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Last active July 17, 2017 01:49
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module Main where
import Data.List (subsequences)
data Subject
= ACTReading
| ACTWriting
| ACTEssay
| ACTScience
| ACTMath
| USHistory
| APChemistry
deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
data Tutor =
{ tName :: String
, tSubjects :: [Subject]
deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
data Student =
{ sName :: String
, sSubjects :: [Subject]
deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
tutors :: [Tutor]
tutors =
[ (Tutor "Joakim" [ACTReading, ACTEssay, ACTWriting])
, (Tutor "Bob" [APChemistry,ACTScience])
, (Tutor "Frieda" [ACTEssay, ACTWriting])
, (Tutor "Kseniya" [USHistory])
, (Tutor "Maggie" [ACTScience])
, (Tutor "Jamal" [ACTMath])
students :: [Student]
students =
[ (Student "Annie" [ACTMath])
, (Student "Oskar" [APChemistry])
, (Student "Olle" [ACTReading, ACTWriting, ACTEssay, ACTScience, ACTMath])
, (Student "Ingrid" [USHistory, APChemistry])
, (Student "Yuchen" [ACTMath])
, (Student "Arjun" [ACTReading, ACTWriting, ACTEssay])
, (Student "Esmeralda" [APChemistry])
-- | number of elements in common between lists, does not account for duplicates
commonElements :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Int
commonElements as bs = length [a | a <- as, b <- bs, a == b]
-- | True if two lists have at least one common element
hasCommonElement :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
hasCommonElement as bs = commonElements as bs > 0
-- | remove duplicate people in a list
removeDups :: [(Tutor,Student)] -> [(Tutor,Student)]
removeDups tss =
foldl (\tss ts -> if eitherExists ts tss then tss else (tss ++ [ts])) [] tss
eitherExists (t,s) tss =
(elem t (fst <$> tss)) || (elem s (snd <$> tss))
-- | pair tutors and students that have at least one subject in common
tsPairs :: [(Tutor,Student)] --[(Int,Tutor,Student)]
tsPairs =
(filter (\(t,s) -> hasCommonElement (tSubjects t) (sSubjects s)) $
(,) <$> tutors <*> students)
-- | for each list of unique Tutor-Student pairing, we calculate a score.
-- The score for a Tutor-Student pair is higher than Subject matching so
-- that we can eliminate lists with unoccupied Tutors.
getScore :: [(Tutor,Student)] -> Int
getScore tss = enrolledScore + sharedSubjectScore
enrolledScore = 10 * length tss
sharedSubjectScore = sum $ (\(t,s) -> commonElements (tSubjects t) (sSubjects s)) <$> tss
optimalPairs :: [(Tutor,Student)]
optimalPairs =
snd $ head $ getMaximumScore $
(removeDups <$> subsequences tsPairs)
getMaximumScore =
foldl (\prevTss tss ->
let newScore = getScore tss
in if newScore > (fst $ head prevTss) then [(newScore,tss)] else prevTss
) [(0,[])]
prettyPrint :: [(Tutor,Student)] -> IO ()
prettyPrint = mapM_ (\(t,s) -> putStrLn (tName t ++ " -> " ++ sName s) )
main :: IO ()
main = prettyPrint $ optimalPairs
-- this is a simplified version of (nub $ removeDups <$> subsequences tsPairs)
import Control.Monad (filterM)
combine xs ys = nub . concatMap (\xs' -> nub . fmap (zip xs') $ permutations ys) $ powerSet xs
where powerSet = filterM (const [True, False])
-- combine such that it does not produce duplicates
combine' :: forall a b. [a] -> [b] -> [[(a, b)]]
combine' [] _ = []
combine' _ [] = []
combine' (x : xs) (y : ys) = concat (mapHole holeFn (y : ys)) ++ combine' xs (y : ys)
holeFn ls z rs = [(x, z)] : fmap ((x, z) :) subresults
where subresults = combine' xs (ls ++ rs)
mapHole :: ([a] -> a -> [a] -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapHole f = aux f []
aux _ _ [] = []
aux f ls (x : rs) = f ls x rs : aux f (ls ++ [x]) rs
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