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Created March 13, 2011 19:13
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Strong password hasher/verifier for Clojure - incorporating salt and iterations
(ns pwprot
(:import ( MessageDigest Security)))
;;generate n random chars
(defn gensalt [n]
(let [charseq (map char (concat
(range 48 58) ; 0-9
(range 97 123)))] ; 0-z
(apply str
(take n
(repeatedly #(rand-nth charseq))))))
;;core digesting algorithm. Hash salt+password then iterate on result
(defn digester [hasher salt pw-clear iter]
(letfn [(hashme [hv] ;;iterate to increase work factor
(letfn [(oneround [hv]
(do (.reset hasher)
(.digest hasher hv)))]
(nth (iterate oneround hv) iter)))]
(.reset hasher)
(.update hasher (.getBytes salt))
(.update hasher (.getBytes pw-clear))
(hashme (.digest hasher))))
;; convert byte array to base36 chars
(defn b36 [hbytes] (.toString (BigInteger. 1 hbytes) 36))
;; generate password protect & verify functions
(defn pwfuncs
"Returns a map of two complimentary functions:
:digest - generates a salted iterated hash from a password.
:verify - tests a password against the digest generated by :digest
hashalg - any legal java digest function, e.g. 'SHA-256' or 'MD5'
- also SHA-1, SHA, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA1, MD2
saltlen - chars of salt, used to inhibit dictionary attacks
iterations - number of times the hash is iterated"
[hashalg saltlen iterations]
;;Java hash algorithm
(def jhash (MessageDigest/getInstance hashalg))
;;map of 2 complimentary functions to digest and verify passwords
;;this map is the return value of pwfuncs
{:digest (fn [pw-clear]
(let [salt (gensalt saltlen)
hashout (digester jhash salt pw-clear iterations)]
(str salt (b36 hashout))))
:verify (fn [pw-clear pw-protected]
(let [salt (apply str (take saltlen pw-protected))
hashout (digester jhash salt pw-clear iterations)]
(= pw-protected
(str salt (b36 hashout)))))}))
;;test SHA-256 with 16 bytes salt and 10k iterations
(def strongPWHasher (pwfuncs "SHA-256" 16 10000))
((strongPWHasher :verify) "orig" ((strongPWHasher :digest) "orig")) ;true
((strongPWHasher :verify) "fake" ((strongPWHasher :digest) "orig")) ;false
;;convenience functions for strongPWHasher digest and verify
(def protectPassword (strongPWHasher :digest))
(def verifyPassword (strongPWHasher :verify))
;;test convenience functions
(def stored-pw-digest (protectPassword "squeamish"))
(verifyPassword "squeamish" stored-pw-digest) ;true
(verifyPassword "guess" stored-pw-digest) ;false
;; other examples
;;(def weakPWHasher (pwfuncs "MD5" 0 0))
;;(def protectPasswordWeak (weakPWHasher :digest))
;;(def verifyPasswordWeak (weakPWHasher :verify))
;;(def veryStrongPWHasher (pwfuncs "SHA-512" 32 100000))
;;(def protectPasswordVS (veryStrongPWHasher :digest))
;;(def verifyPasswordVS (veryStrongPWHasher :verify))
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Unadorned password hashes are ripe for dictionary attacks. By adding salt and iterations, the stored password digest value is substantially hardened from attack. Salt multiplies the storage required by a precomputed list of hashes. Enough salt makes it impractical. Iterations multiplies the work factor to generate or test a password, making brute force guessing more expensive. Mechanisms to enforce minimum password length/complexity, and to inhibit password guessing are still advised.

This is a first cut. Comments to correct flaws or Clojure programming style are welcome.

Edit1: converted to use letfn instead of nested defn.
Edit 2: pulled out gensalt and digester into independent functions

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boxxxie commented Dec 24, 2012

thanks for writing this code. it would be nice for it to be integrated into a password or user management repo, if it isn't alrerady.

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No one should be using this, this is awful.

If you need to store hashes of passwords for authentication, use bcrypt, scrypt, or pbkdf2.


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@Boxxie: Thanks. Given bcrypt, I'm guessing it's not too useful, but it was an interesting exercise.

@bitemyapp: The article you point to claims the overriding virtue of bcrypt is its slowness. I include an iterations param which lets you choose the work factor and therefore control the tradeoff between verification overhead and resistance to brute force guessing.

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