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Last active April 25, 2018 17:52
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project.afterEvaluate {
extensions.compileFrege = {
description = 'Compile Frege to Java'
javaexec {
def libs = project.rootDir.path + "/app/libs".replace('/' as char, File.separatorChar)
def froid = new File(libs + "/froid.jar".replace('/' as char, File.separatorChar))
if (!froid.exists()) {
new URL("")
.withInputStream{ i ->
froid.withOutputStream{ it << i }
def froid_support = new File(libs + "/froid-support.jar".replace('/' as char, File.separatorChar))
if (!froid_support.exists()) {
new URL("")
.withInputStream{ i ->
froid_support.withOutputStream{ it << i }
def frege = new File(libs + "/frege-".replace('/' as char, File.separatorChar))
if (!frege.exists()) {
new URL("")
.withInputStream{ i ->
frege.withOutputStream{ it << i }
def frege_src = new File(project.rootDir.path + "/app/src/main/frege".replace('/' as char, File.separatorChar))
main = 'frege.compiler.Main'
def androidJarPath = android.bootClasspath[0].path
def list = [androidJarPath]
classpath += files(androidJarPath)
android.applicationVariants.each { variant ->
variant.getCompileClasspath(null).each { path ->
list << path
classpath += files(path)
def appPath = "src/main/frege/".replace('/' as char, File.separatorChar)
def a = ['-j', '-target', '1.7', '-v', '-inline', '-O', '-d', 'src/main/java', '-make',
'-fp', list.join(File.pathSeparator),
'-sp', appPath, appPath ]
project.logger.debug('Frege compiler args: "' + a.join(' ') + '"')
args (*a)
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// all error handling is shown on the gradle console.
System.err << "Frege compile failed.\n"
System.err << e.toString() + "\n"
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