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Created July 17, 2017 15:13
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  • Save mcarpenterjr/1dedf9f9f842710ba5f07937ef4f5ae4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mcarpenterjr/1dedf9f9f842710ba5f07937ef4f5ae4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Linux bash script for updating dns on godaddy dynamically. You need a developer account to access the godaddy api to get your secret and token.
# This script is used to check and update your GoDaddy DNS server to the IP address of your current internet connection.
# Special thanks to mfox for his ps script
# First go to GoDaddy developer site to create a developer account and get your key and secret
# Be aware that there are 2 types of key and secret - one for the test server and one for the production server
# Get a key and secret for the production server
#Update the first 4 variables with your information
domain="" # your domain
name="" # name of A record to update
key="" # key for godaddy developer API
secret="" # secret for godaddy developer API
headers="Authorization: sso-key $key:$secret"
# echo $headers
result=$(curl -s -X GET -H "$headers" \
dnsIp=$(echo $result | grep -oE "\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b")
# echo "dnsIp:" $dnsIp
# Get public ip address there are several websites that can do this.
ret=$(curl -s GET "")
currentIp=$(echo $ret | grep -oE "\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b")
# echo "currentIp:" $currentIp
if [ $dnsIp != $currentIp ];
# echo "Ips are not equal"
# echo $request
nresult=$(curl -i -s -X PUT \
-H "$headers" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d $request "$domain/records/A/$name")
# echo $nresult
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spjspj commented May 20, 2024

Updated name server to cloudflare.

#   File :
#   Purpose : Update cloudflare
use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
## 20240504 - Updated my nameserver to cloudflare
##'s Account
##     Godaddy - nameserver updated to
## curl -X GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer HXxC_M9VZpqyUUBG4V3K0mbx6shU4PGEzhg4Pggw" -H "Content-Type:application/json"
## {"result":{"id":"3eada03345bd930d33bda2444814fd75","status":"active"},"success":true,"errors":[],"messages":[{"code":10000,"message":"This API Token is valid and active","type":null}]}
## blah@lappie : /home/blah/mysite_certificates #
# Main
    my $set_ip = `nslookup`;
    print $set_ip;
    $set_ip =~ m/Address *: *([\d\.]+)/im;
    $set_ip = $1;
    my $current_ip = `curl -s GET ""`;
    print $current_ip;
    my $vals1 = $set_ip;
    $vals1 =~ s/\W//img;
    my $vals2 = $current_ip;
    $vals2 =~ s/\W//img;
    if ($vals1 ne $vals2)
        print ("IPs are different ($set_ip is not $current_ip)\n");
        my $str = "curl --request PUT --url -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Auth-Email: blahblah\' -H 'Authorization: Bearer HXxC_G4V3K9MVZpqm0bxy6UUsBhUP4GEzhg4Pggw' --data '{\"content\": \"NEW_IP\", \"name\": \"\", \"proxied\": false, \"type\": \"A\", \"comment\": \"Domain verification record\", \"ttl\": 3600 }'";

        chomp $current_ip;
        $str =~ s/NEW_IP/$current_ip/;
        open OUTPUT, "> /home/blah/mysite_certificates/";
        print OUTPUT $str;
        close OUTPUT;
        `chmod 750 /home/blah/mysite_certificates/`;
        print ("IPs are the same\n");

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