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Last active February 4, 2022 10:45
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Maven POM with packaging, producing an archive containing the a jar and some launching scripts


The structure of this project template is as follow:

|_ src
|  |_ assembly
|  |  |_scripts
|  |  |_dep.xml
|  |_ main
|  |  |_ docs
|  |  |_ java
|  |  |_ resources
|  |_ site
|  |_test
|_ pom.xml

where dep.xml is the assembly packaging rules to be executed at the package maven goal.

Just execute :

mvn package

You will get a package in the target build area, havinhg a [projectname]-[version] and a [projectname]-[version]-bin.tar.gz file. The list of possible archive type can be found at Apache Maven Assembly Plugin page.

<assembly xmlns=""
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<description>A demonstration project on how to create sustainable project.</description>
<!-- Project Dependencies -->
<!-- -->
<!-- tests things -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Compilation -->
<!-- Resource copying -->
<!-- Compute coverage -->
<!-- Sources -->
<!-- Javadoc -->
<![CDATA[<em>Copyright © \\${project.inceptionYear} - SnapGames.</em>]]>
<!-- more links than can (or not) be added -->
<!-- Build the minimalist JAR without dependencies (Normal Edition) -->
<!-- Shaded jar with all dependencies -->
<!-- put your configurations here -->
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.IncludeResourceTransformer">
<!-- end of config -->
<!-- Release -->
<!-- Execution -->
<!-- to be interpreted by a CLI parser.
<!-- Surefire reporting configuration -->
<!-- -->
<!-- I know the following line is bad, but... -->
<!-- Cucumber reporting -->
<!-- supports wildcard or name pattern -->
<!-- -->
<!-- packaging of the delivery solution -->
<!-- Resource parsing -->
<!-- Generate the tests report -->
<!-- Code coverage -->
<!-- select non-aggregate reports -->
<!-- Javadoc reporting -->
<!-- Generate the Release Notes for this version (linked to jira issues
list) -->
<columnNames>Id,Type,Key,Summary,Assignee,Status,Fix Version</columnNames>
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