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Created June 14, 2011 00:13
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SBT 0.10 thrift generation plugin
package com.twitter.sbt
import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt.Project.Initialize
import sbt.Process._
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
object CompileThrift extends Plugin {
val env = System.getenv().toMap
val thriftBin = SettingKey[File]("thrift-bin", "Thrift generator")
val thriftSources = SettingKey[File]("thrift-sources", "A directory containing thrift files")
val thriftAutoCompile = SettingKey[Boolean]("thrift-auto-compile", "Auto compile thrift or no")
private def compileChanged (sources: File, target: File) = {
val minSourceMod = sources.listFiles.foldLeft(java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE) { (last, f) =>
f.lastModified min last
val maxTargetMod = target.listFiles.foldLeft(0L) { (last, f) =>
f.lastModified max last
minSourceMod > maxTargetMod
def compileDir(thriftBin: File, thriftSources: File, targetDir: File, lang: String, out: Logger): Seq[File] = {
val outputDir = targetDir / ("gen-" + lang)
Process("mkdir -p " + outputDir).run
if (compileChanged(thriftSources, outputDir)) {"generating thrift files") {file =>
compile(thriftBin, file, targetDir, lang, out)
val generatedFiles = outputDir ** "*.java"
val rv = generatedFiles.get
out.debug("generated the following files:\n\t" + rv.mkString("\n\t"))
} else {"nothing to do for thrift files")
def compile(bin: File, thriftSource: File, targetDir: File, lang: String, out: Logger) {
val cmd = "%s -gen %s -o %s %s".format(bin, lang, targetDir.absolutePath, thriftSource)
out.debug("generating thrift with " + cmd)
def thriftCompileTask(lang: String, check: TaskKey[Boolean]) = {
(streams, check, thriftBin, thriftSources, (sourceManaged in Compile)) map {
(out, check, bin, source, target) =>
if (check) {
compileDir(bin, source, target, lang, out.log)
} else {
type ThriftKeySet = (SettingKey[Boolean], TaskKey[Boolean], TaskKey[Seq[File]])
def langToKeyName(lang: String) = "thrift-" + lang
def makeLangKeysFor(langs: String*) = {
Map( { lang =>
lang -> makeLangKeys(lang)
} : _*)
def makeLangKeys(lang: String): ThriftKeySet = {
val thriftLang = langToKeyName(lang)
val enableFlag = SettingKey[Boolean](thriftLang + "-enable", "Flag to enable generating " + lang)
val enableTask = TaskKey[Boolean](thriftLang + "-check", "Should I compile " + lang)
val compileTask = TaskKey[Seq[File]](thriftLang + "-compile", "compile thrift " + lang)
(enableFlag, enableTask, compileTask)
val keysMap = makeLangKeysFor("java", "python", "rb")
val (thriftJavaEnable, thriftJavaCheck, thriftJavaCompile) = keysMap("java")
val (thriftPythonEnable, thriftPythonCheck, thriftPythonCompile) = keysMap("python")
val (thriftRubyEnable, thriftRubyCheck, thriftRubyCompile) = keysMap("rb")
def makeLangTasksFor(langs: String*): Seq[Setting[_]] = { {lang =>
def makeLangTasks(lang: String): Seq[Setting[_]] = {
val keySet = keysMap(lang)
Seq (keySet._1 := true,
keySet._2 <<= keySet._1 map identity,
keySet._3 <<= thriftCompileTask(lang, keySet._2),
sourceGenerators in Compile <+= thriftCompileTask(lang, keySet._2))
def thriftSettings(langs: String*) = {
thriftBin := new File(env.get("THRIFT_BIN").getOrElse("thrift")),
thriftSources <<= (sourceDirectory in Compile) { _ / "thrift" },
thriftAutoCompile := true
) ++ makeLangTasksFor(langs: _*)
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