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Created July 17, 2019 13:06
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import slinky.core.facade.ReactElement
import slinky.core.{BuildingComponent, ReactComponentClass}
import typings.historyLib.historyMod.{Location, LocationState}
import typings.reactDashRouterDashNativeLib.{reactDashRouterDashNativeLibProps, reactDashRouterDashNativeLibComponents => RRN}
import typings.reactDashRouterLib.reactDashRouterMod.{
import typings.reactLib.ScalableSlinky.{importSTComponent, ExternalComponentP}
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.|
object ReactRouterFacade extends reactDashRouterDashNativeLibProps {
@inline def NativeRouter : ExternalComponentP[NativeRouterProps] = importSTComponent(RRN.NativeRouter)
@inline def Link : ExternalComponentP[LinkProps] = importSTComponent(RRN.Link)
@inline def DeepLinking : ExternalComponentP[DeepLinkingProps] = importSTComponent(RRN.DeepLinking)
@inline def MemoryRouter : ExternalComponentP[MemoryRouterProps] = importSTComponent(RRN.MemoryRouter)
@inline def BackButton : ExternalComponentP[BackButtonProps] = importSTComponent(RRN.BackButton)
@inline def AndroidBackButton: ExternalComponentP[AndroidBackButtonProps] = importSTComponent(RRN.AndroidBackButton)
@inline def Prompt : ExternalComponentP[PromptProps] = importSTComponent(RRN.Prompt)
@inline def Redirect : ExternalComponentP[RedirectProps] = importSTComponent(RRN.Redirect)
@inline def Router : ExternalComponentP[RouterProps] = importSTComponent(RRN.Router)
@inline def StaticRouter : ExternalComponentP[StaticRouterProps] = importSTComponent(RRN.StaticRouter)
@inline def Switch : ExternalComponentP[SwitchProps] = importSTComponent(RRN.Switch)
/** The description of the `Route` component is somewhat rough, so this is a somewhat better slinky wrapper.
* The main problematic issue is the type parameter `T` which ends up in `match`, which is awkward in
* typescript jsx, in slinky, and in ScalablyTyped for three different reasons.
* Note that the `component` param has been renamed to `componentAlt` to avoid conflicts with Slinky's
* definitions
* Note that this could be developed much further, probably the only way to make a somewhat sane API
* would be to use a builder.
def Route[T](
alwaysRender: js.Function1[ /* props */ RouteChildrenProps[T, LocationState], ReactElement] = null,
componentAlt: ReactComponentClass[RouteComponentProps[T, StaticContext, LocationState]] = null,
exact: js.UndefOr[scala.Boolean] = js.undefined,
location: Location[LocationState] = null,
path: String | js.Array[String] = null,
render: /* props */ RouteComponentProps[T, StaticContext, LocationState] => ReactElement = null,
sensitive: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined,
strict: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined
): BuildingComponent[Nothing, js.Object] = {
val props = js.Dynamic.literal()
if (alwaysRender != null) props.updateDynamic("children")(alwaysRender.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
if (componentAlt != null) props.updateDynamic("component")(componentAlt.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
if (!js.isUndefined(exact)) props.updateDynamic("exact")(exact)
if (location != null) props.updateDynamic("location")(location)
if (path != null) props.updateDynamic("path")(path.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
if (render != null) props.updateDynamic("render")(js.Any.fromFunction1(render))
if (!js.isUndefined(sensitive)) props.updateDynamic("sensitive")(sensitive)
if (!js.isUndefined(strict)) props.updateDynamic("strict")(strict)
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