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Created February 15, 2014 23:04
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Save mcburton/9026469 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An editorial workflow for adding Pandoc formatted citations to your document. Parses a BibTeX file for citekeys.
------------ BEGIN WORKFLOW ------------
"actions" : [
"class" : "WorkflowActionStoreVariable",
"pauseBeforeRunning" : false,
"customTitle" : "Set Bibliography Filename",
"parameters" : {
"name" : "Bibliography Filename",
"value" : {
"tokenRanges" : {
"type" : "advancedText",
"text" : "*.bib"
"pauseWithoutShowingParameters" : false
"class" : "WorkflowActionRunScript",
"pauseBeforeRunning" : false,
"customTitle" : "Get Current Working Directory",
"parameters" : {
"script" : "#coding: utf-8\nimport workflow\nimport editor\n# Get the current file path\nfile_path = editor.get_path()\n# remove filename to get path\ncurrent_dir = ''.join(file_path.rpartition('\/')[0:2])\nworkflow.set_output(current_dir)\n"
"pauseWithoutShowingParameters" : false
"class" : "WorkflowActionRunScript",
"pauseBeforeRunning" : false,
"customTitle" : "Get bibliography file list",
"parameters" : {
"script" : "#coding: utf-8\nimport workflow\nfrom glob import glob\nimport console\n\ncwd_path = workflow.get_input()\nbib_filename = workflow.get_variable(\"Bibliography Filename\")\nbib_path = ''.join([cwd_path, bib_filename]) \nbib_path = glob(bib_path) \n\nif not bib_path:\n\tconsole.hud_alert(\"No bibliography file(s) found.\")\n\tworkflow.stop()\n\naction_out = '\\n'.join(bib_path)\nworkflow.set_output(action_out)\n\n"
"pauseWithoutShowingParameters" : false
"class" : "WorkflowActionRunScript",
"pauseBeforeRunning" : false,
"customTitle" : "Parse .bib files",
"parameters" : {
"script" : "#coding: utf-8\nimport workflow\nimport editor\nimport fileinput\nimport console\n\nbib_path = workflow.get_input().split('\\n')\n\n# use fileinput to iterate over each line of each file \ncitekeys = \"\".join([line.split(\"{\")[1].replace(\",\",\"\") for line in fileinput.input(bib_path) if line.startswith(\"@\")])\nfileinput.close()\n\nworkflow.set_output(citekeys) #output newline string\n"
"pauseWithoutShowingParameters" : false
"class" : "WorkflowActionSelectFromList",
"pauseBeforeRunning" : false,
"customTitle" : "Display Citekeys",
"parameters" : {
"title" : "Select Citekeys",
"allowMultipleSelection" : false,
"showInPopover" : true,
"list" : {
"tokenRanges" : {
"{0, 1}" : "Input"
"type" : "advancedText",
"text" : "?"
"pauseWithoutShowingParameters" : false
"class" : "WorkflowActionReplaceSelectedText",
"pauseBeforeRunning" : false,
"customTitle" : "Insert Citekeys",
"parameters" : {
"replacement" : {
"tokenRanges" : {
"{1, 1}" : "Input"
"type" : "advancedText",
"text" : "@?"
"pauseWithoutShowingParameters" : false
"name" : "Insert BibTex Citekey"
------------- END WORKFLOW -------------
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