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Created February 25, 2014 20:48
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# hammer
SUBCOMMAND subcommand
[ARG] ... subcommand arguments
shell Interactive shell
global_parameter Manipulate global parameters.
architecture Manipulate architectures.
compute_resource Manipulate compute resources.
domain Manipulate domains.
sc_param Manipulate smart class parameters.
environment Manipulate environments.
fact Search facts.
report Browse and read reports.
puppet_class Search puppet modules.
host Manipulate hosts.
hostgroup Manipulate hostgroups.
location Manipulate locations.
medium Manipulate installation media.
model Manipulate hardware models.
os Manipulate operating system.
partition_table Manipulate partition tables.
proxy Manipulate smart proxies.
subnet Manipulate subnets.
template Manipulate config templates.
user Manipulate users.
gpg manipulate GPG Key actions on the server
systemgroup Manipulate system groups
product Manipulate products.
provider Manipulate providers
system manipulate systems on the server
ping get the status of the server
lifecycle-environment manipulate lifecycle_environments on the server
organization Manipulate organizations
subscription Manipulate subscriptions.
-v, --verbose be verbose
-c, --config CFG_FILE path to custom config file
-u, --username USERNAME username to access the remote system
-p, --password PASSWORD password to access the remote system
--version show version
--show-ids Show ids of associated resources
--interactive INTERACTIVE Explicitly turn interactive mode on/off
One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
--csv Output as CSV (same as --output=csv)
--output ADAPTER Set output format. One of [table, base, silent, csv]
--csv-separator SEPARATOR Character to separate the values
--autocomplete LINE Get list of possible endings
-h, --help print help
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