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Last active September 8, 2020 19:14
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use strict;
use warnings FATAL=>'all';
Shows a successful run but segfaults during Perl's global destruction.
=head2 Fails with
Bionic/internal, F</software/perl-5.30-0/bin/perl>, L<DBI> 1.642,
L<DBD::Oracle> 1.80
=head2 Passes with
Bionic/internal, F</software/perl-5.30-0/bin/perl>, L<DBI> 1.642,
L<DBD::Oracle> 1.76
use Test::More;
use DBD::Oracle;
our $th;
sub main {
plan tests => 3;
$th = Thing->new;
my $dbh = $th->getDbh;
note "DBI version is ".$DBI::VERSION;
note "DBD::Oracle version is ".$DBD::Oracle::VERSION;
my $method = shift @ARGV;
my $dbh2 = $th->$method; # provokes segfault during Perl shutdown, only on bionic/sandboxed (openstack)
isnt($dbh, $dbh2, 'dbh2');
foreach my $h ($dbh, $dbh2) {
is_deeply($h->selectall_arrayref("select 2+2 from dual"), [ [ 4 ] ], "2+2");
if (0) {
undef $th->{"_dbh2_conn.$$"};
diag "rescued";
return 0;
exit main();
package Thing;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL=>'all';
# In our internal code, this is a class named "dbconn" for short.
# It has responsibility for obtaining the tnsname, username and
# password, then for managing statement handles.
sub new {
my ($called) = @_;
my $self = { };
bless $self, ref($called) || $called;
return $self;
sub getDbh {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{dbh} ||= do {
my ($dbi, $user, $pass) = split "///", $ENV{ISSUE_DBI};
die "Please\n export ISSUE_DBI=\$dbi///\$user///\$pass\nand try again" unless defined $pass;
DBI->connect($dbi, $user, $pass);
# In our internal code, this method is not in dbconn but in a test
# suite.
# It needs to trick dbconn into issuing a second dbh so I can run
# concurrency / database locking experiments. This is marked as
# "naughty" code, and we don't do this in production!
sub dbh2_original {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($extra);
local $self->{dbh};
$extra = $self->getDbh;
# hold on to it, else it evaporates and disconnects the dbh on
$self->{"_dbh2_conn.$$"} = $extra; # try commenting this line
return $extra;
sub dbh2_var1 {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($extra);
my $orig = $self->{dbh}; # try commenting this line
local $self->{dbh}; # try commenting this line
$extra = $self->getDbh;
$self->{"_dbh2_conn.$$"} = $extra; # try commenting this line
return $extra;
sub dbh2_var2 {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($extra);
my $orig = delete $self->{dbh};
$extra = $self->getDbh;
$self->{"_dbh2_conn.$$"} = $extra; # try commenting this line
return $extra;
sub dbh2_var3 {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($extra);
local $self->{dbh}; # try commenting this line
$extra = $self->getDbh;
return $extra;
sub dbh2_var4 {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($extra);
my $orig = $self->{dbh}; # try commenting this line
local $self->{dbh}; # try commenting this line
$extra = $self->getDbh;
$self->{"_dbh2_conn.$$"} = $extra; # try commenting this line
return $extra;
sub dbh2_simple {
my ($self) = @_;
my $old = $self->{old} = delete $self->{dbh};
return $self->getDbh;
#! /bin/sh
# Small script used in isolation to run 006-dbh2.t with minimum
# dependencies.
set -e
### DBD::Oracle from these two places
# Assume we have a working Oraclie client library
if ! [ -d p5-dbd-oracle-176 ]; then
mkdir p5-dbd-oracle-176
cd p5-dbd-oracle-176
cpanm -l $PWD ZARQUON/DBD-Oracle-1.76.tar.gz
if ! [ -d p5-dbd-oracle-180 ]; then
mkdir p5-dbd-oracle-180
cd p5-dbd-oracle-180
cpanm -l $PWD MJEVANS/DBD-Oracle-1.80.tar.gz
if ! [ -d p5-dbd-oracle-5d98d93b ]; then
mkdir p5-dbd-oracle-5d98d93b
cd p5-dbd-oracle-5d98d93b
cpanm -l $PWD
boom # export ISSUE_DBI=dbi:Oracle:CANT///username///password
_test_with() {
export PERL5LIB="$PWD/$1/lib/perl5:$PERL5LIB"
logfn=$( mktemp /tmp/006-dbh2.t.log.XXXXXX )
set +e
perl t/006*t "$@" > $logfn 2>&1
case "$?" in
0) return 0 ;;
139) return 1 ;;
printf "\n\nUnexpected flavour of test failure (exit code %s) -\n" $? >&2
cat $logfn >&2
kill -9 $$
rm $logfn
N_run=20 # repeats to see Heisenbug
for ora in p5-dbd-oracle-*; do
for method in dbh2_simple dbh2_original dbh2_var1 dbh2_var2 dbh2_var3 dbh2_var4; do
printf "** Running with %s %s\t\t" "$ora" $method
for n in $( seq $N_run ); do
if _test_with $ora $method; then
ok=$(( $ok + 1 ))
bad=$(( $bad + 1 ))
echo ok=$ok bad=$bad
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