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Created December 22, 2010 07:19
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Hobo Ruby send equivalent. Really just syntactic sugar for standard reflection stuff
import java.lang.reflect.Method
class Sendable(a: AnyRef) {
val methods = a.getClass.getDeclaredMethods
def wrapByte(b: Byte) = new java.lang.Byte(b)
def wrapShort(s: Short) = new java.lang.Short(s)
def wrapInt(i: Int) = new java.lang.Integer(i)
def wrapLong(l: Long) = new java.lang.Long(l)
def wrapFloat(f: Float) = new java.lang.Float(f)
def wrapDouble(d: Double) = new java.lang.Double(d)
def wrapBoolean(b: Boolean) = new java.lang.Boolean(b)
def wrapChar(c: Char) = new java.lang.Character(c)
def send(methodName: String, args: Any*) = {
val candidates = methods.filter(_.getName == methodName)
val mappedClasses =
candidates.find(method => {
val paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes
typesMatch(mappedClasses, paramTypes)
}) match {
case Some(method) => {
val mappedArgs: Array[AnyRef] =
method.invoke(a, mappedArgs:_*)
case _ => throw new NoSuchMethodException(methodName)
def typesMatch(args: Array[Class[_]], paramTypes: Array[Class[_]]): Boolean = {
args.length == paramTypes.length && {case (arg, paramType) => paramType.isAssignableFrom(arg)}
def mapClass(a: Any): Class[_] = {
a match {
case b: Byte => classOf[byte]
case s: Short => classOf[short]
case i: Int => classOf[int]
case l: Long => classOf[long]
case f: Float => classOf[float]
case d: Double => classOf[double]
case b: Boolean => classOf[boolean]
case c: Char => classOf[char]
case o: AnyRef => o.getClass
case _ => classOf[Object]
def wrapAny(a: Any): AnyRef = {
a match {
case b: Byte => wrapByte(b)
case s: Short => wrapShort(s)
case i: Int => wrapInt(i)
case l: Long => wrapLong(l)
case f: Float => wrapFloat(f)
case d: Double => wrapDouble(d)
case b: Boolean => wrapBoolean(b)
case c: Char => wrapChar(c)
case o: AnyRef => o
object ToSendable {
implicit def toSendable(a: AnyRef) = new Sendable(a)
// this is how you use it
// you should just be able to paste this whole blob into the REPL
import ToSendable._
val s = "foo"
s.send("indexOf", "o")
val sb = new java.lang.StringBuilder()
s.send("contentEquals", sb)
val al = new java.util.ArrayList[String]()
al.send("get", 1)
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olix0r commented Sep 28, 2011

the horrrra. the horrrrrrrrrrrra!!!

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