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Last active September 21, 2020 03:16
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Here are my steps for building and installing Magus firmware from scratch on a Windows 10 machine.

If you don't want to build a firmware, you just want to install one, you can download an official firmware from Github and then skip to step 12.

If you are planning to change the firmware code before building it, you may want to run the OPTIONAL, SCARY STEPS at the bottom of this guide first, for safety.


  1. I installed Ubuntu for Linux for Windows.

  2. I downloaded and installed "64-bit java for windows".

  3. I rebooted.

  4. I signed up for an account on

  5. I installed STM32CubeMX.

  6. I checked out with Ubuntu for Linux git.

    • Let's call the directory you checked this out to $OPENWARE_DIR. You can save that to a shell variable with export OPENWARE_DIR=`pwd` .
  7. I ran STM32CubeMX.

    • I selected an existing project and opened Magus/Magus.ioc. I migrated the project. I clicked "generate"

      • You will get a warning about "HAL timebase". You can ignore it.
  8. In Ubuntu for Windows, I installed gcc (with sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi)


    • Edited checkout directory and replaced the GIT_REVISION line with:

      GIT_REVISION = $(shell hg log --template='{bookmarks} {gitnode|short}' -r .) $(CONFIG)

      This step is a byproduct of something weird about my computer (I use Mercurial rather than Git).

    • Edited Magus/ and replaced contents with

      hg revert --no-backup Inc/usbh_conf.h
      hg revert --no-backup Src/usb_device.c Src/usb_host.c Makefile
      rm -f Src/usbd_audio_if.c Inc/usbd_audio_if.h
  10. From checkout directory ran (cd Magus && ./

  11. Ran make magus TOOLROOT= in checkout directory.

  12. Check out with git.

    • Let's call the directory you checked this out to $SENDER_DIR. You can save that to a shell variable with export OPENWARE_DIR=`pwd` .
  13. Open the Visual Studio solution in Builds/VisualStudio2015, click the menu at the top that says "Debug" and switch to "Release", select "Build Solution" in the Build menu.

  14. Run:

    $SENDER_DIR/Builds/VisualStudio2015/Win32/Release/ConsoleApp/FirmwareSender.exe -in $OPENWARE_DIR/Magus/Build/Magus.bin -save $OPENWARE_DIR/Magus/Build/Magus.bin.syx
  15. Go to the Firmware uploader web page and follow the instructions there, feeding it the Magus.bin.syx file.


On some OWL family devices, there is a button you can hold down to kick the device into bootloader mode. The Magus doesn't have a button like this. The only way to boot the Magus into bootloader is to send it the "reboot into bootloader" MIDI message. This means if your Magus firmware has a bug that causes it to boot at launch, before it gets to the point of receiving MIDI, you cannot get into the bootloader at all, and your device is now a brick.

The solution to this is to install the newer, "safe" bootloader. This uses something called a "watchdog" which means if the Magus firmware ever hangs for a sufficiently long period of time, it will automatically fall into the bootloader. However there are two problems with the safety bootloader:

  • It is hard to install, and
  • Once you install it, you must ONLY install firmwares that are compiled for use with the safety bootloader. You can't use official firmware anymore. You can only use firmware you compiled yourself.

As long as you use only officially released firmwares, you do not need the safety bootloader, because these have been tested. But if you are going to be modifying the firmware code, probably you should switch to the safety bootloader and compile your firmwares with watchdog support. Here's how.

  1. You need to buy an ST programmer. You can get this for about $30 from ST, or if you search "st programmer" on alibaba or amazon you can get a very cheap knockoff.

    • By the way, once you have the ST programmer, you can just stop here. If you have a programmer you have the option of simply letting the Magus crash and brick itself, and then using the ST programmer to rescue it from brick state using the ST programmer.
  2. Unscrew the back of the device.

  3. Connect your pins to the programmer by following these instructions by antisvin. Note, the steps about soldering are only needed if you want to use the programmer every time, without having to unscrew the back.

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