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Created October 4, 2018 15:10
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Monkey patch for python-pptx that allows images to be placed into content placeholders.
Monkey patch for python-pptx that allows images to be placed into content
import gorilla
import pptx
from pptx.oxml.shapes.picture import CT_Picture
from pptx.shapes.placeholder import _BaseSlidePlaceholder, PlaceholderPicture
settings = gorilla.Settings(allow_hit=True, store_hit=True)
@gorilla.patches(pptx.shapes.placeholder.SlidePlaceholder, settings=settings)
class SlidePlaceholder(_BaseSlidePlaceholder):
Placeholder shape on a slide. Inherits shape properties from its
corresponding slide layout placeholder.
def insert_picture(self, image_file, crop=True):
Return a |PlaceholderPicture| object depicting the image in
*image_file*, which may be either a path (string) or a file-like
object. The image is cropped to fill the entire space of the
placeholder. A |PlaceholderPicture| object has all the properties and
methods of a |Picture| shape except that the value of its
:attr:`~._BaseSlidePlaceholder.shape_type` property is
pic = self.new_placeholder_pic(image_file, crop) # pass new parameter "method"
return PlaceholderPicture(pic, self._parent)
def new_placeholder_pic(self, image_file, crop=True):
Return a new `p:pic` element depicting the image in *image_file*,
suitable for use as a placeholder. In particular this means not
having an `a:xfrm` element, allowing its extents to be inherited from
its layout placeholder.
rId, desc, image_size = self.get_or_add_image(image_file)
id_, name = self.shape_id,
# Cropping the image, as in the original file
if crop:
pic = CT_Picture.new_ph_pic(id_, name, desc, rId)
pic.crop_to_fit(image_size, (self.width, self.height))
# Adjusting image to placeholder size and replace placeholder.
ph_w, ph_h = self.width, self.height
aspectPh = ph_w / ph_h
img_w, img_h = image_size
aspectImg = img_w / img_h
if aspectPh > aspectImg:
w = int(ph_h * aspectImg)
h = ph_h # keep the height
w = ph_w # keep the width
h = int(ph_w / aspectImg)
top = + (ph_h - h) / 2
left = self.left + (ph_w - w) / 2
pic = CT_Picture.new_pic(id_, name, desc, rId, self.left + (ph_w - w) / 2,, w, h)
return pic
def get_or_add_image(self, image_file):
Return an (rId, description, image_size) 3-tuple identifying the
related image part containing *image_file* and describing the image.
image_part, rId = self.part.get_or_add_image_part(image_file)
desc, image_size = image_part.desc, image_part._px_size
return rId, desc, image_size
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