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Last active January 27, 2020 16:27
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Bash script to download the lambda code and delete it
#Script to delete lambdas after downloading the code
#Accepts a new line delimited file with lambda names or ARNs
#Usage: log into the AWS account on the command line
# <filename>
while IFS="" read -r p || [ -n "$p" ];
if [ -z $1 ]; then
echo "Error: must supply a filename with line delimited values"
echo "Usage: <filename>"
exit 1
timestamp=$(date +%s)
printf '%s' "Downloading code for $p"
printf "\n\n";
aws lambda get-function --function-name "$p" --query 'Code.Location' |xargs wget -q -O "$p-$"
printf '%s' "Deleting lambda: $p";
printf "\n\n";
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
aws lambda delete-function --function-name "$p"
echo "Code download failed, lambda not deleted"
done < lambdas.txt
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