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Basic Java CLI Survivor Guide
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the Basic Java Survival Guide
Java is an Oracle programming language (formerly a Sun one).
Frédéric Delorme
the mandatory how-to to survive in the maelström of tools and command line tools in the Java world ecosystem.

The Basic Java Survival Guide


Java is an Oracle programming language (formerly a Sun one), created in 1995 by sun Corp, Java technologies have been acquired by Oracle, and evolve since this date to today with its latest release Java 17.

Here you will fnd some useful answer to you basic and not so basic one questions.

Some external referencies:

Java logo


Command Line

Let's start with the java command line tools. javac, java and jar are the basic triptic of the java world.

The first one, javac, is the compiler, the second, java, is the virtual vm execution environment for you program, and the last one, jar, is the packaging tool to produce the famous java archive file : *.jar.

In the following table, we will explore ones of the most useful command lines capabilities.

Command Description
javac To compile a list of sources, you must use the javac compiler command line:
$> javac -sourcepath ./src -d ./target/classes

To be more precise, the compilation options can be :
- -d target/classes the compiled class path
- -g:source,lines,vars the debug information to be added
- -sourcepath src/main/java/;src/main/resources the sources path
- -source 1.8 the source level
- -target 1.8 the compiled target
- -classpath target/classes class path must be build upon this path

a sample usage can be :
$> javac @$LIBS/options.txt @$LIBS/sources.lst -cp $CLASSES
- $LIBS/options.txt contains a list of javac options,
- $LIBS/sources.lst a list of sources to be compiled,
- -cp $CLASSES the path to be added to the class path.
jar Build a JAR with a list of classes, a manifest file to define entry point and the
where :
- -cfmv [c] create the Java archive, [f] define the output file with an *.jar pattern, [m] define the path to the manifest file an [v] lets verbose 'bout jar creation
- $TARGET/$PROGRAM_NAME.jar will be the path ($TARGET) and the name of the program ($PROGRAM_NAME),
- $TARGET/ is the Java MANIFEST file to define jar version, Java version, and moreover Main-Class to start the program (see bellow for details),
- -C $CLASSES the path containing all the classes to be added,
- -C $RESOURCES . the resources to be added to the JAR, like properties files, images, and so on !
java To execute some Java program, use the java command line :
$> java MyClass.class
If you need to execute a jar :
$> java -jar myjar.jar

If you want to debug a class, you must start your java virtuel machine (jvm) through a javagent to remotely control its execution :
$> java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp: transport=dt_socket, address=8000, server=y, suspend=y MyClass

Notice that you must not add space in the -Xrunjdwp attribute value.

If you want to execute a jar in a debug session :
$> java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp: transport=dt_socket, address=8000, server=y, suspend=y -jar myfantastic.jar



The manifest file is a map of a JAR (Java ARchive file), defining all the specific information to understand what has been compiled, with which compiler, by which author from which company, etc... It's an administrative signature of the jar file. And moreover, it defines the Main-Class, execution entry point for the JAR.



A sample file is a better than long definition:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: my.program.package.MyClass
Implementation-Title: MyProgram
Implementation-Version: 1.0.0
Implementation-Vendor: TheVendorOfThatProgram
Implementation-Author: The Author<the.authorATthevendorofthatprogramDOTcom>

figure 1 - A "MANIFEST.MF" file sample

But we also need some long definition : here are some interesting keys for the manifest file.

Tag [M]andatory / [O]ptional Description
Manifest-Version: {value} M The version of this manifest file format.
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: {value} O The main class, execution entry point for this jar:
Main-Class: com.snapegames.demo.Game
Implementation-*: {value} O Everything about the implementation:
- Implementation-Title: string is the name for this program,
- Implementation-Version: semveris the official release version for this program,
- Implementation-Vendor: string the vendor for this program,
- Implementation-Author: string the name of the Author of the program.
Created-By: {value} O The compiler version and vendor, typically "version (vendor)".
Oracle JDK compiler will output:
Created-By: 1.8.0_212 (Oracle)
Maven will produce something like:
Created-By: Apache Maven 3.6.3
Class-Path: {val1} {val2} {val3} O A list of String to define the class path of this JAR.
Class-Path: core.jar lib/ properties/
This embed a core.jar and some libs in /lib and also some properties in the /properties path.
Package: {value} O The define package for this JAR:
Package: com.snapgames.demo.core
Sealed: boolean O If the jar is sealed, the boolean value will be true.

Signing ?

A jar, to be secured and authenticate its provenance, can be digitaly signed. Here is the area of jarsigner.

Auto-signing a JAR


Simple way

With some very simple operations, you can signed a JAR file :

  1. Generate a new RSA key in your own keystore with keytool:
$> keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias myFirstKey -keystore myKeystore -validity 360

where :

  • genkey request to generate a new key,
  • keyalg define the algorithm to be used for generation (here RSA),
  • -alias an alias to name this certificate entry in the keystore,
  • -keystore the name of the keystore to be used to store this new certificate,
  • -validity a time delay (in days) until this new certificate will be unvalidated.
  1. the sign the JAR with  jarsigner utility:
$>jarsigner -keystore myKeystore -verbose jarfiller-example.jar myFirstKey

The resulting jarjarfiller-example.jar is now signed with the myFirstKey aliased certificate.

#### A more complex way

With a more tricky options, you can go in a more sexy signature :

  1. Generate a certificate in the keystore with some RDN (Relative Distinguished Name) :
$> keytool -genkey -noprompt -alias myownalias -dname "CN=Hostname, OU=OrganizationalUnit, O=Organization, L=City, S=State, C=Country" -keystore -storepass password -keypass password -validity 3650
  1. Sign the jar with the alias pointing the RDN and the key :
$> jarsigner -keystore -storepass password -keypass password -signedjar signed.jar unsigned.jar myownalias

Where signerjar define the output signed jar file and myownalias, the predefined alias in the keystore.

Build Tools

Java with a simple class file is easy to build wioth the javac command line. bu as soon as you need multiple classes, and a some jar dependencies, things geting complex.

Here are some accelerators for your build:

  • a simple bash script to buildyour simplest program
  • and a recommended tooln maven, as soon things must be more industrial.
  • not already descibed in this chapter, the gradle tool is a latest commer in the build ecosystem, particularly for the android java world
  • and a good and old pal, ant

A Build script

the bash script will build a jar with all resources from a structure project described below.

/!\ NOTE This build script does not offer an out-of-the-box signed JAR generation, but it can be easily adapted regarding previous chapter to perform such signature.

The Project Structure is clearly inspired by the maven project one.

 |_ lib
 |  |_
 |  |_
 |_ src
 |  |_ main
 |  |  |_ java
 |  |  |  |_ my
 |  |  |     |_ program
 |  |  |        |_ package
 |  |  |           |_
 |  |  |_ resources
 |  |     |_ res
 |  |     |  |_ images
 |  |     |  |  |_ mylogo.png
 |  |     |  |_
 |  |_ test
 |     |_ java
 |     |  |_
 |     |_ resources
 |     |  |_
 |_ .gitignore

figure 2 - Project file structure inspired and compatible with maven

The script is build on top of the following command line:

  • standard bash commands,
  • javac,
  • java,
  • jar,
  • and git cli.

Some variables must be define at script beginning :

  • PROGRAM_NAME Your program name,
  • PROGRAM_VERSION The version of your program,
  • MAINCLASS canonical name of your JAR entry point class,
  • VENDOR_NAME the vendor for this program,
  • AUTHOR_NAME the author of this program.

The script itself

cd ./
## project configuration
export PROGRAM_NAME=demogame
export MAINCLASS=com.snapgames.demo.DemoGame
export VENDOR_NAME=SnapGames
export AUTHOR_NAME=fredericDOTdelormeATgmailDOTcom
## default internal variables and pathes
export SRC=./src
export LIBS=./lib
export TARGET=./target
export BUILD=$TARGET/build
export CLASSES=$TARGET/classes
export RESOURCES=$SRC/main/resources
export GIT_COMMIT_ID=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)
## build program
echo "Build of program '$PROGRAM_NAME' ..."
echo "-----------"
## manifest
echo "|_ 1. Create Manifest file '$TARGET/'"
echo 'Manifest-Version: 1.0'>$TARGET/
echo "Main-Class: $MAINCLASS">>$TARGET/
echo "Implementation-Title: $PROGRAM_NAME">>$TARGET/
echo "Implementation-Version: $PROGRAM_VERSION">>$TARGET/
echo "Implementation-Vendor: $VENDOR_NAME">>$TARGET/
echo "Implementation-Author: $AUTHOR_NAME">>$TARGET/
echo "Git-Commit-Id: $GIT_COMMIT_ID">>$TARGET/
echo "   |_ done"
## compilation
mkdir -p $CLASSES
rm -Rf $CLASSES/*
echo "|_ 2. compile sources from '$SRC' ..."
find $SRC -name '*.java'  > $LIBS/sources.lst
javac @$LIBS/options.txt @$LIBS/sources.lst -cp $CLASSES
echo "   done."
## packaging
echo "|_ 3. package jar file '$PROGRAM_NAME.jar'..."
echo "   |_ done."
echo "|_ 4. create run file '$'..."
mkdir -p $BUILD
## transform jar into bash executable (linux only)
chmod +x $BUILD/$
echo "   |_ done."
chmod +x
echo "-----------"
echo "... '$PROGRAM_NAME' is built".

figure 3 - a build script for a Java jar program.

The options.txt file where all the compilation options are defined :

-d target/classes
-sourcepath src/main/java/;src/main/resources
-source 1.8
-target 1.8
-classpath tartget/classes

figure 4 - the options files for the build script

The file :

# see
MYSELF=`which "$0" 2>/dev/null`
[ $? -gt 0 -a -f "$0" ] && MYSELF="./$0"
if test -n "$JAVA_HOME"; then
exec "$java" $java_args -jar $MYSELF "$@"
exit 1

figure 5 - the stub file to be concatenated with jar file itself to produce a Linux executable jar a a script.

/!\ NOTE The resulting JAR is in ./target and the built Linux executable is in ./target/build.

Interesting links


Maven build cycle

Maven is a java (not-only) build tools to automate all the buld process, build artifacts, source and binary packages, including the delivery process to a dedicated repository. IT is also able to deploy compiled program to specific target, like an application server.

An internal plugin mechanism allow Maven to extends its capabilities to other development area, like javascript with providing plugin to build front application through Node Package Manager.

  • The Build Cycle

The Maven build cycle and plugins

The Maven Build is an ordered list of phases, each corresponding to one step of the standard software build proccess.

  • The Goals

the build phase corresponding goals

Goals are keywords use to execute one or more phases with all its internal and plugins process.

How to develop and build a plugin? a tutorial from okta explains in details the phases and the tools.

Release & Snapshots

extracted from Stackoverflow What is use of enabled(snapshot, releases) tag in maven pom's repository element?

When specifying the repository element why we need snapshots and releases as well?



How it affects a specific version of the dependency? (1.2.3-SNAPSHOT, 1.2.3, 1.2.3-RELEASE)

When there are multiple repositories, which repository will be searched for the artifact? How the artifacts being resolved?


When specifying the repository element why we need false/true and as well?

We need to do so if we would like to have a repository only for released versions, for instance, and another one only for SNAPSHOT versions.

This is a common use case for enterprise Maven repositories (i.e. Nexus, Artifactory, Archivia), when certain versions (like SNAPSHOT) are only available in a repository (deployed but a CI job, as an example) while released versions would only be available in another repository. A CI job releasing something for PROD should only use the latter repository, not using/allowing any SNAPSHOT version and breaking the build otherwise (enforcing build reproducibility and good practices).

From official Maven Settings documentation

releases, snapshots: These are the policies for each type of artifact, Release or snapshot. With these two sets, a POM has the power to alter the policies for each type independent of the other within a single repository. For example, one may decide to enable only snapshot downloads, possibly for development purposes. enabled: true or false for whether this repository is enabled for the respective type (releases or snapshots).


When there are multiple repositories , which repository will be searched for the artifact? How the artifacts being resolved?

The order of declaration will affect the look up order used by Maven. Check this official Maven ticket providing the fix for the proper behavior from version 3.0 on.

MNG-4400: Repository order from settings.xml is not respected during artifact resolution

How it affects a specific version of the dependency? (1.2.3-SNAPSHOT, 1.2.3, 1.2.3-RELEASE)


Merging the two answers above, depending on the order of declaration and which repository allow which type of artifact (snapshot or not).

Maven useful plugins

Javadoc generation


<!-- Javadoc -->
        <!-- do not stop build on javadoc generation error -->
        <!-- do not stop build on javadoc generation fail -->
        <!-- does the javadoc must provide link to sources ? -->
        <!-- do we need to show provate attributes ? -->
        <!-- Add a REAMDE page as a project overview -->
        <!-- adding some links to the javadoc-->
        <!-- specify the page footer -->
            <![CDATA[<em>Copyright ${project.inceptionYear} - <a href="${organization.url}" title="see the organization official website">${}</a>]</em>]]>

If you rely on the JDK 8, you will be able to enable the markdown markup language to write the javadoc in code with the following configuration :


Resources processing


Using the maven-resource-plugin, add the following declaration in your pom.xml file :

<!-- Resource parsing -->

this will specify the file encodign to prefer at parsing time.

and to add other directory than src/main/resources:


All the placeholder ${placholder} will be replaced by their values:

  • project.description
  • project.version
  • project.artifact
  • etc ...

Code coverage with Jacoco


To generate a code covergae analysis, you can use the JaCoCo tool.

Just add the following lines on your build/plugins section :

<!-- Compute coverage -->

And to generate the report, add the following in the reporting section :

<!-- Code coverage -->
                <!-- select non-aggregate reports -->

Building an all inclusive JAR


To generate a JAR with all dependencies, you can use the maven-shade-plugin :

You must declare a maimClass property defining the entrypoint class where the famous main can be executed. You can also add some specific files (include resources) to specify some needs wil the transformer tag.

And then in the <plugins/> section, define the maven plugin configuration:

 <!-- Shaded jar with all dependencies -->
        <!-- put your configurations here -->
            <!-- To add a specific file at Shaded JAR generation: -->
            <!--transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.IncludeResourceTransformer">
            </transformer -->



The assembly proecess in Maven consists in building a package that can be an acrhive or directory containing what is needed to distribute your application.

THe standard srtucture is as follow:

 |_ src
    |_ assembly
       |_ scripts
       |  |
       |  |_launch.bat
       |  |_launch.ps1
       |_ dep.xml

the dep.xml xml file describe the files to be packed in to your assembly, and the output.

The listed files in the dep.xml file and existing in the src/assembly/scripts wich are the script used in to the packaging after deployement/installation of the package to start the application, according to the target platforme (Linux/Window).

the maven plugin must be added to the build tag:

<!-- packaging of the delivery solution -->

to start the assembly, just:

mvn package

JRE and JLink


How to produce a dedicated JRE sizzle to match the deplyed application requirements. we will use the maven-exec-plugin to start successiveley the JDeps and the JLink java utilities to build a specific JRE with required modules.

<!-- create the required JRE to package with the demogame module -->
                    jdeps  --ignore-missing-deps  -q  \
                           --multi-release 11 \
                           --print-module-deps \
                           target/demogame-${project_version}-shaded.jar >
                    jlink --module-path target/demogame-${project_version}-shaded.jar \
                          --add-modules $(cat \
                          --output target/embbededjdk
                    <!-- this list of module dependencies must be updated according to the required JRE ones -->


The package JRE will be prepared to the ${}/embeddedjdk, packaged with the application JAR file (${}/${}-${project.version}-shaded.jar here we are talking about a shaded JAR, containing itself all its own dependencies).

To build this JRE, you must just execute the package goal, the activated phase to build the JRE is the prepare-package:

mvn package

then, the prepared JRE will be output to :

  |_ embededjdk



If you need to package a javaFX project, use the dedicated maven plugin :

          <!-- Default configuration for running with: mvn clean javafx:run -->

see javafx-maven-plugin for details.



Maven has also a releasing capability to produce full packaged and consistent release.

you can :

  • release:clean,
  • release:prepare,
  • release:perform
  • and release:rollback a release.
  • You will be also able to create a release branch with release:branch (see the create a branch documentation in the paven plugin ).

The mandatory release plugin in your pom.xml is as depicted below for a github package publishing (using a github profile):

<!-- Release -->

The <autoVersionSubmodules/> tag will automate the versioning of child maven project in you project structure.

This will enable the preparation and perform of the release thought the maven command:

Release preparation

mvn release:prepare

will build and package everything juste before publishing therelase and its artifact to the dedicater maven repository. Source is tagged according to the project version (without the SNAPSHOT wording) and prepare the next release cycle, move release version number to the next one.


  1. current version is 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
  2. start release:prepare => version 0.0.1 and the source repository is tagged with the v0.0.1,
  3. the next cycle is initialied by update the version to 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.

Release perform

mvn release:perform

The current prepared release artifacts are pushed to the artifact repository.

This require that the maven pom tags must defined, here is an example with the github maven package repository:

        <name>GitHub Packages</name>

And in your $USERHOME/.m2/settings.xml define the user settings:


        <!-- other optional elements:
        <privateKey>/path/to/identity</privateKey> (default is ~/.ssh/id_dsa)
        <passphrase>my_key_passphrase</passphrase> -->

go to github ? see at publishing java packages with maven

You can also request a release automation with the Non interactive Release process

Further references:

IntelliJ Trick & Tips

Bit bash and Terminal

Configure Git bash as terminal figure 1 - Configure Git Bash at defalut IntelliJ terminal

  1. Define the path and command line arguments to
"C:\[path_to_your]\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i
  1. Set an explicite title for this terminal Git Bash sounds good, no ?


That's All Folks !


(c) 2020-2021, Frédéric Delorme

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