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Created January 5, 2021 21:06
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Make an image using PowerShell and System.Drawing
#Requires -Version 2
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
$filename = "$psscriptroot\foo.png"
$bmp = new-object System.Drawing.Bitmap 250, 61
$font = new-object System.Drawing.Font Consolas, 24
$brushBg = [System.Drawing.Brushes]::Yellow
$brushFg = [System.Drawing.Brushes]::Black
$graphics = [System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($bmp)
$graphics.FillRectangle($brushBg, 0, 0, $bmp.Width, $bmp.Height)
$graphics.DrawString('Hello World', $font, $brushFg, 10, 10)
Invoke-Item $filename
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