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Created February 25, 2015 21:21
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Who I would nominate to if I could leave whitespace in a file...
## Aisha Blake
Operations Manager at Grand Circus. Freelance web developer and teacher engaged in the Detroit community and continuing to find new ways to further my own education.
## Anna Pawlicka
Programmer. Hiker. Cook. Always looking for interesting problems to solve.
## Buffy Miller
CTO of @imagerelay, generally pretty happy, aspiring snowboarder, knitter, drinker of much coffee
## Chen Blume
Designer founder of @specctr @blumestudio
## Coraline Ada Ehmke
Intersectional technologist. Transgender feminist. Speaker and mentor. Ruby Rogues panelist.
## Danese Cooper
Distinguished Member of Technical Staff-Open Source at PayPal
## Danielle Sucher
Hacker (@stripe), artist, former attorney, beekeeper. Superpowers include creating beautiful things, getting to the point, and bringing crazy ideas into reality
## Delyn Simons
Working directly with API developers building web and mobile applications for 9 years.
## Elise Wei
Full-time software engineer, full-time rock star, full-time domestic goddess, part-time everything else.
## Jennifer Eliuk
Coder for Democracy Works, Inc.
## Jennifer Smith
Functional programming dynamite with a Laser Beam
## Jess Eldredge
Web designer @Shopify, American in Canada, sketchnoter, word nerd, wino, cat lady.
## Jesse Toth
Engineer, rubyist, space nerd, adventurer, TDDer, music lover, aspiring human being.
## Jessica Kerr
"Functional developer (at Outpace), speaker, mother, crazy nut."
## Jessica McKellar
Startup founder, systems engineer, open source developer, @thePSF Director.
## Kate Matsudaira
Founder at creator of
## Katie Miller
Functional programmer. @lambdaladies Co-Founder. Lindy hopper.
## Kerri Miller
Software Engineer, conference speaker, chef, poker player, glassworker, scooter mechanic, baseball & soccer fan, hiker.. but not in that order.
## Kimberly Blessing
Director of webdev/tech at @thinkbrownstone.
## Kimberly Bryant
Founder @BlackGirlsCode ~ White House Champion of Change ~ 2014 GOOD 100 /
## Laura Frank
Ruby, rails, docker, beer.
## Lauren Galanter
Interwebz polymath. full-stack UX. ex-filmmaker. giant nerd in a small person. currently: UX Analyst @Phase2.
## Lynn Root
@Spotify engineer, @ThePSF board member, DSF member. @PyLadiesSF founder. VM breaker, insomniac, socializer.
## Maneesha Sane
Software & db developer; Data geek; Open source enthusiast.
## Meagan Waller
STEMinist • lean out • software developer working to build a more empathetic infrastructure.
## Monica Harasimiuk
Mom, RoR Software Engineer, loving dance, theatre, active lifestyle & the great outdoors, passionate about improving world & helping others
## Pam Selle
Professional nerd, amateur humorist, author, herbivore, cyclist, and hacker. Favors JavaScript, runs @phillyjsdev, podcasts @turingcool, works @Comcast
## Pamela Bey
Front-end Developer, UX Designer, and Tech Leader. I empower people through technology.
## Philly Tech Sistas
Our goal is to diversify the tech industry by empowering women of color here in Philly with the right skills and tools for success.
## Rachel Andrew
Web developer, writer, speaker, runner. Half of the company behind @grabaperch
## Rebecca Grenier
Web/Software Developer in LAMP, Drupal, Scala, Play, and the Typesafe Reactive Stack. Dual Citizen of USA and Canada
## Sandi Metz
Cyclist, Rubyist, reluctant author ( ), obsessive programmer, recalcitrant blogger and the antidote for ambition.
## Sarah Gray
Programmer, reader, writer, teacher, theater nerd, and explorer.
## Stacey Mulcahy
Microsoft Technology Evangelist for Windows 8
## Stephanie Liu
Code geek, design freak, and lover of all things tasty
## Tracy Kroop
Designer. Educator. Urban dweller.
## Yasmine Mustafa
Serial entrepreneur, empowering women with @gdiphilly & @useROAR, blogger, traveler, trying to make a difference in the world
## Yesenia Perez-Cruz
I used to work very closely with her, and am now lucky enough to call her one of my best friends. Words can’t describe how hard she works, and how important her thoughts are. She is an amazingly talented designer, confident speaker, and does amazing things for the Latina community by being such a powerful role model. Follow Yesenia, RIGHT. NOW. So much love for her, she deserves everything.
## Zoe Rooney
Front-end web developer for people who really really love design. Also mom, runner & web dev/ small business blogger. New project:
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