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Created August 4, 2014 21:30
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Save mchambaud/d0f3b48b914a80d43e03 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Pen by Michael Chambaud.
<div id="player">
<div id="button">
<i class="fa fa-play fa-6"></i>
<div id="seek">
<div id="handle"></div>
<div id="progress"></div>
function superFunc(centerX, centerY, value, total, radius) {
var alpha = 360 / total * value,
radian = (90 - alpha) * Math.PI / 180,
x = centerX + radius * Math.cos(radian),
y = centerY - radius * Math.sin(radian);
return {
radian: radian,
x: x,
y: y,
direction: +(alpha > 180)
// window values
var innerWidth = window.innerWidth,
innerHeight = window.innerHeight;
// playing song values
var seek = 0,
total = 190;
// player UI values
var radius = 250,
centerX = innerWidth / 2,
centerY = innerHeight / 2;
// canvas
var paper = Raphael(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight);
paper.customAttributes.arc = function(centerX, centerY, value, total, radius) {
if (total == value) {
return {path: [
["M", centerX, centerY - radius],
["A", radius, radius, 0, 1, 1, centerX - 0.01, centerY - radius]
var data = superFunc(centerX, centerY, value, total, radius);
return {path: [
["M", centerX, centerY - radius],
["A", radius, radius, 0, data.direction, 1, data.x, data.y]
// seek bar
var seekerUI =, centerY, radius).attr({ 'stroke': '#666666', 'stroke-width': '3px'});
var progress = paper.path().attr({arc: [centerX, centerY, seek, total, radius],'stroke': '#2dfef5','stroke-width': '12px'});
var seeker =, centerY, radius).attr({ opacity:0, 'stroke-width': '100px'}) ;
var data = superFunc(centerX, centerY, seek, total, radius);
var handle = paper
'stroke': '',
'fill': '#2dfef5',
seeker.drag(mouseMoving, mouseMoveStart, mouseMoveEnd);//.mouseover(mouseMove).mousemove(mouseMove);{
mouseMove(e.x,e.y, true);
function mouseMove(x,y, animate) {
var angle = Math.atan2(y - centerY, x - centerX) + Math.PI,
p = Math.round((angle / (2 * Math.PI)) * 100) - 25,
percent = p <= 0 ? p + 100 : p,
data = superFunc(centerX, centerY, (total * percent / 100), total, radius);
progress.animate({arc: [centerX, centerY, (total * percent / 100), total, radius]}, 250, 'linear');
} else {
progress.attr({arc: [centerX, centerY, (total * percent / 100), total, radius]});
handle.attr({cx:data.x, cy: data.y});
function mouseMoving(dx,dy,x,y,e) {
console.log({dx:dx, dy:dy, x:x, y:y, e:y});
function mouseMoveStart(x,y,e){
console.log({x:x, y:y, e:y})
function mouseMoveEnd(e) {
body {
#button {
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