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Created June 4, 2014 18:48
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Wrapper script for jp2a that will attempt to convert other image formats to JPEG. Requires ImageMagick's convert (or compatible).
JP2A=$(dirname "$0")/jp2a
declare -a jp2aopts
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; do
case "$1" in
-) break ;;
--) shift ; break ;;
-*) jp2aopts+=( "$1" ) ; shift ;;
*) break ;;
declare -a inputjpgs
for original in "$@" ; do
if [[ "${original}" == - || $( file "${original}" ) =~ ^JPEG\ image\ data ]] ; then
inputjpgs+=( "${original}" )
tmpjpg=$(mktemp --suffix=.jpg)
convert "${original}" "${tmpjpg}"
inputjpgs+=( "${tmpjpg}" )
"${JP2A}" "${jp2aopts[@]}" "${inputjpgs[@]}"
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