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Last active November 9, 2021 16:13
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Arbitrary arity pipe function typings
type UnaryFunction<T, R> = (source: T) => R;
type Pipe<T, L = void, R extends UnaryFunction<any, any>[] = []> =
T extends []
? R
: L extends void
? T extends [(_: infer P) => infer V, ...infer Rest]
? Pipe<Rest, V, [...R, UnaryFunction<P, V>]>
: never[]
: T extends [(_: L) => infer V, ...infer Rest]
? Pipe<Rest, V, [...R, UnaryFunction<L, V>]>
: never[]
type Compose<A> = A extends [UnaryFunction<infer S, any>, ...UnaryFunction<any, any>[], UnaryFunction<any, infer V>] ? UnaryFunction<S, V> : never;
type Valid<A> = A extends UnaryFunction<any, any>[] ? Pipe<A> extends never[] ? never[] : A : never[];
declare function pipe<A extends UnaryFunction<any, any>[]>(...fns: Valid<A>): Compose<Pipe<A>>;
(_: string) => 0,
(_: number) => "",
(_: string) => true,
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mchccn commented Nov 9, 2021

note: haven't gotten to validation of arguments yet

now added :)

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