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Last active January 19, 2018 09:32
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A Haskell stack script to generate stack scripts!
#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack
--resolver lts-8.22
--package http-conduit
--package aeson
--package text
--package unordered-containers
--package directory
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- swap `script` with `exec ghci` to load script into ghci REPL
{- |
File : GenStackScript.hs
Description : A tiny stack script to generate stack scripts!
Author : Mike McGirr
Copyright : (c) Mike McGirr, 2017
License : GPL-2
This file when executed with an argument will create a file, with
the name given in the argument, in the current working directory.
The cool thing is that it will fill that file with the initial
code for a stack script and it will lookup the latest stackage
lts version and fill that detail in.
It's best to place this file somewhere on your path like /usr/local/bin/
import Network.HTTP.Simple
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.Environment
import System.Directory
import System.IO
-- this returns a string with the lts variable filled in
genScript :: String -> String
genScript lts = "#!/usr/bin/env stack\n\
\{- stack\n\
\ script\n\
\ --resolver " ++ lts ++ "\n" ++
" --package turtle\n\
\{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}\n\
\-- swap `script` with `exec ghci` to load script into ghci REPL\n\
\import Turtle\n"
-- manual lookup of the JSON value for the latest lts
parseLTS :: Value -> Maybe String
parseLTS (Object obj) = do
let mLTS = HM.lookup "lts" obj
fieldLTS <- case mLTS of
Just l -> return l
Nothing -> fail "no lts field found"
lts <- case fieldLTS of
String x -> return (T.unpack x)
_ -> fail "expected a String"
return lts
main = do
-- get the desired name of the script to be created
[scriptName] <- getArgs
-- get location that the script was run in (not where the file is)
currentDirectory <- getCurrentDirectory
let scriptFileName = (currentDirectory ++ "/" ++ scriptName ++ ".hs")
-- check that there is no file with that name in the location
exists <- doesFileExist scriptFileName
response <- httpJSON ""
let body = (getResponseBody response :: Value)
case parseLTS body of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Something went wrong - no lts"
Just lts -> if exists
then putStrLn "File already exists"
else do
writeFile scriptFileName (genScript lts)
p <- getPermissions scriptFileName
setPermissions scriptFileName (setOwnerExecutable True p)
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