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Created February 6, 2014 19:30
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# katello system update --help
Usage: katello options system update options
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--org=ORG name of organization e.g.: ACME_Corporation (required)
environment name e.g.: production
--name=NAME system name
--uuid=UUID system uuid
--new_name=NEW_NAME a new name for the system
a new environment name for the system
a description of the system
--location=LOCATION location of the system
--release=RELEASE value of $releasever for the system
--servicelevel=SLA service level agreement
content view name eg: database
content view label eg: database
content view id eg: 6
-g grep friendly output
-v verbose, more structured output
-d DELIMITER column delimiter in grep friendly output, works only
with option -g
--noheading Suppress any heading output. Useful if grepping the
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