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Created April 18, 2024 16:19
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Demo of making percentiles from CDI data using gamlss
font <- theme_mikabr()$text$family
# ------------ DATA PREP
# Read in Virginia temp data from SPSS
ws <- haven::read_sav("data/Web_WS_2007norming.sav") |>
mutate(source = as_factor(sourcecat3way),
race = haven::as_factor(ethnicity),
sex = haven::as_factor(sex),
sex = fct_recode(sex, Male = "M", Female = "F"),
ethnicity = ifelse(as.character(child_hispanic_latino),
"hispanic", "non-hispanic")) |>
filter(Total_Produced <= 680,
# cut down the data to what we need
ws_minimal <- dplyr::select(ws, age,
Total_Produced, sex, race, ethnicity)
# ------------ WEIGHTING SECTION
# numbers somewhat sloppily scraped from from 2020 census
ws_unweighted <- svydesign(ids = ~1, data = ws_minimal)
race_dist <- data.frame(race = c("White", "Mixed/other", "Asian",
"Black", "No ethnicity reported"),
freq = nrow(ws_unweighted) * c(0.616, 0.188, .060, .124, 0.01))
ethnicity_dist <- data.frame(ethnicity = c("hispanic", "non-hispanic"),
freq = nrow(ws_unweighted) * c(0.187, 0.813))
# Here we use the rake function in the survey package to weight the current data by the population values for each of the variables included in the dataset.
ws_raked <- rake(design = ws_unweighted,
sample.margins = list(~race, ~ethnicity),
population.margins = list(race_dist, ethnicity_dist))
# Add these weights to the quantile regression.
ws_minimal$race_ethnicity_weights <- weights(ws_raked)
# ------------ PERCENTILE CURVES
# GAMLSS Sketch
ws_gam <- ws_minimal |>
mutate(prop_produced = as.numeric(Total_Produced / 680),
race_ethnicity_weights = weights(ws_raked),
age = as.numeric(age)) |>
filter(prop_produced < 1)
gam_mod <- gamlss(prop_produced ~ pbm(age, lambda = 10000),
sigma.formula = ~ pb(age),
weights = race_ethnicity_weights,
family = BE,
data = ws_gam)
cents <- centiles.pred(gam_mod, cent = c(10, 25, 50, 75, 90),
xname = "age", xvalues = 16:30) |>
tibble() |>
pivot_longer(2:6, names_to = "percentile", values_to = "pred")
ggplot(ws_gam, aes(x = age, y = prop_produced * 680)) +
geom_jitter(width = .2, alpha = .1) +
geom_line(data = cents, aes(x = x, y = pred * 680, col = percentile)) +
xlab("Age (months)") +
ylab("Proportion Producing") +
# theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
scale_color_solarized(name = "Percentile")
all_percentiles <- centiles.pred(gam_mod, cent = 1:99,
xname = "age", xvalues = 16:30) |>
tibble() |>
rename(age = x) |>
mutate(across(`1`:`99`, ~ round(.*680)))
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