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Created December 22, 2016 06:04
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A matrix math implementation in python
(c) 2007,2016 Thomas McGrew
VERSION = "0.3-pre"
MATRIX_VALID_TYPES = (int, float, complex)
MATRIX_VALID_TYPENAMES = ('int', 'float', 'complex')
class Matrix(object):
A class for matrix operations. All indices start at 0.
def __init__(self, *rows):
Accepts either a matrix, a 2-dimensional list of numbers,
a list with a matrix width ( int ), or a series of one-dimensional lists of numbers.
rows : list
Arguments for creating a matrix.
self._width = 0
self._height = 0
self._value = list()
if rows:
# if the value passed into the constructor is a matrix
if len(rows) == 1 and type(rows[0]) == type(self):
for row in rows[0].value:
newRow = list()
for item in row: # this should make a deep copy.
# if the value passed into the constructor is a two-dimensional list
elif len(rows) == 1 and type(rows[0]) in MATRIX_VALID_COLLECTIONS and \
type(rows[0][0]) in MATRIX_VALID_COLLECTIONS:
for row in rows[0]:
newRow = list()
for item in row: # this should make a deep copy.
# if the value passed into the constructor is a list followed by a matrix width
elif ((len(rows) == 2) and (type(rows[0]) in MATRIX_VALID_COLLECTIONS) and (
type(rows[1]) in MATRIX_VALID_INTS)):
if (len(rows[0]) % rows[1]):
raise ValueError(
'Invalid list length for matrix construction, must be a multiple of width argument')
newRow = list()
for i in range(len(rows[0])):
if (i and (not i % rows[1])): # i > 0 and a multiple of the given width.
newRow = list()
# when we get here, there should still be one row left in the "buffer", so
# if the value passed into the constructor is several lists
for row in rows:
if not (type(row) in MATRIX_VALID_COLLECTIONS):
raise TypeError("Constructor arguments must be of type 'list' or 'tuple'") # fix this!
def __abs__(self):
Absolute value.
Call: abs( matrix )
:rtype: matrix
:returns: a copy of the matrix with all values changed to their absolute value
returnvalue = Matrix()
for row in self._value:
newRow = list()
for item in row: # this should make a deep copy.
return returnvalue
def __add__(self, obj):
Addition. Requires matrices of the same size.
Call: mat1 + mat2
:rtype: matrix
:returns: The result of adding mat1 and mat2 ( Linear Algebra )
if not (type(self) == type(obj)):
return NotImplemented
if not (self.size == obj.size):
raise ValueError("Matrices must be the same size for '+'")
returnvalue = Matrix()
for i in range(self._height):
currentRow = list()
for j in range(self._width):
currentRow.append(self._value[i][j] + obj.value[i][j])
return returnvalue
def __contains__(self, item):
Call: if x in matrix:
item : number
The number to look for.
:rtype: boolean
:returns: True if a value is contained in the matrix.
for row in self._value:
for i in row:
if i == item:
return True
return False
def __div__(self, obj):
Call: matrix / x
obj : number
The number to divide each item in the matrix by.
if (type(obj) in MATRIX_VALID_TYPES):
returnvalue = Matrix()
for row in self._value:
newRow = list()
for item in row:
newItem = item / obj
# convert all of the round values to int.
if (type(newItem) is not complex) and (round(newItem, 4) == int(newItem)):
newItem = int(round(newItem))
return returnvalue
return NotImplemented
def __divmod__(self, value):
Division / Modulus
Call: divmod( matrix )
value : number
The value to mod/divide the matrix by.
:rtype: tuple
:returns: A 2 item tuple containing the matrix after division in item 0 \
and the matrix after modulus in item 1.
return tuple(self.__div__(value), self.__mod__(value))
def __float__(self):
Convert to Float
Call: float( matrix )
:rtype: matrix
:returns: returns the determinant as a float value.
return float(self.determinant())
def __eq__(self, matrix):
Call: mat1 == mat2
matrix : matrix
The matrix to compare this matrix to
:rtype: boolean
:returns: True if the matrices are identical
if not (type(self) == type(matrix)):
return NotImplemented
if not (self.size == matrix.size):
return False
for i in range(self._height):
for j in range(self._width):
if not (self.value[i][j] == matrix.value[i][j]):
return False
return True
def __getattr__(self, name):
Get attribute.
Call: mat.value; mat.width; mat.height; mat.size
name : string
The object property to get
:rtype: int, list, or tuple
:returns: The value requested.
# these should return copies, not the objects themselves.
if name == 'width':
return int(self._width)
if name == 'height':
return int(self._height)
if name == 'value':
return list(self._value)
if name == 'size':
return (int(self._width), int(self._height))
def __getitem__(self, index):
For getting parts of the matrix, mat[x] or mat[x][y]. The 'y' part will be
handled by the list item returned.
Call: matrix[x] or matrix[x][y]
index : int
The row requested.
:rtype: list
:returns: The row requested, not a copy thereof, which means modifying the return \
value will modify the matrix object, so be careful with this.
if not (type(index) in MATRIX_VALID_INTS):
return NotImplemented
return self._value[index]
def __int__(self):
Integer cast.
Call: int( matrix );
:rtype: int
:returns: the determinant of the matrix
return int(self.determinant())
# not sure if this method is a good idea.
def __invert__(self):
Usually used for binary inversion, here returns the inverse of the matrix.
Call: ~matrix
:rtype: matrix
:returns: The inverse of the matrix.
return self.inverse()
def __iter__(self):
Simple iterator method
Call: for x in mat:, list( mat ), etc.
:rtype: matrix
:returns: self
self._iterpos = 0
return self
def __mod__(self, mod):
Modulus operator
Call: matrix % x
mod : number
The number to mod each item in the matrix by.
:rtype: matrix
:returns: A matrix with all items modded
if not (type(mod) in MATRIX_VALID_TYPES):
return NotImplemented
returnvalue = Matrix()
for i in range(self._height):
currentRow = list()
for j in range(self._width):
currentRow.append(self._value[i][j] % mod)
return returnvalue
def __mul__(self, obj):
Call: mat * mat, mat * x
obj : number; matrix
The number or matrix to multiply this matrix by.
:rtype: matrix
:returns: The result of the multiplication ( Linear Algebra )
returnvalue = Matrix()
if (type(obj) in MATRIX_VALID_TYPES):
for row in self._value:
newRow = list()
for item in row:
newRow.append(item * obj)
return returnvalue
if (type(obj) == type(self)):
if not (self._width == obj.height):
raise ValueError("Matrices are the incorrect size for '*'")
for i in range(self._height):
row = list()
for j in range(obj.width):
item = 0
for k in range(self._width):
item += self._value[i][k] * obj.value[k][j]
return returnvalue
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, matrix):
Call: matrix1 != matrix2
matrix : matrix
The matrix to compare this matrix to.
:rtype: boolean
:returns: True if the matrices are NOT equal
return not __eq__(matrix)
def __neg__(self):
Negative of a matrix
:rtype: matrix
:returns: A matrix with the sign of each item changed.
return self.__mul__(-1)
def __nonzero__(self):
Call: bool( matrix )
:rtype: boolean
:returns: True if this is not a zero matrix
for row in self._value:
for item in row:
if item:
return True
return False
def __pos__(self):
Call: +matrix
:rtype: matrix
:returns: A copy of itself.
return Matrix(self)
def __pow__(self, power):
Power. This is only valid for square matrices
Call: mat ** x or pow( mat, x )
power : int
The power to raise this matrix to
:rtype: matrix
:returns: The result of the calculation ( Linear Algebra )
if type(power) is not int:
return NotImplemented
if not self.isSquare():
raise ValueError("Power invalid for non-square matrices")
if power > 0:
p = power
returnvalue = Matrix(self)
elif power < 0:
p = -power
returnvalue = self.inverse()
elif power == 0:
return NotImplemented
for i in range(p - 1):
returnvalue *= returnvalue
return returnvalue
def __repr__(self):
Representation. Formats the matrix for printing.
Call: repr( matrix ); str( matrix )
:rtype: string
:returns: A formatted representation of this matrix.
returnvalue = str()
itemwidth = self._maxValueLength()
for i in range(self._height):
if i:
returnvalue += '\n'
returnvalue += '['
for j in range(self._width):
if type(self._value[i][j]) is float:
formatstring = " %%%d.3f " % itemwidth
formatstring = " %%%ds " % itemwidth
returnvalue += (formatstring % self._value[i][j])
returnvalue += ']'
return returnvalue
def __rmul__(self, obj):
Right side multiplication
Call: x * mat
obj : number
The number to multiply this matrix by.
:rtype: matrix
:returns: The same as mat * x
if (type(obj) in MATRIX_VALID_TYPES):
return self.__mul__(obj)
return NotImplemented
__str__ = __repr__
def __sub__(self, obj):
Subtraction. Requires matrices of the same size.
Call: mat1 - mat2
obj : matrix
The matrix to subtract from this matrix
:rtype: matrix
:returns: The result of the calculation ( Linear Algebra )
if not (type(self) == type(obj)):
return NotImplemented
if not (self.size == obj.size):
raise ValueError("Matrices must be the same size for '+'")
returnvalue = Matrix()
for i in range(self._height):
currentRow = list()
for j in range(self._width):
currentRow.append(self._value[i][j] - obj.value[i][j])
return returnvalue
def _maxValueLength(self):
Get the string length of the longest item in the matrix.
This is for formatting the output of __str__ and __repr__.
:rtype: int
:returns: The string length of the longest item in the matrix.
returnvalue = 0
for row in self._value:
for item in row:
if (type(item) == type(float())):
returnvalue = max(returnvalue, len('%.3f' % item))
returnvalue = max(returnvalue, len(str(item)))
return returnvalue
def addColumn(self, *column):
Adds a column to the matrix. This must be the same height as the current columns, if there are any.
Call: matrix.addColumn( list ) or matrix.addColumn( item, item, item, ... )
column : list
The column to be inserted
self.insertColumn(self._width, *column)
def addRow(self, *row):
Adds a row to the matrix. This must be the same width as the current rows, if there are any.
Call: matrix.addRow( list ) or matrix.addRow( item, item, item, ... )
row : list
The row to be inserted
self.insertRow(self._height, *row)
def adjoint(self):
Adjoint of the matrix.
:rtype: matrix
:returns: The adjoint of this matrix.
return self.cofactorMatrix().transpose()
# Aliases for adjoin t
adj = adjugate = adjoint
def cofactor(self, row, column):
Cofactors. Only for square matrices
row : int
The row number
column : int
The column number
:rtype: number
:returns: The cofactor of the item at row, column.
if not self.isSquare():
raise ValueError("Cofactor is not defined for a non-square matrix")
return ((-1) ** (row + column)) * self.minor(row, column)
def cofactorMatrix(self):
The cofactor matrix. Only for square matrices.
:rtype: matrix
:returns: A matrix consisting of the cofactors of this matrix
returnvalue = Matrix()
for i in range(self._height):
newRow = list()
for j in range(self._width):
newRow.append(self.cofactor(i, j))
return returnvalue
def deleteColumn(self, column):
Deletes a column from this matrix
column : int
The column number to delete ( Starting at 0 )
if (column >= self._width or column <= -self._width):
raise IndexError('Invalid index, row %d does not exist' % column)
returnvalue = list()
self._width -= 1
for row in self._value:
return returnvalue
def deleteRow(self, row):
Deletes a row from this matrix
row : int
The row number to delete ( Starting at 0 )
if (row >= self._height or row <= -self.height):
raise IndexError('Invalid index, row %d does not exist' % row)
self._height -= 1
return self._value.pop(row)
def determinant(self):
Determinant. Only for square matrices.
:rtype: number
:returns: The determinant of this matrix
if not self.isSquare():
raise ValueError("Determinant is not defined for non-square matrix")
if (self._height == 1 and self._width == 1):
return self._value[0][0]
returnvalue = 0
for i in range(self._width):
returnvalue += self._value[0][i] * self.cofactor(0, i)
return returnvalue
# An alias for determinant
det = determinant
def frobenius(self, value):
Returns the Frobenius inner product of this matrix and the passed-in matrix
value : matrix
The value of the matrix to combine this matrix with
:rtype: matrix
:returns: The Frobenius Inner Product of the two matrices
return sum(self.hadamard(value))
def getColumn(self, column):
Get a column from this matrix
column : int
The column to get.
:rtype: list
:returns: The column as a list
returnvalue = list()
for row in self._value:
return returnvalue
def getRow(self, row):
Get a row from this matrix
row : int
The row to get.
:rtype: list
:returns: The row as a list
returnvalue = list()
for item in self._value[row]:
return returnvalue
def hadamard(self, value):
Takes the Hadamard product of two matrices.
[ a b ] . [ e f ] = [ a*e c*f ]
[ c d ] [ g h ] [ c*g d*h ]
value : matrix
The matrix to use in finding the Hadamard product
:rtype: matrix
:returns: The Hadamard product of this matrix and the passed-in matrix.
if not (type(self) == type(value)):
raise TypeError("Inapproproate argument type for hadamard product")
if not (self.size == value.size):
raise ValueError("Matrices must be of the same size for hadamard product")
returnvalue = Matrix()
for i in range(self._height):
newRow = list()
for j in range(self._width):
newRow.append(self[i][j] * value[i][j])
return returnvalue
def insertColumn(self, index, *column):
Inserts a column into the matrix. This must be the same height as the current columns, if there are any.
Call: matrix.insertColumn( index, list ) or matrix.insertColumn( index, item, item, item, ... )
index : int
The column number to insert the new column before.
column : list
The column to be inserted
if ((len(column) == 1) and (type(column[0]) in MATRIX_VALID_COLLECTIONS)):
column = column[0]
if self._height:
if not (len(column) == self._height):
raise ValueError('Improper length for new column: %d, should be %d' % (len(column), self._height))
self._height = len(column)
for i in range(self._height):
self._width += 1
for i in range(self._height):
if not (type(column[i]) in MATRIX_VALID_TYPES):
message = "Values must be of type "
for t in range(len(MATRIX_VALID_TYPENAMES)):
if t:
message += ' or '
message += "'%s'" % MATRIX_VALID_TYPENAMES[t]
raise TypeError(message)
self._value[i].insert(index, column[i])
def insertRow(self, index, *row):
Adds a row to the matrix. This must be the same width as the current rows, if there are any.
Call: matrix.insertRow( list ) or matrix.insertRow( item, item, item, ... )
index : int
The row number to insert the new row before.
row : list
The row to be inserted
if ((len(row) == 1) and (type(row[0]) in MATRIX_VALID_COLLECTIONS)):
row = row[0]
if self._width:
if not (len(row) == self._width):
raise ValueError('Improper length for new row: %d, should be %d' % (len(row), self._width))
self._width = len(row)
self._height += 1
# make a deep copy
newrow = list()
for item in row:
if not (type(item) in MATRIX_VALID_TYPES):
message = "Values must be of type "
for t in range(len(MATRIX_VALID_TYPENAMES)):
if t:
message += ' or '
message += "'%s'" % MATRIX_VALID_TYPENAMES[t]
raise TypeError(message)
self._value.insert(index, newrow)
def inverse(self):
:rtype: matrix
:returns: The inverse of this matrx.
if not self.isSquare():
raise ValueError("Inverse is not defined for a non-square matrix")
if not self.determinant():
raise ValueError('This matrix is not invertible')
# future division breaks the "/" operator, so we have to call the function directly.
return (self.adjoint().__div__(self.determinant()))
def isInvertible(self):
Checks to see if this matrix is invertible
:rtype: boolean
:returns: True if the matrix can be inverted.
return bool(self.isSquare() and self.determinant())
def isSquare(self):
Checks for a square matrix
:rtype: boolean
:returns: True if the matrix is square
return self._width == self._height
def itemsToInt(self):
Convert all items to int.
:rtype: matrix
:returns: A copy with all items in the matrix as an int.
returnvalue = Matrix()
for row in self._value:
newRow = list()
for item in row:
# round the item to 3 decimal places before converting,
# so floats like 1.999999964 become 2, not 1
newRow.append(int(round(item, 3)))
return returnvalue
def itemsToFloat(self):
Convert all items to float.
:rtype: matrix
:returns: A copy with all items in the matrix as an float.
returnvalue = Matrix()
for row in self._value:
newRow = list()
for item in row:
return returnvalue
def kronecker(self, value):
Returns the Kronecker product of this matrix and the passed-in matrix
value : matrix
The value of the matrix to combine this matrix with
:rtype: matrix
:returns: The Kronecker Product of the two matrices
if not (type(self) == type(value)):
raise TypeError("Inappropriate argument type for kronecker product")
returnvalue = Matrix()
for i in range(self._height):
for j in range(value._height):
newRow = list()
for k in range(self._width):
for l in range(value._width):
newRow.append(self[i][k] * value[j][l])
return returnvalue
def minor(self, i, j):
The Minor of a matrix
:rtype: number
:returns: The minor of the item at column i, row j
if not self.isSquare():
raise ValueError("Minor is not defined for non-square matrix")
if (self._height == 1 and self._width == 1):
raise ValueError("Minor is not defined for 1x1 matrix")
m = Matrix(self)
return m.determinant()
# next() method for the iterator; returns each item in the matrix, first row0, then row1, etc.
def next(self):
Iterator method.
if self._iterpos < (self._width * self._height):
x, y = divmod(self._iterpos, self._width)
v = self[x][y]
self._iterpos += 1
return v
del self._iterpos
raise StopIteration()
def roundItems(self, digits=0):
Round off the items in a matrix.
digits : int
How many digits past the decimal point to round to. Can be negative.
:rtype: matrix
:returns: A matrix with all items rounded to 'digits' places.
returnvalue = Matrix()
for row in self._value:
newRow = list()
for item in row:
item = round(item, digits)
if (digits <= 0):
item = int(item)
return returnvalue
# An alias for roundItems
round = roundItems # alias
def swapColumns(self, i, j):
Swaps columns i and j.
i : int
The first of 2 columns to swap.
j : int
The second of 2 columns to swap.
if not (type(i) in MATRIX_VALID_INTS and type(
j) in MATRIX_VALID_INTS): # this should be fixed to accomodate 'long' types
raise TypeError("Row indices must be of type 'int'")
columnA = self.deleteColumn(max(i, j))
columnB = self.deleteColumn(min(i, j))
self.insertColumn(min(i, j), *columnA)
self.insertColumn(max(i, j), *columnB)
def swapRows(self, i, j):
Swaps rows i and j.
i : int
The first of 2 rows to swap.
j : int
The second of 2 rows to swap.
if not (type(i) in MATRIX_VALID_INTS and type(
j) in MATRIX_VALID_INTS): # this should be fixed to accomodate 'long' types
raise TypeError("Row indices must be of type 'int'")
rowA = self.deleteRow(max(i, j))
rowB = self.deleteRow(min(i, j))
self.insertRow(min(i, j), *rowA)
self.insertRow(max(i, j), *rowB)
def transpose(self):
Transpose of a matrix.
:rtype: matrix
:returns: The transpose of this matrix.
returnvalue = Matrix()
for i in range(self._width):
row = list()
for j in range(self._height):
return returnvalue
def identMatrix(size):
Creates an identity matrix
size : int
The width and height of the matrix to return.
:rtype: matrix
:returns: An identity matrix of the specified size.
returnvalue = Matrix()
for i in range(size):
newrow = [0] * size
newrow[i] = 1
return returnvalue
def zeroMatrix(width, height):
Creates a zero matrix
width : int
The width of the matrix to return
height : int
The height of the matrix to return
:rtype: matrix
:return: A zero matrix of the specified size.
returnvalue = Matrix()
for i in range(width):
newrow = [0] * height
return returnvalue
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