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Created July 29, 2008 21:13
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default namespace = "urn:TMSWebServices"
start =
| schedules
| (notAllowed
| element xtvd {
attribute schemaVersion { xsd:float "1.3" },
attribute to {
xsd:dateTime {
pattern =
attribute from {
xsd:dateTime {
pattern =
| genres
| lineups
| stations
| productionCrew
stations =
| element stations {
element station {
attribute id { xsd:int },
element callSign {
xsd:string { maxLength = "10" }
element name {
xsd:string { maxLength = "40" }
element fccChannelNumber { xsd:positiveInteger }?,
element affiliate {
xsd:string { maxLength = "25" }
programs =
| element programs {
element program {
attribute id { xsd:string },
element title {
xsd:string { maxLength = "120" }
element subtitle {
xsd:string { maxLength = "150" }
element description {
xsd:string { maxLength = "255" }
element mpaaRating {
xsd:string "PG"
| xsd:string "R"
| xsd:string "NOT RATED"
| xsd:string "PG-13"
| xsd:string "NR"
| xsd:string "NONE"
| xsd:string "Adult"
| xsd:string "NC-17"
| xsd:string "G"
| xsd:string "AO"
element starRating {
xsd:string "***"
| xsd:string "***+"
| xsd:string "*+"
| xsd:string "**+"
| xsd:string "****"
| xsd:string "**"
| xsd:string "*"
element runTime {
xsd:duration { pattern = "PT[0-9][0-9]H[0-5][0-9]M" }
element year { xsd:gYear }?,
element showType {
xsd:string { maxLength = "30" }
element series { xsd:string }?,
element colorCode {
xsd:string "B & W"
| xsd:string "Colorized"
| xsd:string "Color"
| xsd:string "Color and B\x{a}" ~
" & W"
element advisories {
(anonymous0, (anonymous0, anonymous0?)?)?)?)?
element syndicatedEpisodeNumber {
xsd:string { maxLength = "20" }
element originalAirDate {
xsd:date {
pattern = "(19|20)[0-9]{2}\-[0-1][0-9]\-[0-3][0-9]"
genres =
| element genres {
element programGenre {
attribute program { xsd:string },
element genre {
element class {
xsd:string { maxLength = "30" }
element relevance { xsd:int }
productionCrew =
| element productionCrew {
element crew {
attribute program { xsd:string },
element member {
element role {
xsd:string { maxLength = "30" }
element givenname {
xsd:string { maxLength = "30" }
element surname {
xsd:string { maxLength = "30" }
schedules =
| element schedules {
element schedule {
attribute ei { xsd:boolean }?,
attribute new { xsd:boolean }?,
attribute dolby {
xsd:string "Dolby Digital" | xsd:string "Dolby"
attribute closeCaptioned { xsd:boolean }?,
attribute hdtv { xsd:boolean }?,
attribute subtitled { xsd:boolean }?,
attribute stereo { xsd:boolean }?,
attribute tvRating {
xsd:string "TV-MA"
| xsd:string "TV-14"
| xsd:string "TV-G"
| xsd:string "TV-PG"
| xsd:string "TV-Y"
| xsd:string "TV-Y7"
attribute repeat { xsd:boolean }?,
attribute duration {
xsd:duration { pattern = "PT[0-9][0-9]H[0-5][0-9]M" }
attribute time {
xsd:dateTime {
pattern =
attribute station { xsd:int },
attribute program { xsd:string },
element part {
attribute total {
xsd:unsignedInt { minInclusive = "2" }
attribute number {
xsd:unsignedInt { minInclusive = "1" }
anonymous0 =
| element advisory {
xsd:string "Publico General"
| xsd:string "Brief Nudity"
| xsd:string "Graphic Violence"
| xsd:string "Violence"
| xsd:string "Strong Sexual Content"
| xsd:string "Mild Violence"
| xsd:string "Language"
| xsd:string "Graphic Language"
| xsd:string "Nudity"
| xsd:string "Adultos"
| xsd:string "Rape"
| xsd:string "Adolescentes y Adultos"
| xsd:string "Adult Situations"
lineups =
| element lineups {
element lineup {
attribute postalCode {
xsd:string { maxLength = "25" }
attribute device {
xsd:string { maxLength = "20" }
attribute type {
xsd:string "LocalBroadcast"
| xsd:string "CableDigital"
| xsd:string "Cable"
| xsd:string "Satellite"
attribute location {
xsd:string { maxLength = "28" }
attribute userLineupName {
xsd:string { maxLength = "50" }
attribute name {
xsd:string { maxLength = "100" }
attribute id {
xsd:string { maxLength = "10" }
element map {
attribute to {
xsd:date {
pattern = "(19|20)[0-9]{2}\-[0-1][0-9]\-[0-3][0-9]"
attribute from {
xsd:date {
pattern = "(19|20)[0-9]{2}\-[0-1][0-9]\-[0-3][0-9]"
attribute channelMinor { xsd:positiveInteger }?,
attribute channel {
xsd:string { maxLength = "9" }
attribute station { xsd:int },
element onAir {
attribute to {
xsd:time { pattern = "\d\d:\d\d:\d\d" }
attribute from {
xsd:time { pattern = "\d\d:\d\d:\d\d" }
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