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Created March 31, 2020 21:56
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(ns prpr.test
#?@(:clj [(:require
[prpr.util.macro :refer [if-cljs]]
[clojure.test :as t]
[prpr.promise :as prpr]
[taoensso.timbre :refer [warn]])]
:cljs [(:require
[prpr.promise :as prpr]
[prpr.util.macro :refer [if-cljs]]
[cljs.test :refer [deftest async]]
[prpr.promise :refer [catch-error-log ddo]]
[taoensso.timbre :refer [warn]])]))
;; lord help me
(defonce test-binding-frame (atom nil)))
(defmacro record-test-binding-frame
[& body]
;; pass the actual original binding frame around, not a clone,
;; so that any changes on other threads make their way back to the
;; original thread
`(let [orig-frame# (clojure.lang.Var/getThreadBindingFrame)]
(reset! test-binding-frame orig-frame#)
(reset! test-binding-frame nil))))))
(defmacro with-test-binding-frame
[& body]
`(let [curr-frame# (clojure.lang.Var/getThreadBindingFrame)]
(when (nil? @test-binding-frame)
"test-async missing ? (nil test-binding-frame)"
(clojure.lang.Var/resetThreadBindingFrame @test-binding-frame)
(clojure.lang.Var/resetThreadBindingFrame curr-frame#))))))
;; a bunch of test macros for comparable async testing
;; in clj or cljs... some just reference the underlying clojure.test
;; macros, but are here to make ns :require forms simpler...
;; since it's cljc no reader conditionals are required, though we
;; may have to add more macros here to support further
;; clojure.test/cljs.test macros
(ns some.ns
[prpr.test :refer [deftest test-async is testing]])))
(defmacro use-fixtures
[& body]
(cljs.test/use-fixtures ~@body)
(clojure.test/use-fixtures ~@body))))
;; if you make the body of test-async a form or forms that
;; each return a promise... this will complete them
(defmacro test-async
[& ps]
;; with just catch - promise/finally is currently broken on cljs
(fn [e#]
(taoensso.timbre/warn e#)
(cljs.test/report {:type :error
:message (str e#)
:error e#})
(prpr.promise/ddo [:let [ps# [~@ps]]
r# (prpr.promise.platform/pr-all ps#)]
(let [body# (fn []
(prpr.promise/all-pr ~@ps)))]
(defmacro deftest
[& body]
(cljs.test/deftest ~@body)
(clojure.test/deftest ~@body))))
(defmacro is
[& body]
(cljs.test/is ~@body)
(clojure.test/is ~@body)))))
(defmacro testing
[& body]
(cljs.test/testing ~@body)
(clojure.test/testing ~@body)))))
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