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Last active February 9, 2022 05:40
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TLS Workshop Playground
## TLS Workshop Playground
## NOTICE: This script is intended for learning purposes only.
# These functions will set environmental variables in your terminal session,
# all beginning with "tls_". Use tls-reset to clean up all variables and remove
# generated temporary files (in the case of asym-gen).
# Print a help message
function tls-help {
cat <<EOF
Available functions:
tls-help This help message
tls-status Print status information of environmental variables
tls-reset Reset all environmental variables
hash One way function to convert arbitrary data into a fixed length "hash"
Usage: hash data
hmac Hash data with a secret
Usage: hmac secret data
sym-gen Generate a symmetric key
sym-enc Encrypt a message using the generated symmetric key and iv
Usage: sym-enc message
sym-dec Decrypt a message using the generated symmetric key and iv
Usage: sym-dec [cipher]
asym-gen Generate an asymmetric key pair
asym-enc Encrypt using an asymmetric key (default public key)
Usage: asym-enc message [key-file]
asym-dec Decrypt using an asymmetric key (default private key)
Usage: asym-dec [key-file] [cipher]
# Print status information of environmental variables
function tls-status {
if [[ -n $tls_hash ]]; then
echo "hash($tls_hash_input): $tls_hash"
if [[ -n $tls_hmac ]]; then
echo "hmac(secret=$tls_hmac_secret, $tls_hmac_input): $tls_hmac"
if [[ -n $tls_sym_key ]]; then
echo "sym-key: $tls_sym_key"
echo "sym-iv : $tls_sym_iv"
if [[ -n $tls_sym_enc_cipher ]]; then
echo "sym-enc($tls_sym_enc_input): $tls_sym_enc_cipher"
if [[ -n $tls_sym_dec_msg ]]; then
echo "sym-dec(${tls_sym_dec_input:0:16}...): $tls_sym_dec_msg"
if [[ -f $tls_asym_priv_key ]]; then
echo "hash($tls_asym_priv_key): $(openssl dgst -sha256 $tls_asym_priv_key | cut -d' ' -f2)"
echo "hash($tls_asym_pub_key) : $(openssl dgst -sha256 $tls_asym_pub_key | cut -d' ' -f2)"
if [[ -n $tls_asym_enc_cipher ]]; then
echo "asym-enc($tls_asym_enc_input): ${tls_asym_enc_cipher:0:16}..."
if [[ -n $tls_asym_dec_msg ]]; then
echo "asym-dec(${tls_asym_dec_input:0:16}...): $tls_asym_dec_msg"
# Reset all environmental variables
function tls-reset {
unset tls_hash tls_hash_input
unset tls_hmac tls_hmac_input tls_hmac_secret
unset tls_sym_key tls_sym_iv
unset tls_sym_enc_input tls_sym_enc_cipher
unset tls_sym_dec_input tls_sym_dec_msg
if [[ -f $tls_asym_pub_key && $tls_asym_pub_key =~ 'tls-rsa-....\.pub$' ]]; then
echo >&2 "Removing $tls_asym_pub_key"
rm $tls_asym_pub_key
if [[ -f $tls_asym_priv_key && $tls_asym_priv_key =~ 'tls-rsa-....\.priv$' ]]; then
echo >&2 "Removing $tls_asym_priv_key"
rm $tls_asym_priv_key
unset tls_asym_pub_key tls_asym_priv_key
unset tls_asym_enc_input tls_asym_enc_cipher
unset tls_asym_dec_input tls_asym_dec_msg
# One way function to convert arbitrary data into a fixed length "hash"
function hash {
tls_hash=$(openssl dgst -sha256 <<< "$tls_hash_input" | cut -d' ' -f2)
echo "$tls_hash"
# Hash data with a secret (hash based method authentication code)
# Usage: hmac secret data
function hmac {
tls_hmac=$(openssl dgst -hmac "$tls_hmac_secret" <<< "$tls_hmac_input" | cut -d' ' -f2)
echo "$tls_hmac"
# Generate a symmetric key
# One key - does both encryption and decryption
function sym-gen {
local out=$(openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -k secret -P 2>/dev/null)
tls_sym_key=$(grep '^key=' <<< "$out" | cut -d'=' -f2)
tls_sym_iv=$(grep '^iv =' <<< "$out" | cut -d'=' -f2)
echo "tls_sym_key: $tls_sym_key"
echo "tls_sym_iv : $tls_sym_iv"
# Encrypt a message using the generated symmetric key and iv
# Output is base64 encoded
function sym-enc {
if [[ -z $tls_sym_key || -z $tls_sym_iv ]]; then
echo "Please call symmetric_generate before encrypting"
return 1
tls_sym_enc_cipher=$(openssl enc -a -aes-256-cbc -K \
"$tls_sym_key" -iv "$tls_sym_iv" \
<<< "$tls_sym_enc_input")
echo "$tls_sym_enc_cipher"
# Decrypt a message using the generated symmetric key and iv
# Input is expected to be base64 encoded
function sym-dec {
if [[ -z $tls_sym_key || -z $tls_sym_iv ]]; then
echo >&2 "Please set tls_sym_key and tls_sym_iv variables before decrypting."
return 1
# set the input to the arguments or the output of encryption if no args
tls_sym_dec_msg=$(openssl enc -d -a -aes-256-cbc -K \
"$tls_sym_key" -iv "$tls_sym_iv" \
<<< "$tls_sym_dec_input")
echo "$tls_sym_dec_msg"
# Generate an asymmetric key pair
# Two keys, only it's pair can decrypt what the other encrypts
function asym-gen {
# generate a file for the private key if one doesn't already exist
tls_asym_priv_key=${tls_asym_priv_key:-$(mktemp -t tls-rsa-XXXX.priv)}
# generate a file for the public key based on the private key
openssl genrsa -out "$tls_asym_priv_key"
openssl pkey -in "$tls_asym_priv_key" -pubout -out "$tls_asym_pub_key"
echo "Private key generated in: $tls_asym_priv_key"
echo "Public key generated in : $tls_asym_pub_key"
# Encrypt using an asymmetric key (default public key)
# Usage: asym-enc message [key-file]
function asym-enc {
local key=${2:-$tls_asym_pub_key}
if grep 'PRIVATE' "$key" 2>&1 >/dev/null; then
echo >&2 "Encrypting using private key $key..."
# encrypting with a private key is "signing"
tls_asym_enc_cipher=$(openssl rsautl -inkey "$key" -sign <<< "$tls_asym_enc_input" | base64 | tr -d '\n')
echo "$tls_asym_enc_cipher"
elif grep 'PUBLIC' "$key" 2>&1 >/dev/null; then
echo >&2 "Encrypting using public key $key..."
tls_asym_enc_cipher=$(openssl rsautl -inkey "$key" -pubin -encrypt <<< "$tls_asym_enc_input" | base64 | tr -d '\n')
echo "$tls_asym_enc_cipher"
echo >&2 "Unrecognized key type. Is $key an RSA key?"
return 1
# Decrypt using an asymmetric key (default private key)
# Usage: asym-dec [key-file] [cipher]
function asym-dec {
local key=${1:-$tls_asym_priv_key}
if grep 'PRIVATE' "$key" 2>&1 >/dev/null; then
echo >&2 "Decrypting using private key $key..."
tls_asym_dec_msg=$(openssl rsautl -inkey "$key" -decrypt -in <(base64 -d <<< "$tls_asym_dec_input"))
echo "$tls_asym_dec_msg"
elif grep 'PUBLIC' "$key" 2>&1 >/dev/null; then
echo >&2 "Decrypting using public key $key..."
# decrypting with a public key is "verifying"
tls_asym_dec_msg=$(openssl rsautl -inkey "$key" -pubin -verify -in <(base64 -d <<< "$tls_asym_dec_input"))
echo "$tls_asym_dec_msg"
echo >&2 "Unrecognized key type. Is $key an RSA key?"
return 1
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