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Last active October 25, 2022 20:26
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  • Save mcatta/1e6aff9110c05089d1475aecf674e917 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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fun `Test confirm upon a failure`() = coroutineTestRule.scope.runTest {
// Given
coEvery { githubRepository.repositoryByOwner(any()) } returns Either.Left(AppError.Network)
// When / Then
stateMachine.state.test {
assertIs<GithubState.ContentState>(awaitItem()) // Initial State
assertIs<GithubState.ContentState>(awaitItem()) // State after typing
assertIs<GithubState.Load>(awaitItem()) // Confirm Action
assertIs<GithubState.Error>(awaitItem()) // Error upon API failure
coVerify { githubRepository.repositoryByOwner(eq("mcatta")) }
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