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Created January 1, 2022 20:10
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A visualization proving that axis aligned rectangles are PAC learnable.
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array
-- A class for axis-aligned rectangles.
-- The rectangle is defined by the left and right most x
-- coordinates. And the left and rightmost y coordinates.
type Point = (Int, Int)
data Rectangle = Rectangle {
x :: Point,
y :: Point
} deriving (Show, Eq)
mkRectangle :: Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> Rectangle
mkRectangle a b c d = Rectangle { x = (a, b), y = (c, d) }
type Canvas = Array (Int, Int) Char
mkCanvas :: Int -> Int -> Canvas
mkCanvas w h = listArray ((0, 0), (h - 1, w - 1)) (repeat '.')
toPoints :: Rectangle -> [Point]
toPoints r = top ++ bottom ++ left ++ right
where top = zip [(fst (y r))..(snd (y r))]
(repeat (fst (x r)))
bottom = zip [(fst (y r))..(snd (y r))]
(repeat (snd (x r)))
left = zip (repeat (fst (y r)))
[(fst (x r))..(snd (x r))]
right = zip (repeat (snd (y r)))
[(fst (x r))..(snd (x r))]
toFilledPoints :: Rectangle -> [Point]
toFilledPoints r = [(j, i) | i <- [(fst (x r))..(snd (x r))], j <- [(fst (y r))..(snd (y r))]]
height :: Rectangle -> Int
height r = snd (y r) - fst (y r)
width :: Rectangle -> Int
width r = snd (x r) - fst (x r)
area :: Rectangle -> Int
area r = (height r) * (width r)
overlap :: Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
overlap a b = mkRectangle (max (fst (x a)) (fst (x b))) (min (snd (x a)) (snd (x b)))
(max (fst (y a)) (fst (y b))) (min (snd (y a)) (snd (y b)))
-- L1 loss
loss :: Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Double
loss a b = (fromIntegral (area (overlap a b))) / (fromIntegral (max (area a) (area b)))
target :: Rectangle
target = mkRectangle 1 8 2 12
drawPoints :: Canvas -> [Point] -> Canvas
drawPoints c ps = (//) c (zip ps (repeat '█'))
drawPoint :: Canvas -> Point -> Canvas
drawPoint c p = drawPoints c [p]
drawRectangle :: Canvas
-> Rectangle
-> Canvas
drawRectangle c r = drawPoints c (toPoints r)
drawFilledRectangle :: Canvas -> Rectangle -> Canvas
drawFilledRectangle c r = drawPoints c (toFilledPoints r)
showCanvas :: Canvas -> IO ()
showCanvas c = mapM_ putStrLn (chunksOf width (elems c))
where width = snd (snd (bounds c)) + 1
chunksOf :: Int -> [e] -> [[e]]
chunksOf i ls = map (take i) (build (splitter ls)) where
splitter :: [e] -> ([e] -> a -> a) -> a -> a
splitter [] _ n = n
splitter l c n = l `c` splitter (drop i l) c n
build :: ((a -> [a] -> [a]) -> [a] -> [a]) -> [a]
build g = g (:) []
main = do
let target = mkRectangle 10 38 12 22
let tightest = mkRectangle 14 23 15 20
let boundary = mkRectangle 0 79 0 49
let c = (drawRectangle (mkCanvas 80 50) boundary)
let withTightest = drawRectangle c tightest
let withTarget = drawRectangle withTightest target
showCanvas (drawFilledRectangle withTarget (overlap tightest target))
print (loss tightest target)
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