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Created January 31, 2023 14:43
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Lambda function to analyze users access keys and disable according to certain parameter.
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import datetime
import json
import time
import os
iam_client = boto3.client("iam")
ssm = boto3.client("ssm")
secretmanager = boto3.client("secretsmanager")
# This variable sets the max item count per page when using the list users paginator.
maxItemsPerPage = 50
# This variable sets the max quantity of access keys a user can have
maxNumberOfKeysxUser = 2
# This variable sets the AWS REGION for the boto3 api calls which needs it.
awsRegion = os.environ['AWS_REGION']
# This variable sets if printing log messages is enabled
loggingEnabled = os.environ['loggingEnabled']
# These are global variables used to send just one email to the user
mailMsg = ""
sendMail = False
def get_ssm_parameter(parametername: str, decrypt: bool):
# Looks for SSM parameters.
parametervalue = ""
parameter = ssm.get_parameter(Name=parametername, WithDecryption=decrypt)
parametervalue = parameter["Parameter"]["Value"]
except ClientError as e:
print("ERROR: Error looking for the AWS SSM paramter. The error received was: " + e.response["Error"]["Code"] + " - " + e.response["Error"]["Message"])
return parametervalue
def get_tag_from_user(username: str, tagname: str):
# Look for a tag within the user's tag list
tagvalue = "NoTagFound"
taglist = iam_client.list_user_tags(UserName=username)
for tag in taglist["Tags"]:
if tag["Key"] == tagname:
tagvalue = tag["Value"]
except ClientError as e:
print("ERROR: Error looking for user's tags.\nThe error received was: " + e.response["Error"]["Code"] + " - " + e.response["Error"]["Message"])
return tagvalue
def get_user_keyrotation(username):
# This function checks if auto key rotation is enabled for a user
# This is checked from a tag (AutoKeyRotation) that must be attached to the IAM user
userkeyrotation = get_tag_from_user(username=username, tagname="AutoKeyRotation")
if userkeyrotation != "NoTagFound":
if userkeyrotation in ["True", "true", "TRUE"]:
return True
return False
def get_user_email(username):
# This function retrieves the email address from a tag that must be attached to the IAM user
useremail = get_tag_from_user(username=username, tagname="IAMUserMail")
if useremail != "NoTagFound":
return useremail
return "NoEmailForUser"
def get_user_secret(username):
# This function retrieves the AWS Secret name from a tag that must be attached to the IAM user
usersecret = get_tag_from_user(username=username, tagname="SecretForKeys")
if usersecret != "NoTagFound":
return usersecret
return "NoSecretForKeys"
def send_mail(username, msg):
email = get_user_email(username=username)
if email != "NoEmailForUser":
snstopicarn = str(get_ssm_parameter(parametername="SNSTopicARNForKeyRotationNotification", decrypt=False))
if snstopicarn != "":
sns_send_report = boto3.client("sns", region_name=awsRegion)
response = sns_send_report.publish(TopicArn=snstopicarn, Message=msg, Subject="Previous Key Deactivated")
if loggingEnabled == "True": print("LOG: Mail sent. The response was: " + str(response))
print("ERROR: Could not send email notification.\nThe AWS SNS Topic for email notification was not found.\nPlease check the existence/value of AWS SSM parameter 'SNSTopicARNForKeyRotationNotification'")
if loggingEnabled == "True": print("INFO: The user " + username + " does not have an email address associated.\nCheck if the IAM user has the IAMUserMail tag with a valid email address value.")
def disable_key(access_key, username):
global mailMsg
global sendMail
iam_client.update_access_key(UserName=username, AccessKeyId=access_key, Status="Inactive")
if loggingEnabled == "True": print("INFO: The access key Id: '" + access_key + "' from the user '" + username + "' has been disabled.")
mailMsg = mailMsg + "The access key with Id: '" + access_key + "' from the user '" + username + "' has been disabled.\n\n"
sendMail = True
except ClientError as e:
print("ERROR: The access key with id " + access_key + " cannot be found.\nThe error received was: " + e.response["Error"]["Code"] + " - " + e.response["Error"]["Message"])
def delete_key(access_key, username):
global mailMsg
global sendMail
iam_client.delete_access_key(UserName=username, AccessKeyId=access_key)
if loggingEnabled == "True": print("INFO: The access key ID: " + access_key + " from user '" + username + "' has been deleted.")
mailMsg = mailMsg + "The access key ID: " + access_key + " from user '" + username + "' has been deleted.\n\n"
sendMail = True
except ClientError as e:
print("ERROR: The access key with id " + access_key + " cannot be found.\nThe error received was: " + e.response["Error"]["Code"] + " - " + e.response["Error"]["Message"])
def create_key(username):
global mailMsg
global sendMail
response = iam_client.create_access_key(UserName=username)
accesskey = response["AccessKey"]["AccessKeyId"]
secretkey = response["AccessKey"]["SecretAccessKey"]
if loggingEnabled == "True": print("The access key ID: " + accesskey + " for user '" + username + "' has been created.")
json_data = json.dumps({"AccessKey": accesskey, "SecretKey": secretkey})
usersecretname = get_user_secret(username=username)
secmgrresponse = secretmanager.put_secret_value(SecretId=usersecretname, SecretString=json_data)
if loggingEnabled == "True": print("The secret ID: " + usersecretname + " was written with a new value.")
mailMsg = mailMsg + "New access key with ID: '" + accesskey + "' has been created for user '" + username + "'.\n\n" + \
"Please, check your secret to obtain the secret access key.\n" + \
"https://" + awsRegion + "" + awsRegion + "#!/secret?name=" + usersecretname + "\n\n" + \
"If you have any problems, please contact your AWS resources administrator."
sendMail = True
except ClientError as e:
print("ERROR: The new access key could not be created.\nThe error received was: " + e.response["Error"]["Code"] + " - " + e.response["Error"]["Message"])
def get_key(username, status_filter):
keydetails = iam_client.list_access_keys(UserName=username)
key_details = {}
user_iam_details = []
for key in keydetails["AccessKeyMetadata"]:
if key["Status"] == status_filter:
key_details["AccessKeyId"] = key["AccessKeyId"]
return user_iam_details
def lambda_handler(event, context):
global mailMsg
global sendMail
parameter = ssm.get_parameter(Name="DaysForAccessKeyRotation", WithDecryption=False)
maxageforaccesskeys = float(str(parameter["Parameter"]["Value"]))
except ClientError as e:
maxageforaccesskeys = 90
if loggingEnabled == "True": print("LOG: The parameter 'DaysForAccessKeyRotation' is not present. Using the default value (90 days) for the access key analisys.")
if loggingEnabled == "True": print("LOG: Checking the users in chunks/pages of " + str(maxItemsPerPage) + " users per chunk/page")
# Listing all the users, using pagination just in case there are a lot of users.
# If there are more than 50 users, normally the AWS api will paginate the call.
listusers = True
marker = None
while listusers:
if marker:
response_iterator = iam_client.list_users(MaxItems=maxItemsPerPage, Marker=marker)
response_iterator = iam_client.list_users(MaxItems=maxItemsPerPage)
for user in response_iterator['Users']:
if loggingEnabled == "True": print("LOG: Analizing the user " + user["UserName"])
mailMsg = ""
sendMail = False
if get_user_keyrotation(username=user["UserName"]):
if loggingEnabled == "True": print("LOG: Automatic access key rotation enabled for this user")
res = iam_client.list_access_keys(UserName=user["UserName"])
# Checking the user's access key age, if it has any
inactivecounter = 0
disabledkeyscounter = 0
totalnumberofkeys = len(res["AccessKeyMetadata"])
if totalnumberofkeys != 0:
for accessKeyMetadata in res["AccessKeyMetadata"]:
if accessKeyMetadata["Status"] == "Active":
accesskeydate = accessKeyMetadata["CreateDate"]
accesskeydate = accesskeydate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
currentdate = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
accesskeyd = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(accesskeydate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").timetuple())
currentd = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(currentdate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").timetuple())
# We get the data in seconds, converting it to days
active_days = (currentd - accesskeyd) / 60 / 60 / 24
if loggingEnabled == "True": print("LOG: Checking access key id: " + accessKeyMetadata["AccessKeyId"] + " - Key age:" + str(int(round(active_days))))
if active_days > float(maxageforaccesskeys):
# Prior to disable the key we look if there are another disabled key.
# If so, the disabled key is deleted in order to make "room" for a new one.
# As of May,2021 the max number of keys per user is 2.
user_inactive_keys = get_key(username=user["UserName"], status_filter="Inactive")
if len(user_inactive_keys) != 0:
if loggingEnabled == "True": print("LOG: Deleting key ID: " + str(user_inactive_keys[0]["AccessKeyId"]) + " in order to be able to create a new access key.")
delete_key(access_key=user_inactive_keys[0]["AccessKeyId"], username=user["UserName"])
if loggingEnabled == "True":print("LOG: Disabling key ID: " + accessKeyMetadata["AccessKeyId"])
disable_key(access_key=accessKeyMetadata["AccessKeyId"], username=user["UserName"])
disabledkeyscounter += 1
elif accessKeyMetadata["Status"] == "Inactive":
inactivecounter += 1
if disabledkeyscounter == maxNumberOfKeysxUser:
if loggingEnabled == "True": print("LOG: The user had the max number of keys active.\nAll the keys have been disabled.\nNo new keys were created.\nPlease check why the user had 2 active keys and if they need to be rotated.")
if loggingEnabled == "True": print("LOG: Creating new key for user: " + user["UserName"])
if loggingEnabled == "True": print("LOG: The user " + user["UserName"] + " has the tag for automatic access key rotation but has no access key assigned yet.")
if sendMail:
send_mail(username=user["UserName"], msg=mailMsg)
marker = response_iterator['Marker']
if loggingEnabled == "True": print("LOG: There are more chunks/pages of users to check.")
except KeyError:
if loggingEnabled == "True": print("LOG: There are no more chunks/pages of users to check.")
listusers = False
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