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Last active March 20, 2017 19:46
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March 20, 2017 PhillyDevSlack #DailyProgrammer
defmodule Thing do
@moduledoc """
Sort a string by cardinality of repeating characters, then alphabetically within each partition created by cardinality sorting.
An example: "abcdddeeeffff" would be sorted "ffffdddeeeabc"
In the above, 'f' appears the most(4), so it comes first, followed by 'd's and 'e's (3), in alaphabetical order, since they have equal cardinality. Then follow 'a', 'b', and 'c' in alphabetical order since they all have the same cardinality(1).
Another example: "cardinality" would be sorted "aaiicdlnrty"
@doc """
## Example
iex> Thing.perform("cardinality")
iex> Thing.perform("abcdddeeeffff")
def perform(word) when is_binary(word) do
word |> String.graphemes |> perform
def perform(characters) do
|> Enum.group_by(fn(letter) -> letter end)
|> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn({letter, incidents}, acc) ->
map_by_count(letter, Enum.count(incidents), acc)
|> Enum.reduce("", fn({_, letter_map}, acc) ->
cobble_string(letter_map) <> acc
@doc """
This will take a letter and a count and then will add them to a given
accumulator value.
## Example
iex> Thing.map_by_count("b", 3, %{3 => %{"i" => "iii"}})
%{3 => %{"b" => "bbb", "i" => "iii"}}
iex> Thing.map_by_count("b", 3, %{2 => %{"f" => "fff"}})
%{2 => %{"f" => "fff"}, 3 => %{"b" => "bbb"}}
def map_by_count(letter, count, acc) do
Map.put(acc, count, _map_by_count(letter, count, acc))
def _map_by_count(letter, count, acc) do
if Map.has_key?(acc, count) do
Map.merge(acc[count], build_letter_map(letter, count))
build_letter_map(letter, count)
@doc """
This will take a letter and a count and return a map with a single key (the
letter) with aprintable value.
## Example
iex> Thing.build_letter_map("a", 3)
%{"a" => "aaa"}
def build_letter_map(letter, count), do: %{letter => String.duplicate(letter, count)}
@doc """
Accepts an enumerable which contains keys for each letter and strings as the
values. Takes the values for each and concats them.
Since enum orders the values this will always print in alphabetical order
## Example
iex> Thing.cobble_string(%{"l" => "ll", "c" => "cc", "n" => "nn"})
def cobble_string(letter_map) do
|> Map.values
|> Enum.join("")
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