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Created October 27, 2009 22:41
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Functional geometry
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functional Geometry
Original idea by Peter Henderson, see and
Implemented in Lisp by Frank Buß, see
Ported to Python by Will McCutchen <>
plot(p, output_path)
where p is a picture function. A bunch of predefined picture functions are
available at the end of the source code. The most interesting one to plot
would probably be fishes, like so:
plot(fishes, '')
from __future__ import with_statement
from operator import add, sub
# The framework.
# Notes:
# Vectors are represented as 2-tuples of (x, y). The only negative about this
# is the need to ensure that all of the operations explicitly return tuples
# (because, e.g., you can't make a set of lists because lists are unhashable).
# Explicit conversion of operands to floats is required in the multiplcation
# and division functions.
def vmul(vector, m):
"""Vector scalar multiplication."""
return tuple(x * float(m) for x in vector)
def vdiv(vector, d):
"""Vector scalar division."""
return tuple(x / float(d) for x in vector)
def vadd(v1, v2):
"""Vector addition."""
return tuple(map(add, v1, v2))
def vsub(v1, v2):
"""Vector subtraction."""
return tuple(map(sub, v1, v2))
def grid(m, n, s):
"""Defines a picture function from lines in a grid, s, bounded by vectors
m and n."""
def _(a, b, c):
return tuple(
(reduce(vadd, (vdiv(vmul(b, x0), m), a, vdiv(vmul(c, y0), n))),
reduce(vadd, (vdiv(vmul(b, x1), m), a, vdiv(vmul(c, y1), n))))
for (x0, y0), (x1, y1) in s)
return _
def polygon(points):
"""Converts the given points, which specify a polygon, into a list of
lines suitable for input into the grid() function."""
return tuple((points[i-1], point) for i, point in enumerate(points))
def blank():
"""A blank picture function."""
return lambda a, b, c: ()
def beside(p, q):
"""Places picture p beside picture q."""
def _(a, b, c):
b_half = vdiv(b, 2)
return tuple(set(p(a, b_half, c) +
q(vadd(a, b_half), b_half, c)))
return _
def above(p, q):
"""Places picture p above picture q."""
def _(a, b, c):
c_half = vdiv(c, 2)
return tuple(set(p(vadd(a, c_half), b, c_half) +
q(a, b, c_half)))
return _
def rot(p):
"""Rotates picture p by 90 degrees."""
return lambda a, b, c: p(vadd(a, b), c, vmul(b, -1))
def quartet(p1, p2, p3, p4):
"""Returns the given pictures laid out in a square."""
return above(beside(p1, p2), beside(p3, p4))
def cycle(p):
"""Returns the given picture duplicated and rotated in a square."""
return quartet(p, rot(rot(rot(p))), rot(p), rot(rot(p)))
def plot(p, filename=''):
"""Writes the given picture to the given file as PostScript."""
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
def w(*s): print >> f, '\n'.join(s)
w('500 500 scale', '.1 .1 translate', '0 setlinewidth',
'0 0 moveto 1 0 lineto 1 1 lineto 0 1 lineto 0 0 lineto')
for (x0, y0), (x1, y1) in p((0,0), (1,0), (0,1)):
w('%f %f moveto %f %f lineto' % (x0, y0, x1, y1))
w('stroke', 'showpage')
# A simple test
# defines a man
man = grid(
14, 20,
polygon(((6, 10), (0, 10), (0, 12), (6, 12), (6, 14),
(4, 16), (4, 18), (6, 20), (8, 20), (10, 18),
(10, 16), (8, 14), (8, 12), (10, 12), (10, 14),
(12, 14), (12, 10), (8, 10), (8, 8), (10, 0),
(8, 0), (7, 4), (6, 0), (4, 0), (6, 8))))
man_beside_man = beside(man, man)
man_above_man = above(man, man)
man_rotated = rot(man)
man_quartet = quartet(man, man, man, man)
man_cycle = cycle(man)
# the fish
p = grid(
16, 16,
(((4, 4), (6, 0)), ((0, 3), (3, 4)), ((3, 4), (0, 8)),
((0, 8), (0, 3)), ((4, 5), (7, 6)), ((7, 6), (4, 10)),
((4, 10), (4, 5)), ((11, 0), (10, 4)), ((10, 4), (8, 8)),
((8, 8), (4, 13)), ((4, 13), (0, 16)), ((11, 0), (14, 2)),
((14, 2), (16, 2)), ((10, 4), (13, 5)), ((13, 5), (16, 4)),
((9, 6), (12, 7)), ((12, 7), (16, 6)), ((8, 8), (12, 9)),
((12, 9), (16, 8)), ((8, 12), (16, 10)), ((0, 16), (6, 15)),
((6, 15), (8, 16)), ((8, 16), (12, 12)), ((12, 12), (16, 12)),
((10, 16), (12, 14)), ((12, 14), (16, 13)), ((12, 16), (13, 15)),
((13, 15), (16, 14)), ((14, 16), (16, 15))))
q = grid(
16, 16,
(((2, 0), (4, 5)), ((4, 5), (4, 7)), ((4, 0), (6, 5)),
((6, 5), (6, 7)), ((6, 0), (8, 5)), ((8, 5), (8, 8)),
((8, 0), (10, 6)), ((10, 6), (10, 9)), ((10, 0), (14, 11)),
((12, 0), (13, 4)), ((13, 4), (16, 8)), ((16, 8), (15, 10)),
((15, 10), (16, 16)), ((16, 16), (12, 10)), ((12, 10), (6, 7)),
((6, 7), (4, 7)), ((4, 7), (0, 8)), ((13, 0), (16, 6)),
((14, 0), (16, 4)), ((15, 0), (16, 2)), ((0, 10), (7, 11)),
((9, 12), (10, 10)), ((10, 10), (12, 12)), ((12, 12), (9, 12)),
((8, 15), (9, 13)), ((9, 13), (11, 15)), ((11, 15), (8, 15)),
((0, 12), (3, 13)), ((3, 13), (7, 15)), ((7, 15), (8, 16)),
((2, 16), (3, 13)), ((4, 16), (5, 14)), ((6, 16), (7, 15))))
r = grid(
16, 16,
(((0, 12), (1, 14)), ((0, 8), (2, 12)), ((0, 4), (5, 10)),
((0, 0), (8, 8)), ((1, 1), (4, 0)), ((2, 2), (8, 0)),
((3, 3), (8, 2)), ((8, 2), (12, 0)), ((5, 5), (12, 3)),
((12, 3), (16, 0)), ((0, 16), (2, 12)), ((2, 12), (8, 8)),
((8, 8), (14, 6)), ((14, 6), (16, 4)), ((6, 16), (11, 10)),
((11, 10), (16, 6)), ((11, 16), (12, 12)), ((12, 12), (16, 8)),
((12, 12), (16, 16)), ((13, 13), (16, 10)), ((14, 14), (16, 12)),
((15, 15), (16, 14))))
s = grid(
16, 16,
(((0, 0), (4, 2)), ((4, 2), (8, 2)), ((8, 2), (16, 0)),
((0, 4), (2, 1)), ((0, 6), (7, 4)), ((0, 8), (8, 6)),
((0, 10), (7, 8)), ((0, 12), (7, 10)), ((0, 14), (7, 13)),
((8, 16), (7, 13)), ((7, 13), (7, 8)), ((7, 8), (8, 6)),
((8, 6), (10, 4)), ((10, 4), (16, 0)), ((10, 16), (11, 10)),
((10, 6), (12, 4)), ((12, 4), (12, 7)), ((12, 7), (10, 6)),
((13, 7), (15, 5)), ((15, 5), (15, 8)), ((15, 8), (13, 7)),
((12, 16), (13, 13)), ((13, 13), (15, 9)), ((15, 9), (16, 8)),
((13, 13), (16, 14)), ((14, 11), (16, 12)), ((15, 9), (16, 10))))
# Build the drawing of the fish out of the parts defined above
t = quartet(p, q, r, s)
u = cycle(rot(q))
side1 = quartet(blank(), blank(), rot(t), t)
side2 = quartet(side1, side1, rot(t), t)
corner1 = quartet(blank(), blank(), blank(), u)
corner2 = quartet(corner1, side1, rot(side1), u)
pseudocorner = quartet(corner2, side2, rot(side2), rot(t))
fishes = cycle(pseudocorner)
if __name__ == '__main__':
plot(fishes, '')
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