urlopen(req).read()
parser = html.fromstring(webpage)
search_results = parser.xpath("//div[@id='search-results']//article")
if not search_results:
print("parsing from json data")
# identified as type 2 page
raw_json_data = parser.xpath('//script[@data-zrr-shared-data-key="mobileSearchPageStore"]//text()')
return get_data_from_json(raw_json_data)
print("parsing from html page")
properties_list = []
for properties in search_results:
raw_address = properties.xpath(".//span[@itemprop='address']//span[@itemprop='streetAddress']//text()")
raw_city = properties.xpath(".//span[@itemprop='address']//span[@itemprop='addressLocality']//text()")
raw_state = properties.xpath(".//span[@itemprop='address']//span[@itemprop='addressRegion']//text()")
raw_postal_code = properties.xpath(".//span[@itemprop='address']//span[@itemprop='postalCode']//text()")
raw_price = properties.xpath(".//span[@class='zsg-photo-card-price']//text()")
raw_info = properties.xpath(".//span[@class='zsg-photo-card-info']//text()")
raw_broker_name = properties.xpath(".//span[@class='zsg-photo-card-broker-name']//text()")
url = properties.xpath(".//a[contains(@class,'overlay-link')]/@href")
raw_title = properties.xpath(".//h4//text()")
address = clean(raw_address)
city = clean(raw_city)
state = clean(raw_state)
postal_code = clean(raw_postal_code)
price = clean(raw_price)
info = clean(raw_info).replace(u"\xb7", ',')
broker = clean(raw_broker_name)
title = clean(raw_title)
property_url = "" + url[0] if url else None
is_forsale = properties.xpath('.//span[@class="zsg-icon-for-sale"]')
properties = {'address': address,
'city': city,
'state': state,
'postal_code': postal_code,
'price': price,
'facts and features': info,
'real estate provider': broker,
'url': property_url,
'title': title}
if is_forsale:
return properties_list
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Reading arguments
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
argparser.add_argument('zipcode', help='')
sortorder_help = """
available sort orders are :
newest : Latest property details,
cheapest : Properties with cheapest price
argparser.add_argument('sort', nargs='?', help=sortorder_help, default='Homes For You')
args = argparser.parse_args()
zipcode = args.zipcode
sort = args.sort
print ("Fetching data for %s" % (zipcode))
scraped_data = parse(zipcode, sort)
if scraped_data:
print ("Writing data to output file")
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