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Last active February 24, 2020 21:23
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# emacs
# logs
#! /bin/sh
# make a connection
ls -l $1
# zap & try again
ls -l $1
when=$(date +'%T.%3N')
echo "$when: exit code $ret"
# wait DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT + 5 && try again
echo "[now I sleep for the presumed value of DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT]"
sleep 305
when=$(date +'%T.%3N')
echo "$when: done waiting"
ls -l $1
when=$(date +'%T.%3N')
echo "$when: exit code $ret"
#! /bin/sh
# Assuming a port-forwarder like
# socat -d -d tcp4-listen:11247,fork,reuseaddr tcp4-connect:irods-host:1247
# kill the connection, without stopping the listener
# Written to Ubuntu Precise / procps 3.2.8 / coreutils 8.13
socats=$( pidof socat )
# expect a parent (listener) and a child (the connection to kill)
child=$( ps -o pid= --ppid "$socats" )
if [ -n "$child" ]; then
when=$(date +'%T.%3N')
kill -INT $child
echo "$when: killed $child"
echo "found nothing to kill (socat pids = $socats)" >&2
exit 2
#! /bin/sh
# config for local server
export irodsEnvFile=~/.irods/irodsenv-test
export PATH=~/build/bin/:$PATH
echo '== what is it?'
which parrot_run
parrot_run --version
echo '== start port forward'
killall -INT socat
socat -d -d tcp4-listen:11247,fork,reuseaddr tcp4-connect:$server:1247 &
sleep 2
echo '== run parrot_run'
export PARROT_DEBUG_FLAGS="fatal error notice process pstree irods remote time pid"
parrot_run -o parrot.log ./ /irods/localhost:11247/
echo '== tidy up'
killall -INT socat
echo '== show log parts'
perl -ne 'print if (m{ process: execve: /bin/ls succeeded} && print "[...]\n") .. m{ process: pid \d+ exited }' parrot.log
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